worst Smiths/Morrissey song?

That's how people grow up... makes me want to throw up.
doesnt anyone not like The Moonriver Cover Moz Did?? it's the only song i ever skip and good looking man about town isn't one i've really got into...

I think Moonriver just takes some getting used to, I didn't like it at first.

Moonriver is simply beautiful - I met Boz Boorer at a record fair months before it came out and he was very excited about it - Breakfast at Tiffany's, fantastic film, fantastic book. One of his best covers.

I can't believe that no one has brought up "Interlude" - it has only been on my stereo once, never, ever again - truely awful.
The Smiths:
Hand That's Rocks The Cradle (four minutes of NOTHING happening)
Unloveable is quite boring.

Ambitious Outsiders (worst song ever)
Dear God Please Help Me ('heard it before' lyrics & the most dissappointing production I've ever heard on a Morrissey song, I'm amazed Morricone didn't find Visconti & slap him silly, I would've)
I like Dagenham Dave but he really did piss away the chorus, pretty much like Roy's Keen but that has a better tune.

I must be quite strange, I love Tony The Pony.
The Father Who Must Be Killed

Don't make fun of daddy's voice.

The Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye

oscillate wildly

sweetie pie :sick:

Well, I disagree on all of these. I know you care. :p

Dear God Please Help Me

Yes, a very good "bad" one. You realize we are in the minority here...

Moonriver is beautiful

I adore this song. His voice is pure heaven.

I skipped it the first few times, but it's placed just so on a CD, that I inevitably heard it. The more I heard, the more I fell in love with his version.
Two driftahs....off to save the world...I'm not so sure the world... deserves....us... :sweet: I hope Cossy chooses this for his reception. :)
I find it confounding that most of you listed some of Morrissey's best B-Sides as his "worst" tracks! "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" anyone?.. This is one of Johnny's most hated tracks (along with "Work Is A Four Letter Word,"I Keep Mine Hidden," etc. ).
He knows I'd love to see him... Ewwwwwwwwwww....
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