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  • Poop! I just saw this! But I did post the wonderful photo that you sent me on the RDJ thread. ;)
    I hope you had a great birthday!
    I almost had sushi on my b-day. Anyway, I hope yours was great!
    Hi C, how are you. I’m fine thank you and you’re right, I’m much happier now. :D

    Thank you so much for letting me know. And of course thank you again for everything Corrissey, I will never forget it. If it wasn’t for you the drawing of Matt would still be in one of my sketch books on the shelf.

    I always hoped that he had received it so it’s just so amazing to have it confirmed and even more amazing to find out that he liked it. If you ever have the opportunity to speak to him on FB again, and if you don’t mind could to please tell him that he is very welcome and I’m so glad he liked it.

    I’ve been quite busy lately so I haven’t been drawing much but I’ve got a week off work next week keep an eye on the Artwork thread. ;)

    Anyway thank you so much again Corrissey. I hope you and your family are well. Keep in touch and take care.

    Teresa. x
    It is nice to be settled and have some roots down at last. The last few years have been pretty annoying because i never really settled anywhere. I am 10 minutes from the River Forth which means i can walk down the promenade and be quite pleased that i am here..:) (Crap jokes are an even harder habit to break..:))

    It's really nice to hear from you and the status quo is ok. I take it that the house has completely settled down now? Good to hear that the family are all doing well.

    Take care, be good.
    hey look!!! i'm on solo:D it's like a once in a blue moon occurrence so i thought it only polite to say hiiiiiiii!
    Hey Mrs. It has been an absolute age since i contacted you. Please forgive me..:) I hope you are still on this thing and that you are doing spiffingly and that the family are all well and wholesome?

    I have finally moved into a flat in Edinburgh and i am doing fairly well. it's so nice to be settled at last...:)

    Give me a wee note if you are still around.

    Yrs, Ally...xxxx
    Hello. Just logged on for the first time in a very long time and thought i would say hello. I hope all is well with you and thanks for always being so kind to me in the past. Be well.
    Hahahaha oh my god, they totally do!

    (Which is sad because he's like 12 or something and she's like 22 or something) :p
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