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  • I never tire of reading your posts. So concise and right on target. Please keep posting. Quality posters are quite limited within the confines of Solo!
    K looks like david t. is violating his own standards of Member Conduct.

    If you go down the page lower right hand corner and click on Terms of Service.....Go to Member Conduct.

    Look at number one....david t. is obviously violating his OWN standards of conduct by uploading and posting this article about pedophile links.

    He was wrong to do it by his OWN guidelines.
    Hi! Where is your shop located? I always see you talking about it here and I live in NYC. I would love to come have a wander around, as my husband and myself are avid antiquers.
    hey, you're welcome!

    haha, well, on the one hand it's absurd to think that Rammstein and Morrissey have anything in common... but on the other hand you're completely right: they are both totally fearless and do what they want.

    Do you care about a friend request?
    If you want to, I copuld upload the new album for you!
    Always great to meet Rammstein-Fans - and even greater when they like Moz too :)
    Merry Christmas! All the best to you in 2009!

    Love, peace and harmony! p.s. Bad Santa needs a spanking :p

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