Celebrities who like Moz

That's so funny, I too was watching Shooting Stars last night and thought the very same about Mark Lamar! Was it the ones with Father Ted and Stephen Fry?

That show on was on after the one I saw. To be honest I bet Stephen Fry is as well...I love him. :D
I keep thinking this thread says Celebrities who look like Moz.

Andrew Ridgeley used to be a big Smiths fan when he was in Wham! :)
Does Blixa Bargeld have an opinion on our moz?..Blixa is DEFINITELY the iconic type.

no i dont think he has opinion on morrissey (is blixa a celebrity?that word seems to fit to actors and people like paris hilton but not to people like moz nick cave etc you know "musicians" (even though moz dont like being called a musician right? but you know what i mean)
blixa has given up listen to contemporary music in the late 80ties and his tastes in other non classical music are very conserative: beatles, ton steine scherben(*left wing rock band from the late 60ties(early 70ties*) some punk" but more the general attitude of "everybody can make music,you dont have to learn to play the guitar" and not really the music itself etc .
he has rarely mentioned anything post the late 70 ties.

even though their stage personna is similar in my opion
you know that cockyness and sometimes moz has this recite tone on stage when he speaks to us which blixa uses always on stage.
even though moz is surely self confident but still the opposite of that is in him too(insecurity)
while good old blixa is often taking himself way to seriously and he is (seems to be) never unsure about himself (he likes himself a lot;-) but i adore him for that and it justs fits

also this dandyesque personna (appearance) they have in common
they re both very literate and they both abolutely despise journalists

while moz dont hate all of them (excluding nick kent and julie burchill in his statements against the nme-even though both iof them didnt write always very nice and flattering articles about el Moz) while blixa absolutely hates every journalist(eben they didnt really give him a reason to/ they never were that harsh with him as the journos are with morrissey)
they are more simiularities but thts the thing that stood out the most.
but a lot of differences also
blixa is offstage as cocky as onstage and posess an enourmous self confidence
hile morrissey
(as he said himself as well as johnny marr stated that moz is extroverted and loud on stage while he is differnet offstage
moz in is love with his audience..and we are with him...........well i cant say blixa is ..no..he like them-yes.but nothing compared to mozzers.

i know its also off topic(as well as that similarities between blixa and moz mentioned above) but that *ton steine scherben * are in itself an interesting topic and worth mentioning any time

*Ton Steine Scherben was one of the first and most influential German language rock bands of the 1970s and early 1980s. Well-known for the highly political and emotional lyrics of vocalist Rio Reiser, they became a musical mouthpiece of new left movements, such as the squatting movement, and was part of the student unrest during the late 60ties during that time in Germany and their hometown of West Berlin in particular. they also got to know some members of the RAF but werent a part of them.
for those of you who are tooo young to know
about the RAF

after a turbulent time in berlin they moved out into the north german countryside near the north sea in country parish ( a kind of hippie commune) . rio reiser (the singer andsd pokesperson of the band)was gay and died in 96 .his cause of death was unknown, it could be related to the immense drug use in his youth or maybe it was AIDS...im not sure*

i lived in a village near by(coincidence) that commune for a year (in 2004/2005) and was there at their yearly open air festive/festival.

also off topic: F.M Einheit, the ex member of " einstürzende neubauten", blixas band, looks a lot like the cocteau model from the hatfull of hollow cover..its quite funny how much!-the young f.m einheit of course...
and einstürzende neubauten play a aconcert on mozzers birthday in london!
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Re: Scoop... David Cameron is a Smiths fan

jesus, could they use anymore puns using Smiths song?
interesting though. I'm not british, so I have no bloody idea who that guy is.
Re: Scoop... David Cameron is a Smiths fan

jesus, could they use anymore puns using Smiths song?
interesting though. I'm not british, so I have no bloody idea who that guy is.
He is politician (a tory) and a big fan of Morrissey and the Smiths, but unfortunately for him, Morrissey is not a fan of David Cameron at all...:D
Re: Scoop... David Cameron is a Smiths fan

I assume you meant "scoop" sarcastically. Countdown to when this thread gets merged to other threads about Tory leader David Cameron liking the Smiffs...3...2...1...

Anyroad, I liked the photo -- looks like the woman next to Cameron is falling asleep at all the hot air and methane he must be releasing through his mouth.
Re: Scoop... David Cameron is a Smiths fan

Well, all I know is that I particularly wish to bash my head with the nearest blunt object after seeing all those puns.
wtf. Was that honestly nescesary? I don't care if the guys a fan, you don't need every damn sentence a Smiths song! D:<

also. he looks like a complete f***stick in that picture.
Yeah, it was sarcastical.;)
3.2.1...0:horny:! God, you were right, the transfer was fast...But my post did not land where you thought it would be. I am a little disappointed it landed here, to be honest, ah ah. david cameron, a Celebrity? I am not sure.:D
Re: Scoop... David Cameron is a Smiths fan

We did not know, so here it is...:rolleyes:
There are Smiths 'titles a sentence...

I'm sorry it may news to you because you don't live in UK, but it's very well known to us:

Cameron in Smiths/SLC publicity stunt

David Cameron quotes Morrissey

Also Cameron was caught at Wembley tube station for fare dodging when he was on the way to see Morrissey at Wembley Arena 8th December 2006.
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