

1. Dublin. Elvis. Let me tell you about my old boss. She met Elvis way back before he was famous. He used to come to Charlotte, NC all the time to perform. He and his band would play on top of a flatbed truck for the high school kids on a weekend. She was one of those fortunate kids...
hand in glove
1 min read
And that's the only reason why I have a new Instagram account now. I followed and then I deleted and then I thought about it and then I opened a new account. Good grief. I am really excited about the news. I hope there's a large tour of the UK and Ireland coming up and I really hope...
hand in glove
2 min read
It's not Morrissey unless it comes from Central. Keep that in mind. Another long day on God's green earth. I'm so tired. It was a slow day, too, which makes it worse. But it's over now and I'm glad to settle into my nice comfy bed to watch The Mayfair Witches. The season isn't awful...
...As Morrissey said one day in concert about 5 years ago or so... How old would he be? 94! Technically, he could still be alive. It hasn't even been a year since Lew died, and I think he was older than Jimmy. Sad to think what he could have achieved. My love for James Dean is not an...
hand in glove
2 min read
I'm set. Ready to go. Sitting on go. My hotel is right across the street from the Fox. From what I can tell, it's nice. I'm finicky when it comes to hotels. Seems to be good, though, and all I have to do is walk out the front door and the venue is there. When I saw Moz in Raleigh, I was...
hand in glove
3 min read
Rather than place these Madonna videos in the What are you listening to right now thread, it's probably best to post them here. Understandably she's not popular among many Morrissey fans, and since only four people read my blog, I figure I can safely place them here without insult. I have...
hand in glove
1 min read
Enjoy! I'm really excited and thankful to Morrissey for the new tour dates. I can only work out Atlanta right now, but I'd really like to make it to St. Petersburg, FL. That would be so lovely. I'd also love to go to the Hollywood, FL show, too, but I'm not sure if I will be able to go to...
hand in glove
1 min read
Atlanta here I come. Here's hoping I can walk! Damn Pendulum. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't even ask about UK dates, but I didn't specify the months. I just asked about 2025. Never mind. I'm chucking it out the window.
hand in glove
1 min read
I was opening a bag of birdseed to feed the birds earlier, and I couldn't get the plastic bag to budge - stretch to tear. So, I found my garden knife and cut through it. I didn't realize my knuckle was right there. I didn't feel it at first. Then suddenly the area was pure white and blood...
hand in glove
1 min read
I think Morrissey may announce UK dates this year, but hopefully, he'll swing back to the states and play the East Coast again. Maybe sometime around September. I'm prepared to chase him around a bit - as much as I can. I've already started to make allowance for that. I've been looking into...
hand in glove
1 min read
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud And the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows Higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart) ~...
hand in glove
3 min read
The result of my MRI is a Bucket-handle tear of the medial meniscus displaced into the intercondylar notch. The meniscus is cartilage that acts as a sponge of sorts between the femur and the tibia. I was briefed today on the phone but am supposed to see the surgeon soon. I'll know what more...
hand in glove
4 min read
I nearly fell asleep during my MRI today. The headphones they gave me to cancel out the noise worked fantastically. I had listened to IANADOAC on my way there, so I just remember singing Knockabout World in a dreamy like state in my head when I felt the table jerk and they pulled me out. I...
hand in glove
1 min read
I was happy to receive a package in the mail today from our friend from here, Spooked. She makes a lot of cute fun things like bookmarks, badges, stickers and jewelry all in the name of our dear Moz. This is what I received today: The round stickers are the ones she made. The one in the...
hand in glove
1 min read
But please, can I come with? On a happier note, Look at my beautiful sweet cat, Ava Joan of Arc
hand in glove
4 min read
I wear very little makeup. Brows and lips. That's it. Brows frame the face, so they are important. If I had to go without one or the other, it would be lip color. I've only just started to see that I may need a small veil of sorts to cover my face because now, going into my mid-fifties, I'm...
hand in glove
3 min read
I've just done a reading with my favorite deck of cards. This deck showcases art by Josephine Wall. She is one of my favorites. I find such inspiration and beauty within her work. She focuses on nature and the tranquility it holds. I usually pick one card a day just for fun and in hopes of...
hand in glove
1 min read
Enjoy! 1. God give me strength. The most fascinating and bewitching human being alive. Yes. YEs. YES. 2. I love this song so much. So, so, much. I'm writing a letter for a record label (it isn't complete at all, but it's well measured and thought out and kind), but I'm afraid they won't...
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