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  • Hi Tibby, thank you for accepting me as a friend and nice to meet you! I took a look at your blog and you seem sweet and sensitive. And so am i. I'm new here, i needed a place to talk with other Moz lovers and i found this site...I don't know any Moz fans where i live and now i feel less lonely :)

    Greetings from Italy
    Haven't seen many recent blogs so I hope your okay Tibby.
    Hi Tibby

    Thanks for asking me to join on your friendhip list, I'm bit overwhemled by this, but only positive
    feel a flattered being asked on a freindshiplist, I'm a bit of a lo[o]ner...not that much friends on my list, so
    I'm thankfull for your request, which I accepted, I don't know if I did it the right way, but your on my list now

    Thanks Tibby, stay handsome, all in our devoted love for the Man who put the M in Manchester and the Smiths,
    Morrissey, Brittain's Last Legend

    greetings from Northern Europe... the Netherlands
    Hiya Tibby, I'm DAVIE :)

    I like At Amber by Morrissey. Ever heard the earlier version if it on the Bona Drag remaster? It's called "The Bed That Took Fire". I think it's a bit better :p
    I'm glad you're well. Maybe if we both hope really hard he will come. :)
    Hello there! I haven't seen you post in a while. How are you doing? I've been getting so excited reading about the Morrissey concerts even though I can't go to any of them. Hopefully he will come here. :)
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