RIP NICO, your biggest fan

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Courrier - Cédric Bielande
30 April 1991 – Brielpoort (Deinze-Belgium). A memorable date for my best friend Nico Syenave (Nico Weekender on FB) and I : our first encounter with you Morrissey. A beautiful moment of life as he said, Nico who fainted under the emotion that brings him behind the stage with you, who spent a moment close to him and who leans to see if everything was ok. And he thought he was dreaming. This sunday, my best friend passed away at 52. He was delighted to see you today in Brussels with his loving wife, his little brother and other friends. Every day for a few weeks he sent us one of your songs, until this Sunday. Today despite the immense pain, we will be here to see you perform, that’s what he would have wanted. You will obviously not be informed of this post and it is not a big deal. I just wish that you could greet him on stage or elsewhere, in your own beautiful way, simply because he’s one of your biggest fans. Forever and ever.



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