Monorail Music refuses to stock Morrissey's new album (January 13, 2020)

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He lives in an ivory tower. Has nothing to do with people he can't control. He knows nothing about life, relationships, real love, friendships, only loves one thing, himself. No one wants him. Only idiots like you who buy into the image he sells. He sells and sells an image with all of the projected stage backdrops, the Hollywood stars he appropriates on his central crap. No one with a good heart wants him. You buy him but you buy a fraud. You buy a freak. He gives not one f*** about you.

Come out & show yourself skinny.
You're showing your 'tell' but afraid to actually put your name to this.
Not man enough are you? f***ing eunuch.
He lives in an ivory tower. Has nothing to do with people he can't control. He knows nothing about life, relationships, real love, friendships, only loves one thing, himself. No one wants him. Only idiots like you who buy into the image he sells. He sells and sells an image with all of the projected stage backdrops, the Hollywood stars he appropriates on his central crap. No one with a good heart wants him. You buy him but you buy a fraud. You buy a freak. He gives not one f*** about you.

Well, at least we're getting closer to the real pathology behind all the hatred.

Where's the fraud? Most of his songs are about how disconnected he is. He thinks too much. He daydreams about famous people. He cuts people off if they upset him & practically everything upsets him.

I don't need him to love me or care about me. I want him to write & sing. Because artists are unique & once they're gone, they're gone.
Well, at least we're getting closer to the real pathology behind all the hatred.

Where's the fraud? Most of his songs are about how disconnected he is. He thinks too much. He daydreams about famous people. He cuts people off if they upset him & practically everything upsets him.

I don't need him to love me or care about me. I want him to write & sing. Because artists are unique & once they're gone, they're gone.

take your cock out of morrisseys arse for just one sec and let it cool down
So now, should every book shop sell only books written by authors whose private or public views they approve of? It's a-coming.

í am assuming then that Monorail as a "private business" personally approves of, and is comfortable propagating, the political views or morality of every artist on their compact & bijou shelves? Uh-huh :rolleyes:

í would pop in to verify the theory, but the Trongate is a shithole. And their hummus is rank.

God forbid, these days, that you should have to 'deal with' someone not in your identical little bubble-world. One can no longer disagree-but-accept. In this touch screen wonderful world, you just swipe left & cancel. Without even creasing your Pastel cardigan.

But thanks for a rare laugh to-day: monorail and "our identity and customer base"....:ha-no:

The Free Publicity" is for this ridiculous store. They are using Morrissey's name as they all are to get attention for themselves. I am sure this record store like the last one has Ryan Adams records up on the shelves. They have racist and every other kind of ist' and ism' in their store, but those artist don't get attention in the media. I am sorry that your store is doing poorly and you need some sort of publicity, but it should not be at the expense of others.

Those that like to throw stones. Very sad. If you don't want to carry the record just don't announce it!! When you do announce it then you are just being media hungry and desperate. I would certainly boycott this store and others that refused to stock the record. CULTURE VULTURES!!

The Free Publicity" is for this ridiculous store. They are using Morrissey's name as they all are to get attention for themselves. I am sure this record store like the last one has Ryan Adams records up on the shelves. They have racist and every other kind of ist' and ism' in their store, but those artist don't get attention in the media. I am sorry that your store is doing poorly and you need some sort of publicity, but it should not be at the expense of others.

Those that like to throw stones. Very sad. If you don't want to carry the record just don't announce it!! When you do announce it then you are just being media hungry and desperate. I would certainly boycott this store and others that refused to stock the record. CULTURE VULTURES!!”

Yep :thumb:
The 2 men in the picture are an accurate reflection of their average customer. Also of their footfall.

Sexist? Racist? Ageist?

Welcome Nerak the epitomy of the new Morrissey fan.

The shop has decided not to sell an album by a vocal, right-wing sympathiser. Well done them!
He lives in an ivory tower. Has nothing to do with people he can't control. He knows nothing about life, relationships, real love, friendships, only loves one thing, himself. No one wants him. Only idiots like you who buy into the image he sells. He sells and sells an image with all of the projected stage backdrops, the Hollywood stars he appropriates on his central crap. No one with a good heart wants him. You buy him but you buy a fraud. You buy a freak. He gives not one f*** about you.

Good Evening Steven :tiphat:

So now, should every book shop sell only books written by authors whose private or public views they approve of? It's a-coming.

í am assuming then that Monorail as a "private business" personally approves of, and is comfortable propagating, the political views or morality of every artist on their compact & bijou shelves? Uh-huh :rolleyes:

í would pop in to verify the theory, but the Trongate is a shithole. And their hummus is rank.

God forbid, these days, that you should have to 'deal with' someone not in your identical little bubble-world. One can no longer disagree-but-accept. In this touch screen wonderful world, you just swipe left & cancel. Without even creasing your Pastel cardigan.

But thanks for a rare laugh to-day: monorail and "our identity and customer base"....:ha-no:


Another deluded Moz-bot blindly attacking. Tedious but expected.

Just to be clear Monorail doesn't sell hummus. Perhaps, you are thinking of Mono which is a separately owned business? You Moz-bots do like to lash out with or without facts - mostly without.

So you hate Mono, Monorail, Trongate and Pastel. Have you ever thought of f***ing off? I guess your house burned down due to your inflammable hatred. Good!
Well, at least we're getting closer to the real pathology behind all the hatred.

Where's the fraud? Most of his songs are about how disconnected he is. He thinks too much. He daydreams about famous people. He cuts people off if they upset him & practically everything upsets him.

I don't need him to love me or care about me. I want him to write & sing. Because artists are unique & once they're gone, they're gone.
It is striking that the aggrieved, on here, all tend to think Morrissey owes them something. The gift of music, he has spent his life sharing, isn’t enough. They want him bowing down before them.

Caught in a whirlwind of resentment, it’s the only celebrity that ever looked at them who must receive the punch in the face.

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