@Johnny Barleycorn & @Bluebirds.
Excellent comments. We're not here to agree or be nice, this isn't the House of Commons or House of Fraudz. And certainly not here to kiss Moz's international playboy arse, even if in his ravings, he imagine the Audience worship him, etc. He's just the focus for the evening, like any other lapdancer/singer inna da club. This site long ago became something that was only tangentially about him, he's starting to realise his Audience are far more interesting than his 'fans'. Or him...welcome to your learning curve, Mr almost-but not quite-a 'Star'..LOL!
The kids who weren't born? They're living with the neoliberal legacy. Only a total plank would say that Britain in the 70s didn't need ECT to turn it around. The tragedy is we got Thatcher AND Scargill, then Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and Clegg. 30 years on we're out of gas and oil whilst American is planning to go it alone (again!) and leave us to deal with Putin and the ECB alone. But that's no problemo. "cometh the hour, cometh the man/woman/intersex being". It's not Farage, he's too enamoured of his own jokes and hasn't got the Alpha-Male pheremones, nor has Ed Milliband, who can't make up his mind whether to ditch the neoliberal new labour crap, tone it down, or actually go back to the roots of the Saxon/Celtic Army and put the sword to the corrupt Norman Overlords who've trashed this place since 1066. This is such an amazing vortex of a place, can't imagine why anyone with the choice would dream of living anywhere else, so Moz bottling it in 92 and running away to L.A. was just totally lame cop-out. I hope he comes back and sharpens his scalpel. London's over, it's just international trash now. He spoke once of moving to Kent, and he was right, it's places like Hastings and Margate where the new art terrorist action is. But nearly everyone is chasing the tail of Bristol, Manchester and whereever else was hip a decade or two ago. It doesn't work like that folks. We're in an arc through Mercia from Brum to Hereford to Stoke to Notts. Mostly economics and politics but might find time to put on a show.
Money's great fun, but chasing 'extreme wealth' is an absolute crime against The Tribal Code, that's what Normans do and we put them to the sword, have done since 1066. It's a build up to 2066 for us: the 1000 year Reich of the Royals will come crashing down. We won't live to see it but our children will. We're Brummies and we're Villans and Zulu Warriors. Thatcher fcuk'd with us and soon it's payback time. We want HS2 but not the snivelling coward culture of the Home Counties. If the Scots piss off, we've got a real battle on your hands to stop the descent into right-wing monetarist callousness. But our graves were opened recently on Cannock Chase, our gold was found and we are Mercia Rising. We have alliances with other tribes but only the Brummies blitzed to fcuk by the Lufftwaffe have the sheer bollocks to set it all off. No-one can stop us now. It might get LOUD!
I'm pleased and relieved there were no riots last night. She deserved a quiet respectful funeral in Grantham, not a circus. She made it very clear she did not want public money spent on her funeral, but Cameron and his clowns won't respect that, she's no longer a human being, she's an icon for them to use for propaganda purposes. It's a serious provocation and I've been asked to organise a 'spectacular' but I'm so closely monitored it's probably already kyboshed just by folk inviting me in on it. Massive Attack are going to mash up Manchester this summer. Moz really needs to up his game if he still wants to be a player 'going forward' [sic]. There'll always be room for him in the squad, but if he don't stop the diva nonsense, he's back on the bench until he stops being a wanker. Swedes are up for it, too. Big time! they swarm here for the Premier and then decamp to Berlin to mash up reality and say "Fcuk yu Brits we do doom metal, doom movies and doom detectives, we wanna a piece of it, too!" And we say "all our problems come from one of your rogue tribes who you threw out of Scandinavia and who set up shop in 'France', only to fcuk with us in 1066. ok, make amends, join the mash up 'save the world or blow it up' party from 2012 to 2021. Like us, sounds like you're full of fire..lol!"
"liberals giving me a nerve itch!"
I've been MIA, in Jake Sulley cryogenic sleep for a long time, a 'sleeper' but i've been 'activated' by the Tribe. And I'm up for it too. I hope Moz doesn't bottle it, lots of dreams riding on him not turning out to be a wazzock. We'll see. It's either revolution or slavery. Thatcher's death and the appropriation of it by others, is a very potent catalyst, but hopefully action that means something, not silly riots.
The wonder of yesterday was that The Daily Telegraph had to close every single comment thread to stop the protestors storming the 'Maggie was our hero' consensus. It was much worse than the Jubilee, much more offensive. Her funeral will be a circus and I expect fireworks. The disrespect is from those within her circle and outside who have decided to stage a propaganda 'bread and circus' event. Big mistake.