Well said Cornelius. If only reverential posts were allowed then either the thread should have been highly moderated or locked after the initial post.
I see what you are saying Uncleskinny but I also take Skylarker's point too. This is a public message board. People are going to write, say and feel what they want. The internet is a hurtful and spiteful place. You only have to look at Twitter, newspaper comments sections or even here to realise that. I'm certain you have written some things on here that have added or caused people hurt. Do you stop for the sake of saving feelings? You could, you just wouldn't be very honest. Users could also follow that rule of 'if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say it at all'. It's a good rule. I'd like to follow more than I do and I'm working on it but it kind of makes for a boring world.
The only reasonable reaction is one displayed by The Cat's Mother. We cannot control the actions of others, all we can control is how we respond to it. Full marks to her.
As I said, I am sorry to hear of Margaret's passing however if Margaret's family comes turns to the internet and the comments of strangers in hope of finding some sort of solace then they are guaranteed to be disappointed. That's what memorial services are for (the solace, not the disappointment).
I can confirm that Uncle Skinny sent me a vile response with a cruel comment which upset me for at least 3 seconds. I can never forgive him. I come to this site to be part of a loving community of sensitive Morrissey types and the Head-Boy/Prefect/Fag turns around and abuses me with a devastating 'keep calm and fcuk off' witticism that only he could have thought up in his cruel lair. This thread is easily one of the best, and I have to say that Skylarker, Viva and allies are making dogmeat of the 'sensitive' types wallowing in faux-sympathy for someone they've never met and in response to a ridiculous 'face time attention whore' eulogy from a singer who never fails to tell us he doesn't mind dying in the dark clouds in the daytime stuff., whilst remembering the shag-symphonies he missed out on cuz he was being a wazzock.
Yet when his poison in a vile bottle karma comes back to beat the shit out of him medically, it's all about "omg! I could have died, not like that wanker pregnant princess! everybody stop their lives and give a damn whilst I go back to England and their free socialist hospitals.." His 'artistic' fixation with suicide seems increasingly bogus as he would embrace death rather than bankrupt a tour for medical bills if he genuinely hated life. He doesn't, he hates the fact that he's not even really famous, that he's an almost-was, almost-ran, washed up has-been. And Visconti not only eat meat in Roma but kept the Bowie return secret...it must be hard being Moz in the era of 'The Next Day'.
Give it a break, Moz. a 10 year break like Bowie, if you've got anything to say, we'll all still be moderately interested. OR carry on pandering to the loopy 'fans' who either have genuine mental illness (i've been there, t-shirt, no joke, but recovered through willpower and not listening to nonsense pop star advice from 5 star hotel life) or are trustafarians who have nothing better to do than waste mom and dad's legacy flying around in hope of hearing the worldwide debut of a classic like "People Are The Same Everywhore" ahem!
Really enjoying this thread, hope I can find time to really dive in, but there's so much to enjoy elsewhere and work is mad real now. And no, I don't feel guilty about Margaret Dale as it's not clear what her demise was triggered by. I feel sympathy for her family and friends, but hope they have the sense not to read anything on this site once they're read a few of the typical remarks. As for Morrissey veering off to slag the Beckhams (or was it the Royals?) simply pathetic behaviour.
As for Moz, maybe he could reflect on whether seeing her following him endlessly and getting fan mail (?) it would have been a real artistic challenge to get off the stage, drop the aura, artistically step in to life and write a song pointout that spending resources on following Moz that could go to private therapy with a real soul-doctor might be a good course of action. SISMS is a genuinely genius song and really showed a fearlessness about the whole mental health taboo, one that smashes the fan/star dichotomy is perhaps too much to hope for, but no worries, I'll do it soon. His interviews have also not flinched from truthfully revealing his complex mental states just as they have his sexual ambiguities which appear genuine rather than a sleveen way not to alienate hetero punters. Instead of thanking the denizens of The Line or the velvet rope thing at concerts, he'd earn far more respect if he said he had genuine concerns that he attracted vulnerable people who might put their treatment needs behind their misguided 'fan adoration'. He did this at the start when a couple of people suicided to a Smiths soundtrack. He was spot on then, it's just another odd disappointment that he's not now.
I was reading others writing that the penny had dropped in terms of Moz pushing it all too far, but I think he can turn it around if he just drops his insecurities, finds the strength and courage to admit he f***s up like we all do and then just facepalms himself and moves on. And I'm not going to stop enjoying 'the best of Moz' whilst ignoring the tsunami of nonsense. There's a whole continent of great artists who were wankers as human beings. I've got a 'sunk investment' in his back catalogue and I intend to mine it for pleasure for as long as I live. But 'fan'? LOLOLOLOL! Morrissey can't last five minutes with me, never has done. He is not very good face to face and needs an editor to hone his stuff, which is why he was good in his time for the NME lulz-fest but such a stand-up comic car-crash in the 'salt grindr' interview.
I get more fun from this site nowadays than from Moz's music, to be honest. It's an extraordinary place and I can't keep up the pretence of being outraged by the super-trolls for much longer. their recent comments on this and other threads are so scathingly pertinent and dubunking of the whole excess fan trip that my only concern is i'll laugh so much i'll pass out.
I must figure out how to link direct to a video as well. Keep up the good work folks, keep those jpegs coming (cue vicscious bitch one in response, lol!) This thread may go on forever..almost. And, if you're reading this: I express my condoloences for the loss of your family member, friend and colleague, though, as I didn't know her, I doubt that's much of a comfort to you in your grief.