Canada return / LA fur ban / Love Hate and Racism - Morrissey Central

I reckon I know Moz Angeles is Uncle Steve's hometown mate inn nnn n nn n n n n it, but for him to get fur banned in a place like LA where it takes forever for any law to be approved or an extra lane to be to built on the 405 is fookin' blinders bloomin' onion mate amazing. Just like the Uncle Steve day in LA, it had to be approved by non-Mexican middle aged men named "Dick" who actually run LA that have never even heard of Steve Morrissey. The power that Steve has in California is amazing TOP ACE, that's why he will be running for governor of California and when people find out the truth that he was actually born in the San Fernando Valley and speaks with a fake Brittish accent like Jack, Kelly, William Michael Albert Broad, and lil' Sammy, Uncle Steve will run for president mate inn nn nnnn n n n nnn n nnn n n nn n n n n it.
"They write like friendless children talking to themselves as they slowly walk home from school, so certain that someone is out to get them."

Moz would be well positioned to make this claim, considering he made a career of doing so.
I have a feeling he will be announcing Canadian dates soon. That would mean definitely Ottawa, Montreal, St. John's and Vancouver. He didn't mention Toronto or Quebec city, but it would make sense to include them. Skip the prairies, there is nothing to see there except buffalos and rednecks.
I am ready.
Canada is a pro immigration hell hole that always bent over for people from abroad. But they have really unpleasant customs officers that just love to mess about with americans.
Love that show on tv.
If Canada had a cold and started sneezing and decided not to send any meds to USA the americans would die like flies so be nice to the cousin yankee doodle dandy.
You are correct about Canada customs officers. They are a very special breed of bureaucRATS. They can be nasty not only to the yankees but to canucks as well. When I go on a day trip down to the states, on my way back I am faced with a long list of questions. What did you do? Who did you see? What did you buy? Did you pick up any package? Did you drop off any package? There is a voice in my head that wants to scream: None of your f***ing business!
As for the immigration situation. As you know, it's the politicians, the government, especially our Prime minister Trudeau, (the clown in funny socks) who make the policies. People are against it, but of course, nobody would hear about that.
"The current Canadian government neurotically preach diversity: the understanding that each individual is unique, and has much to offer because of their differences." I find the word "neurotically" curious -- it does imply that Morrissey does not agree with the idea of diversity. Which is of course true, considering what a sad racist he has become.
"friendless children talking to themselves as they slowly walk home from school"
Sounds like about 90% of his audience and his public persona. And why "slowly?" He felt like that would make this somehow more biting and clever?
Translated that for you:

"I'm going to Canada because they don't know who Tommy Robinson or Anne Marie Waters are and I can make some money"

And on the Right/Left thing:

"I want to be free to say all the bigoted bollocks I want to."

You really have nothing better to do with your life, do you, you tiresome bore?
I have a feeling he will be announcing Canadian dates soon. That would mean definitely Ottawa, Montreal, St. John's and Vancouver. He didn't mention Toronto or Quebec city, but it would make sense to include them. Skip the prairies, there is nothing to see there except buffalos and rednecks.
I am ready.
he should come to Victoria too. just a small venue. in my room. his arrival would surely be greeted with much excitement.
By calling The Guardian a hatepaper, he really is Donald Trump calling respectable news outlets fake media while supporting alt-right propaganda. So a liberal leftist paper wrote a mean article about Morrissey's recent hateful views? They must then be a hatepaper, right?
Have you paid attention?
They wrote a whole stream of Hate-filled articles on Moz. Like he loathed NME in the past he now hates The Guardian. Quite rightly so.
he should come to Victoria too. just a small venue. in my room. his arrival would surely be greeted with much excitement.
What would he possibly do there? Have a tea with scone at the Empress? Victoria, as you know, is city of newlywed and nearly dead.
He was making hay while the sun shone, and didn't need Canada for a long while. Now that he's hit cloudy climes, he's trying it out I assume to book some larger capacity shows in the hopes that the demand is there.
As for the wishy-washiness, I only have two words. Taco Fest.
I have two words cock and sucker.
”However, if you just happen to be those whom the UK hatepapers claim have abandoned me (and if you are, then why are you reading this?), then by all means, close the barn door on your way out. Music lasts longer than life.”

Zing! Why we continue to love this man. ❤️

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