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I'm thinking about mice...
Are they:
1) a pest
2) an animal

Since the last couple of weeks I hear mice under my kitchenfloor.
I'm all against killing animals, but could mice in/under my house be classified as a pest??
I don't know what to do really... One morning I found they had been knibbling on some crackers in a still closed packet, and I immediately cleared out that kitchen drawer and put everything in Tupperware boxes.
Apparantly there has been some work done on a nearby dike (o, how Dutch!) and ever since then the whole neighbourhood has had trouble with mice. Some people even contacted city council but they say it's not their problem. Yeah right, they were the ones that repaired that dike!

I am extremely terrified of mice so I really don't want to use traps that trap them alive but I also don't want to kill them.

Aaaargh... what should I do?? :eek:
I'm thinking about mice...
Are they:
1) a pest
2) an animal

Since the last couple of weeks I hear mice under my kitchenfloor.
I'm all against killing animals, but could mice in/under my house be classified as a pest??
I don't know what to do really... One morning I found they had been knibbling on some crackers in a still closed packet, and I immediately cleared out that kitchen drawer and put everything in Tupperware boxes.
Apparantly there has been some work done on a nearby dike (o, how Dutch!) and ever since then the whole neighbourhood has had trouble with mice. Some people even contacted city council but they say it's not their problem. Yeah right, they were the ones that repaired that dike!

I am extremely terrified of mice so I really don't want to use traps that trap them alive but I also don't want to kill them.

Aaaargh... what should I do?? :eek:

Get a cat. Or if you want something more low-maintenance, you may want to look into those devices that emit super high-pitched frequencies (beyond the range of human hearing) that will drive them away. We used those in all the buildings at the camp where I used to work, and they seemed to do a good job, but you may not be able to use them if you or your neighbors have pets.
I'm thinking about mice...
Are they:
1) a pest
2) an animal

Since the last couple of weeks I hear mice under my kitchenfloor.
I'm all against killing animals, but could mice in/under my house be classified as a pest??
I don't know what to do really... One morning I found they had been knibbling on some crackers in a still closed packet, and I immediately cleared out that kitchen drawer and put everything in Tupperware boxes.
Apparantly there has been some work done on a nearby dike (o, how Dutch!) and ever since then the whole neighbourhood has had trouble with mice. Some people even contacted city council but they say it's not their problem. Yeah right, they were the ones that repaired that dike!

I am extremely terrified of mice so I really don't want to use traps that trap them alive but I also don't want to kill them.

Aaaargh... what should I do?? :eek:
borrow a cat. There's been mice in my building for a while, but I've never had a problem with them due to the cat.
My cats cuddle mice. My cats are useless. Don't borrow my cats.
haha! The smell of a cat is normally enough to put them off! I thought my cat was useless with animals, until last weekend's 'starling incident' :sick:
A cat!!! Why didn't I think of that!! :confused:
Of course that's what I need: a Tom to get rid of my Jerry!

I just texted a friend who has 2 cats and he said one of them is a real "hunter". She comes home with mice and little birds 2-3 times a week. I think I'll borrow her!
I am allergic to cats but I don't mind taking anti-histamines for a couple of days in order to get rid of those mice.
That high-pitched sound thingy sounds good as well (no pun intended :p)
haha! The smell of a cat is normally enough to put them off! I thought my cat was useless with animals, until last weekend's 'starling incident' :sick:

My cats have been around my pet rodents and birds since they were babies so they're totally soft hearted... and scared of birds, due to the rooster, even though the rooster just wanted to cuddle them. My advice to avoid startling incidents: get a large version of the victim. Heh.

The last and only "startling incident" I've had with my current kitties is the time one of them kissed a mouse to almost-death.
I kept the mouse, of course. I am pathetic.
My cat finds bugs in the dark. She gets treats for that. :)
My cats have been around my pet rodents and birds since they were babies so they're totally soft hearted... and scared of birds, due to the rooster, even though the rooster just wanted to cuddle them. My advice to avoid startling incidents: get a large version of the victim. Heh.

The last and only "startling incident" I've had with my current kitties is the time one of them kissed a mouse to almost-death.
I kept the mouse, of course. I am pathetic.
lulu is soft, totally, she has always been around rodents etc since she was small, she has never, ever caught anything ever. How she managed to catch a starling I don't know...must have been young or asleep.
My cat finds bugs in the dark. She gets treats for that. :)

My tom cat catches roaches and brings them to me alive! I've lost YEARS of my life simply from the shock that causes.
The roaches here are huge and fly, damnit! Why does he always bring them to me?

I have to mentally prepare myself whenever it rains cos that's when a couple roaches decide to come for "protection." Aghhhhhh.
My tom cat catches roaches and brings them to me alive! I've lost YEARS of my life simply from the shock that causes.
The roaches here are huge and fly, damnit! Why does he always bring them to me?

I have to mentally prepare myself whenever it rains cos that's when a couple roaches decide to come for "protection." Aghhhhhh.

eww, roaches :sick: Mine finds spiders and millipedes, generally small-ish but I still kill them dead. Yep, the rain brings 'em out. It's raining here. I better go stock up on kitty treats.
A cat!!! Why didn't I think of that!! :confused:
Of course that's what I need: a Tom to get rid of my Jerry!

I just texted a friend who has 2 cats and he said one of them is a real "hunter". She comes home with mice and little birds 2-3 times a week. I think I'll borrow her!
I am allergic to cats but I don't mind taking anti-histamines for a couple of days in order to get rid of those mice.
That high-pitched sound thingy sounds good as well (no pun intended :p)
The best solution to a mouse problem! The smell of cat is enough to drive most mice away.
Prince Caspian was brilliant, we really loved it, unfortunately Dylans friend took a bit or a reaction to something, prob dust (the cinema is a total flea pit) and we had to take him home right after the movie.
glad film was good! Hope his friend is ok though.
glad film was good! Hope his friend is ok though.

yes he seemed ok, he is going to some wrestling or something with his brother tonight so I hope he is ok! His mum said it has happened before in the same cinema.
I get a bad reaction to dust with my eyes so that is what made me think dust.
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