most shocking lyric?

Two words: "explosive kegs"

Three more words: ...between the legs

Classic! Makes me wanna dance.

Three more words: ...between the legs

It's either "between their legs" or "between my legs".

What Morrissey has been trying to say all these years is that he has an explosive keg there, as opposed to brains, which is what most people have.
The woman of my dreams, well there never was one :eek: :( :tears: ;)

And what about that boyfriend... could it be he's only got one knee? :rolleyes:
To me, the most disturbing lyric by our Moz is Hand that rocks the cradle, beautiful and yet very disturbing.

I once had a child, and it saved my life
And I never even asked his name
I just looked into his wondrous eyes
And said : "never never never again"
And all too soon I did return
Just like a moth to a flame
So rattle my bones all over the stones
I'm only a beggar-man whom nobody owns
Oh, see how words as old as sin
Fit me like a glove
I'm here and here I'll stay
Together we lie, together we pray
There never need be longing in your eyes
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
Climb up on my knee, sonny boy
Although you're only three, sonny boy
You're - you're mine
And your mother she just never knew
Anyone with more guts dare to discuss Lucky lisp?? Because I think it's so very dirty... Still, my second favourite!
To me, the most disturbing lyric by our Moz is Hand that rocks the cradle, beautiful and yet very disturbing.

I once had a child, and it saved my life
And I never even asked his name
I just looked into his wondrous eyes
And said : "never never never again"
And all too soon I did return
Just like a moth to a flame
So rattle my bones all over the stones
I'm only a beggar-man whom nobody owns
Oh, see how words as old as sin
Fit me like a glove
I'm here and here I'll stay
Together we lie, together we pray
There never need be longing in your eyes
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
Climb up on my knee, sonny boy
Although you're only three, sonny boy
You're - you're mine
And your mother she just never knew

You forgot the best line.
To me, the most disturbing lyric by our Moz is Hand that rocks the cradle, beautiful and yet very disturbing.

I once had a child, and it saved my life
And I never even asked his name
I just looked into his wondrous eyes
And said : "never never never again"
And all too soon I did return
Just like a moth to a flame
So rattle my bones all over the stones
I'm only a beggar-man whom nobody owns
Oh, see how words as old as sin
Fit me like a glove
I'm here and here I'll stay
Together we lie, together we pray
There never need be longing in your eyes
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
Climb up on my knee, sonny boy
Although you're only three, sonny boy
You're - you're mine
And your mother she just never knew

Yes, this one came to my mind as well.

and The More You Ignore Me. I've always though it's disturbing, even before the time I had that one guy following me around.
"I entered nothing and nothing entered me
till you came with the key"

first time I heard this I was like "WAIT WUT?, DID HE JUST SAY THAT???"
Really good question.

I cant think though.
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