morrissey frink thread!


He's looked at me like that more than once.

But I really want to thank everyone here who sent me facebook and visitor messages. It meant a whole lot to me.








Oh dear,

HH was so exciting... you've all heard about it by now. I had my camera with me but I couldn't simply risk my front of the stage (excellent) place, there was this big and unfriendly security man very close :mad:<--that's him, not me
But every frink you can think of, he did: I believe my eyes are still sore :lbf: not that I'm complaining!
Yeah... I felt really bad for him too. In fact, when he said, "Why don't you just go", I heard pain in his voice. I mean, we're his people. It's gotta hurt. I don't get why so many people are being so unkind to him lately. He's given us so much pleasure.

Yeah, he sounded voice-breaky just before 'fook yourself'. As hot as it is to hear him cursing, I don't want him to feel rejected by his fans. Remember how he said he isn't sure he exists offstage? There may be more than a grain of truth to that.
Morrissey has the beginning of a new song there. :D

Go, go my boy
Walk, walk, walk
Go, we don't need you
We don't need you
You can leave and you can.....
You can love me outside
You can love me outside
Morrissey has the beginning of a new song there. :D

Go, go my boy
Walk, walk, walk
Go, we don't need you
We don't need you
You can leave and you can.....
You can love me outside
You can love me outside


You know he's the world's greatest lyricist when even his spontaneous off-the-cuff remarks are song worthy :guitar:
Morrissey has the beginning of a new song there. :D

Go, go my boy
Walk, walk, walk
Go, we don't need you
We don't need you
You can leave and you can.....
You can love me outside
You can love me outside

That's hilarious! :p It probably speaks to his song writing mood, he must gear up for lyricizing after he gets pissed off by something.
Wow! He was REALLY hurt. Aww. Oh, poor Mozzy.

I want to hug him too. And, for once, not for myself.

I am glad he did finally say something and stand up for himself. I think too many fans have taken him for granted and I'm glad he finally burst. Fook yourself to everyone that booed him when he collapsed on stage...and to that person who threw the bottle, they are getting to him and maybe now they will realize they need to STOP IT!!! I just hope he knows his real fans are still out there and want to make sure he is as happy as possible and feeling loved at every single show. Grrr people make me so angry, HE HAS FEELINGS TOO YA KNOW!!!!
Morrissey has the beginning of a new song there. :D

Go, go my boy
Walk, walk, walk
Go, we don't need you
We don't need you
You can leave and you can.....
You can love me outside
You can love me outside

This is so brilliant! I'm sure he'll be pleased and thankful for help! :rofl:
I am glad he did finally say something and stand up for himself. I think too many fans have taken him for granted and I'm glad he finally burst. Fook yourself to everyone that booed him when he collapsed on stage...and to that person who threw the bottle, they are getting to him and maybe now they will realize they need to STOP IT!!! I just hope he knows his real fans are still out there and want to make sure he is as happy as possible and feeling loved at every single show. Grrr people make me so angry, HE HAS FEELINGS TOO YA KNOW!!!!

Oh and why to people keep trying to be the first to inform everyone that this is Morrissey's last tour and that the US gigs are going to be canceled. I am so SICK of the "prophets of doom" to quote Quiffa. SHUTTY!

Watch the last quarter first. Just about the sexiest thing I've seen in... months? Yes, at least months. Angry Morrissey gives me the wigglypantz. You too?

I was here to post exactly the same thing, i thought id be told to get my coat..
I LLIKEY cross Morrissey, *licks lips* :blushing:
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Oh and why to people keep trying to be the first to inform everyone that this is Morrissey's last tour and that the US gigs are going to be canceled. I am so SICK of the "prophets of doom" to quote Quiffa. SHUTTY!

I entertain myself by pretending each one of those doom mongerers is Morrissey's mother. She constantly joins So-Low under different usernames because she wants her boy at home where she can keep an eye on him. :D
I entertain myself by pretending each one of those doom mongerers is Morrissey's mother. She constantly joins So-Low under different usernames because she wants her boy at home where she can keep an eye on him. :D

LMAO! This is why I love my frinker friends. :lbf:
Oh and why to people keep trying to be the first to inform everyone that this is Morrissey's last tour and that the US gigs are going to be canceled. I am so SICK of the "prophets of doom" to quote Quiffa. SHUTTY!

I agree. He isn't retiring. When he says 'retirement' I think he means it metaphorically - retiring from the weight of expectations - or, yes, perhaps the physical drain that doing 100+ shows a year can take on a person....I can't believe he'd be satisfied just singing to his pets at home (though I'm sure they are a very appreciative audience :p). I'm sure he DOES want to totally quit some days - who doesn't want to say 'I quit!' at their job sometimes? These feelings ebb and flow, and singing live hasn't been the best experience for him of late. I'm constantly shocked by the number of negative nellies on here. They need to spend less time worrying about future retirements and more time appreciating what we all have of him now.

BTW - If anyone has any "squishy-faced" pics of M-ey that I didn't post yesterday, post them or send them to me and I'll include them in Squishypalooza 2010! I want to do it every year on my birthday. :D
I entertain myself by pretending each one of those doom mongerers is Morrissey's mother. She constantly joins So-Low under different usernames because she wants her boy at home where she can keep an eye on him. :D

LMAO! This is why I love my frinker friends. :lbf:

I wondered if the origin of the love me outside comment wasn't from her. I imagined him as a boy being a pest in the kitchen saying he was hungry or something and that being one of her lines, "Well then be hungry outside!" :D That's something I've heard other mom's say when I was at their houses to play.
So... When the guy was being kicked out, did he yell something like, "But I love you"...? Is that why Morrissey said Love Me Outside?
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