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  • Hey Ryan,

    I might be able to help you out. I managed to get tickets to 3 shows in the ballot and my fiancé also received an email saying she'd been successful. She hasn't received the second email staying which shows she got tickets for. If we have double ups on any of the nights I will let you know and you can have them for face value.

    Hi Ryan,
    thank you very much for the brilliant videos. Part 4 is not in HD... Can you look at it?
    Have a wonderful christmas.
    Hey there, I recorded the show in highest quality on my Roland Edirol. I'm in Sydney for the weekend, going tonight as well. Happy to upload the whole full quality show when I get home.

    Your video sounds like it'll be cool so hopefully you won't need another audio source, but you're welcome to it anyway. Had a quick listen to my recording on the walk from the show last night and it sounds goooood!

    Anyway, thanks for filming. Can't wait to see it! You going tonight to the Opera House?
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