morrissey frink thread!

For a lazy post-Moz Monday
Lottie, these pics are just gorgeous and sooooo sexy. I love the first one, I don't think I've ever seen it. Yummy neck! :D Just wanna let you know that I'm such a devoted frinker that I'm watching these pages from a public computer room, at my workplace, taking the risk that people around me will think I'm some kind of perve! :eek: (which is so NOT true, of course)

who cares what people think...
FRINK on my friend. :)
CORRISSEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! You've open for us a whole new way of communicating with Morrissey in future shows... If any of us frinkers that go to a show, make a sign like Corrissey's with the "Frink" word, he will really know we're organized and all!! We have to show him this is a total movement inspired by him!!

Girls, if you that have the amazing luck of seeing him live (unlike poor me :( ) bring your Frink signs!! :)

Bravo Corrissey!! Good for you!!
Do you want to see my new Smiths tee?? is the black one! And the text goes silver!!! i can't wait to have it ready! it's custom made, my design :p
OMGosh Ceci, that is one gorgeous shirt.
i'm tryna persuade someone one ebay to customise a christmas stocking for me to say "dear santa please let me find 'picture of moz' inside this stocking.

sounds fab, ive just gotta decide on which pic to have... arghhhh
hi,i never post on here but i am on here everyday. i was at the indiana show and i was right at center stage and morrissey shook my hand twice,and i got to touch his leg.but the best part is my brother caught the first shirt thrown,and of course gave it to still smells like him!well i just wanted to let all you frinkers know,i am so happy i have loved morrissey since i was a toddler! my first morrissey show was at age six but this was the best yet,well sorry for going on forever i am going to try to post more the way i cheered super loud for corrisseys comment on the frink,i havn't had a chance with the mic yet but my mom was the one that went on forever at the clearwater show!
i love that! and that truly sounds like a fantastic morrissey experience! btw, this reminds me of the time when all the libertines fans were really psyched when carl mentioned the frink thread in one of his posts (i think he said something like "thank you for the frink, it makes me feel alive"), which then ended up getting printed in the nme... so, just wait, frink wll end up in the dictionary! :)

at least it better turn up in rogan's next morrissey book =)


All hail, Corrissey, Ringleader of the Frinksters!
so, no need to be jealous of leopard lady anymore --- you got so much more (his thoughts, his voice to you, his hand.....his CALF)

BUT all of this frink stuff is really just a grand facade that the TRUE highlight of your night was meeting julia, and you're just too shy to tell us, right? :p


i am sure this most excellent shot is in this thread somewhere, but it deserves to be in here again... (and duplicated in the jesse frink thread, i might add)

(Wembley, London, 08Dec2006, courtesy of Black Eyed)

Ambitious Outsiders obviously likes it too... hope he credited Black Eyed... somewhere
CORRISSEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! You've open for us a whole new way of communicating with Morrissey in future shows... If any of us frinkers that go to a show, make a sign like Corrissey's with the "Frink" word, he will really know we're organized and all!! We have to show him this is a total movement inspired by him!!

Girls, if you that have the amazing luck of seeing him live (unlike poor me :( ) bring your Frink signs!!

Bravo Corrissey!! Good for you!!

I was thinking the same thing. If nothing else, I've opened the 'frink floodgates'. Morrissey, there's no escaping Frink-ism or -solo... take the EASY way and GIVE IN! Honestly I am flattered -and still in disbelief that it actually happened- but I'd say my 15 minutes of fame is up. Course it's a story I'll tell forever =o)

by the way i cheered super loud for corrisseys comment on the frink!

Thank you! and welcome! I have no idea what the crowd's reaction was or whether everyone could hear me (was inwardly freaking...guess those years of public speaking paid off =o) It's so obvious the amount of -solo people in the hizzouse. I wish I would have given a shout out to Solo. Can someone in New York take care of that for me/us?! =o) thanx

at least it better turn up in rogan's next morrissey book =)


All hail, Corrissey, Ringleader of the Frinksters!
so, no need to be jealous of leopard lady anymore --- you got so much more (his thoughts, his voice to you, his hand.....his CALF)

BUT all of this frink stuff is really just a grand facade that the TRUE highlight of your night was meeting julia, and you're just too shy to tell us, right?

Hey NOIP, howz that for 'opportunity' =) Carpe Morrissey! Ringleader of the Frinksters... wow... I'll take it :p If anyone thought my obsession with him was waning -- oh man, did it just go into overdrive. I have goosebumps just thinking about that night. If nothing other than standing stage side was all that happened, I'd still be a girl yappy. I need my pics back... wouldn't you know the CVS near work's photo machine is down.... till 3. Do they know the kind of precious cargo they hold in that disposable?!!!!

Oh and move over Julia, there's a new chick with the mic in town :D lol

Back to work :mad: but not to peeking in
OMG!!!!!!! I can't get over the idea that you STROKED Moz's calf!!!! How long did this go on? Did he pull away or did he seem to enjoy it? And how did you stop your hands from going any higher?! Eeks...You are so cool!! I am sooo jealous! :)

Well, once I knew the stage invade wasn't going to happen…there he was, reaching distance… so I just stretched out and put both hands on his shin/calf... he didn’t seem to mind or pull away. I know you’re all thinking/imagining a woman with a hold on his leg and he’s dragging her, trying to walk away—not the case. He wasn't going anywhere and I wasn't being rough (I know his frinky self likes it gentle :p) so I just took both hands and went up and down a few times…I believe I let go just at the proper time (before he wanted to kick me with his shoe =o) Oh and to answer your questions: mid-calf socks and muscular calves.

It was either ‘stroke’ his leg or touch his shoes… I thought about that for a millisecond (the shoes) but what in the hell was I gonna do with them… Pet ‘em? Tie ‘em? Shine ‘em? I went for the next closest thing… ‘the ankle bone’s connected to the shin bone’ =o) I wonder if anyone (fan) has touched him like that. Maybe he let me being the “You’re too frinky” girl. I felt like he did 'like' me being there. He looked at me several times (to which I’d turn to Tony & Comtesse and scream, HE JUST LOOKED AT ME!!) Who knew feeling up someone’s calf could be so sexy. But then it's Morrissey---it's all sexy. BTW, nice soft hands too. Well, I know it was goooood for me. I hope he didn’t mind. Somebody ask him =o)

DAMN, I’M FLYIN STILL from the whole night!!
Punctured bicycle on a hillside desolate

Maladjusted Moz
Why can't you drink for 4 more years????

Well, cause in less than 4 years, I'll be 21, which is the legal drinking age here....which is fine, the whole alcohol drinking idea is and has never been appealing at all. Tho people say that will change. HAH LOL I doubt it!

OK, peeps. I have the perfect post #1,001...I'm dying to share (thanks for the lead in, Pregs)
Here is the sign I made for tonight:

I kept holding it up (between songs) and finally -just after The Loop he said to ME! YES, ME! "You are too frinky. What does frinky mean?" Hands me the mic, and I said "Frinky is a combination of frisky and kinky. If you look it up in the dictionary, you will see your picture there". I handed the mic back to him and he said "I take it that's a compliment?" OH YES!!!!

After the Clay Aiken comment by someone else, he went into Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself. One of my all time faves. My man DID find out for himself... just what the hell FRINK means (probably thinks it's some stupid American word).

Of course I was regretting not adding something like "or you could look on solo...there's 8,000 frinky pics of you" but as Comtesse pointed out, the mere mention of 'solo' would have caused a different reaction. I was quite pleased that he seemed 'pleased' and TOOK my compliment. I was high-fiving Comtesse and DJ Tony --> Tony said he got a shot of me and Moz at that moment with my camera. I got 23 other stage-side shots and can't wait to share them.

Did I mentioned I touched his hand twice (once I squeezed with both hands) and at the encore, I reached for his legs and caressed his calf...feeling the muscles -yum- and his delicious 'sock line'. Oh my Moz...
Spoke to Moz, check - Touched Moz, check - stage invade? almost... but I got a nice long calf feel. I'll take it. My night is complete, my heart full.

Score a big one for the frink thread, ladies!!

ayayayayyyyayayyayyyy! I am speechless...what an experience!

"What did she say? That I'm too freaky? Or was it frinky? And what the hell does that mean anyway?"


This actually took my breathe many other pictures do, but to it's a gorgeous shot. Showing his beautiful profile....I have fallen in love...again....

miss you now that you're gone

the worse feeling, isn't???
Rockin' the Cardigan, 1985-style
Lottie, these pics are just gorgeous and sooooo sexy. I love the first one, I don't think I've ever seen it. Yummy neck! :D Just wanna let you know that I'm such a devoted frinker that I'm watching these pages from a public computer room, at my workplace, taking the risk that people around me will think I'm some kind of perve! :eek: (which is so NOT true, of course)

I check out the frink at work all the time, one of our maintenance men came in today and walked over to me and looked at my computer and said "who's that good looking man?" and a big smile spread across my face and I said "Morrissey, who I will be seeing at the weekend." If any of my workmates find me giggling or smiling at the computer they say "what are you doing, perving again". ahh they know me too well.

Well, once I knew the stage invade wasn't going to happen…there he was, reaching distance… so I just stretched out and put both hands on his shin/calf... he didn’t seem to mind or pull away. I know you’re all thinking/imagining a woman with a hold on his leg and he’s dragging her, trying to walk away—not the case. He wasn't going anywhere and I wasn't being rough (I know his frinky self likes it gentle :p) so I just took both hands and went up and down a few times…I believe I let go just at the proper time (before he wanted to kick me with his shoe =o) Oh and to answer your questions: mid-calf socks and muscular calves.

It was either ‘stroke’ his leg or touch his shoes… I thought about that for a millisecond (the shoes) but what in the hell was I gonna do with them… Pet ‘em? Tie ‘em? Shine ‘em? I went for the next closest thing… ‘the ankle bone’s connected to the shin bone’ =o) I wonder if anyone (fan) has touched him like that. Maybe he let me being the “You’re too frinky” girl. I felt like he did 'like' me being there. He looked at me several times (to which I’d turn to Tony & Comtesse and scream, HE JUST LOOKED AT ME!!) Who knew feeling up someone’s calf could be so sexy. But then it's Morrissey---it's all sexy. BTW, nice soft hands too. Well, I know it was goooood for me. I hope he didn’t mind. Somebody ask him =o)

DAMN, I’M FLYIN STILL from the whole night!!

That is one amazing story. I'm really happy for you. Loved the sign you made very cool. You rock!!!!
A gesture that was absolutely vile!
Morrissey: "You are too frinky. What does that mean?"

Corrissey: "Frinky is a combination of frisky and kinky. If you look it up in the dictionary, you'll see your picture there!!"
-or you could just go to SOLO!! which you already do!!!
<-writers embelishment & regretful error

Morrissey: "And that's complimentary, right?"

((The crowd goes wild and in unison says YES!!))

*Morrissey ponders this new word and likes it. Considers using it in new single*


Thanks to DJ Tony for a moment frozen in time. P.S. Girls, notice my BROWN FRINKY MORRISSEY T-SHIRT :D More Pics To Follow...
Morrissey: "You are too frinky. What does that mean?"

Corrissey: "Frinky is a combination of frisky and kinky. If you look it up in the dictionary, you'll see your picture there!!"
-or you could just go to SOLO!! which you already do!!! <-writers embelishment & regretful error

Morrissey: "And that's complimentary, right?"

*Morrissey ponders this new word and likes it. Considers using it in new single*


Thanks to DJ Tony for a moment frozen in time. P.S. Girls, notice my BROWN FRINKY MORRISSEY T-SHIRT :D More Pics To Follow...

BRILLIANT! I will never forget that moment... I was dying laughing, Corrissey... so proud of you! Who knows, maybe he'll swing by and visit us incognito. So watch out for a new user named "Patricia Morris" or "Stephanie Smith." That picture says it all... where are the rest?
BRILLIANT! I will never forget that moment... I was dying laughing, Corrissey... so proud of you! Who knows, maybe he'll swing by and visit us incognito. So watch out for a new user named "Patricia Morris" or "Stephanie Smith." That picture says it all... where are the rest?

I'm a freak. With a fetish. A HUGE Morrissey fetish. I will post the rest later. Only got about 5 decent ones. No more decent than this. Wish he were looking AT me, but I like that my comment got his gerbil wheel (brain) turning :D
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