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  • Thats good you've been busy. Just make sure you take a break every once in awhile. :)

    . . . yeah, I am really looking foward to graduating. It will be exciting! :D
    Its good to hear from you! Im glad youre doing well. Are you still working? Ive been doing good. I finished my last semester of classes so I will be graduating in May, finally lol Woo hoo!! So 2009 is going to be an exciting year. A new DM and MOZ album and tour! Thats almost too much to handle lol
    yeah, that was 16 or 17 months ago and well i got a job that summer
    quit it in october
    got another one earlier this year, quit it right before this summer
    and i just quit my part time job at the gas station, so i am looking again :cool:
    It's on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm EST. You can catch up on the ones you missed here:


    The most stressful thing I've got going on right now is an English bulldog snoring behind me and that one of the cats just obliterated the litter box. :sick:
    Have you been watching the new shows? I like him with the private detective. They're funny together. Next week should be fun since he's going on a road trip with Wilson.

    Three more episodes until the House/Cuddy kiss. :eek:

    Sorry you had a stressful day. My day at work just began a little over an hour ago, so I can't complain too much.
    I love USA. They ran a House marathon on Saturday and played back-to-back episodes Sunday evening. I'm assuming that you were watching the marathon, too. :D

    House actually kind of reminds me of my dad. :o

    I'm am doing pretty well. How are you? :)

    And while I'm at it. . .

    how are you doing..??
    oh westie..I'm soo sorry..
    i missed your great day..
    damn..I'm so stupid:tears:..
    but soo buzy at the moment..:eek:
    i started my education..and it's very stressful..
    but ok..i think i can handle it for the next two years..
    but it's glad that the youngest get a bit older..further on:p...
    i feel soo old..with my 22.. and this month i will get 23:rolleyes:..
    wow..it's really fast..i wish i could be 18 again..i missed
    soo much stuff from the age of 18 til 21..it was like a trance..
    .i didn't really realized them..the great years..
    so all i can say is..enjoy them!!:D

    lovley greets and hugs..miry:)

    happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so I guess this makes you legal now lol
    I don't think the Johnny & Moz hug report was from an interview, I think someone just said they were spotted in a pub together!!! I SOOO wish I could've seen that!!! Not that I'm sitting here hoping for a Smiths reunion, I just wanna see Moz smiling and looking happy! :sweet:

    Ooh you should totally go into the fashion industry!!! I think that would be SUCH a fun field to go into. Did I tell you I went on a tour of the Art Institute last weekend? I was checking out their culinary school. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do it because it's so expensive, but it is SUCH a nice school. They have really great programs (fashion included!) and the students all seem mondo talented. I am pretty sure they have a location in LA if you ever wanted to check it out. Honestly, if I had to do my schooling all over again, I would so totally consider going there!!! They put a huge emphasis on preparing their students for jobs and they have a super high employment rate for their graduates. If you get good grades, they even give you money back from tuition! Anyway, just an idea. :)

    Well I hope you're not too disappointed to not work w/your mom anymore. I'm still really bummed about getting laid off, but I hope this just means that better opportunities are coming my way. :) And hopefully the same goes for you too! :D
    AWWWW!! Happy Birthday!!!! What a big day!!! I had no idea it was here already!!!! Ya know, I can barely even keep track of what month it is because my life has been super insane lately! I'm sorry to hear that your aunt made you feel crappy! :( :tears: I hope you'll really be able to enjoy your new age soon--now you can go to 18+ things!!! Yay!!!! I don't know where Moz is right now, but there was a post last week that someone said he was spotted in a pub "up North" (Manchester??) hugging Johnny Marr. Totally crazy, but it sounded legit! Anyway today was a super crappy day for me, but that's because I'm massively stressed. I have a job interview on Monday and I'm SO NOT READY! :tears:
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