Article in The New European "Morrissey Is Dead" by Nicholas Barrett (more nuanced than the headline)

Morrissey Is Dead - The New European
By Nicholas Barrett


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Oh that is some tough talk there, mister. "Pansy?" I don't believe I've heard that outside of an old movie. And "limp wrist," really? You do realize you're posting on a website dedicated to the man with the limpest of wrists? I think you need better ventilation in that ice cream van because you may be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. And you DO protest too much.

Mozzer may have a limp wrist but he's not shy of showing the world how he fills out his manly swimming trunks :lbf:
The Queen IS Dead is an album title. That's not traditionally how people get their news of an album sleeve. Not to hard to work that one out was it?
You traditionally get your news from Eurofile, champ? Nah, you get your news from sound bites and memes on the internet. Take a well made point for what it is. You don’t have to wobble and wank at every straight forward, factually verifiable point someone makes here. You follow, kiddo?
It’s become cool to hate Morrissey now it seems. It’s a way for people to virtue signal. And this site in particular posting endless articles like this starts to come across like it’s basically anti-Morrissey porn some people can’t get enough of.
He’s just a dude who has some opinions. He said it best in AYNIM in response to much of this.
You wonder who these heartless people are who are actually doing the work of separating crying babies from their desperate mothers - it's people who think like you.

American citizens who commit crime and are sent to prison are separated from their children across the country every minute of every hour of every day. Where is the outrage? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration was doing the same thing? Breaking the law can get you locked up. Pass it on.

What this proves, as if further proof was required, is that the Dems and the media are working hand in hand. The same is true across the West. A cross party, cross media, pan-institution overarching elite class were under the impression they’d bought and paid for our democracies.

Brexit, then Trump, and now increasingly across the EU, they’ve been shaken to the foundations by the simple expedient of people placing a cross in a box, and boy are they unhappy about it.

German EU Commissioner warns Italians to vote the way the Commission and the Markets prefer, or face the consequences...

What we are seeing is their fightback.
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow advertises her forthcoming seminar on crying without tears.

If any of you had actually picked up the paper and read what’s in it, instead of just reading a purposefully controversial headline, you’ll have seen a separate article in which Morrissey is defended.

The writer didn’t tweet that bit cos be didn’t write it.

Educate yourselves, ffs.
American citizens who commit crime and are sent to prison are separated from their children across the country every minute of every hour of every day. Where is the outrage? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration was doing the same thing? Breaking the law can get you locked up. Pass it on.

What this proves, as if further proof was required, is that the Dems and the media are working hand in hand. The same is true across the West. A cross party, cross media, pan-institution overarching elite class were under the impression they’d bought and paid for our democracies.

Brexit, then Trump, and now increasingly across the EU, they’ve been shaken to the foundations by the simple expedient of people placing a cross in a box, and boy are they unhappy about it.

German EU Commissioner warns Italians to vote the way the Commission and the Markets prefer, or face the consequences...

What we are seeing is their fightback.

What you said stacks up as far as Democrats and the EU goes but you seem oblivious that their opponents are EXACTLY the same.

You talk about buying democracy but didn't seem to notice how a multi-Billionaire swept into the White House or how a concerted media campaign over many years bought about Brexit. As much as right wingers like to romanticize about how sheer public disquiet bought about both events the fact is that it was a tonne of cash and just as much bullshit.

I'm not putting a case for the other side now, just that this notion of a groundswell of the working classes having enough is utter horse shit unless the point that you're making is that propaganda is a superb tool to use on them. The working classes have been both convinced to think a certain way and been made to believe their time has come for doing so. It's genius really.

The working classes may have had enough but let's be honest, most haven't got the first f***ing clue what the causes are or how to address them, they know their lot is shitty but don't understand why because it's complex. That's why you get so much propaganda about scroungers and immigrants and saying Mexicans are rapists because people who don't think things through have got a mythical beast to focus on instead of having their eyes on the prize.

It's like don't vote for the Democrats they're evil, look raping Mexicans, vote for us, we've got a multi billionaire non-politician heading up our multi billion dollar power haven which will f*** you just the same.
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Hello. I'm the boring, stupid, post-quarry parasite who wrote the article.

Not here to argue with anybody, just wanted to say a few things in my defence.

Firstly, I think I know how you feel. I hate anti-Morrissey articles and I wrote about how much I hate them in my own anti-Morrissey article, which I never wanted to write. To me, it always felt like they were written by people who liked a few Smiths songs and never made much of an effort to understand the intelligence and humour of the solo work before grasping for the moral high-ground. I'm not a big fan of the kind of moralist clickbait that seeks to divide people. So if you want to call me names and tell me to f*** off then that's fine, I understand that reaction. But please know that I didn't write it to call Morrissey a racist and I certainly wouldn't think less of anybody for standing by him either. But he has lost me (and quite a few others). Ultimately, he's said some pretty reactionary, upsetting, and let's face it, ill-informed things and I wanted to explore that with counter arguments and without throwing ists and isms around. And I think I did that. But I guess you can be the judges.

Secondly, before Morrissey was a singer he was a music critic of sorts and he wrote some pretty harsh stuff about his favourite artists and that's bascially what I'm doing. Yes, I have my own beliefs about the world and I tend to vote on the left, I also enjoy spending time with my friends on the right and disagreeing with me doesn't automatically make you prejudice. But if you can't politely engage with reasonable criticism of Mozza's statements, which one of us is the snowflake?

(Somebody made the point that I should I be writing about more important things like Trump and democracy, and I do. I couldn't resist an excuse to shamelessly self-promote myself)

Anyway... thirdly... say what you like about the New European but they also published a counter argument alongside my article which makes a lot of the points that have been made here. People can read both articles and make up their own mind. I don't think writers exist to tell people what to think or what to do, the best we can do is explain our own perspectives and let people come to their own conclusions. So if you read the article with an open mind you have every right to think I'm a boring idiot.

Oh and if you think the headline is "disgusting", that's nothing you should hear me play piano. :smirk:
Hello Nicholas, I'm one of those who called your article boring. With hindsight that may have been a bit unfair as it's nicely written, but ultimately it follows the same arc as every other article we've had about Morrissey for the past couple of years (and there have been many): 'He meant so much to me when I was young... he was brilliant... and now he's an embarassment'. As a journalist, you cannot fail to be aware that we've heard it all before (a lot) lately. So in that respect, it's boring. And I still think your headline is a bit crass. Sorry.

Context statement: I am one of the least-fervent Morrissey fans on here - I couldn't care less if people criticise him, but I do think people should find something more important to worry about. He's a washed-up singer; he still exerts a fascination of sorts but he's influencing precisely no-one these days. Relax.

Having said all that, respect to you for coming into the nest of vipers to face your critics :)
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American citizens who commit crime and are sent to prison are separated from their children across the country every minute of every hour of every day. Where is the outrage? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration was doing the same thing? Breaking the law can get you locked up. Pass it on.

Yes, but the innocent children didn't get locked up in cages. Do I really have to point this out? The Obama admin never separated families or you would have seen outrage, the right was full of outrage for when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress. You never saw outrage about concentration camps for children because there weren't any until Trump made them.
What you said stacks up as far as Democrats and the EU goes but you seem oblivious that their opponents are EXACTLY the same.

You talk about buying democracy but didn't seem to notice how a multi-Billionaire swept into the White House or how a concerted media campaign over many years bought about Brexit. As much as right wingers like to romanticize about how sheer public disquiet bought about both events the fact is that it was a tonne of cash and just as much bullshit.

I'm not putting a case for the other side now, just that this notion of a groundswell of the working classes having enough is utter horse shit unless the point that you're making is that propaganda is a superb tool to use on them. The working classes have been both convinced to think a certain way and been made to believe their time has come for doing so. It's genius really.

The working classes may have had enough but let's be honest, most haven't got the first f***ing clue what the causes are or how to address them, they know their lot is shitty but don't understand why because it's complex. That's why you get so much propaganda about scroungers and immigrants and saying Mexicans are rapists because people who don't think things through have got a mythical beast to focus on instead of having their eyes on the prize.

It's like don't vote for the Democrats they're evil, look raping Mexicans, vote for us, we've got a multi billionaire non-politician heading up our multi billion dollar power haven which will f*** you just the same.

No, Charlie, I’m saying many of the politicians of those old legacy parties are now essentially the same. You couldn’t put a cigarette paper between Nicky Morgan and Yvette Cooper on a range of issues, for example, despite them sitting almost exactly opposite each other in the Chamber. Parliament now, I think more than at any time I can remember, has a surfeit of those who didn’t seek political power to effect change, but to wield political power. The job was the prize, not what could be done with the powers that came with that job.

Now clearly Corbyn has thrown a spanner in the works to a degree, but he is surely the greatest example of tortoise on a fence post syndrome many of us will ever see. He is there because Ed Miliband is an imbecile. Corbyn still isn’t backed by the PLP. They loathe him almost to a man. He and McDonnell and Abbott and Milne have captured the castle, but the pitchforks are still being waved about outside.

If you look at what Cameron did to reposition the Tories between 2005 and 2010, he moved them to the New Labour centre, where they remain. He even called himself the heir to Blair. His error was to grant the Brexit referendum, but he didn’t do that to destroy UKIP or cement Britain’s membership once and for all. He did it because he thought he’d win.

As for Trump, on February 1st, 2017 the Washington Post reported Clinton had raised $1.4 billion dollars over the election cycle to Trump’s $957.6 million.

I’m still mystified by the idea that for some reason it isn’t in Trump’s job description to look after the interests of the American people. You can argue whether he does or doesn’t, and first in November and then 2020 the people will deliver their verdict, but the simple fact it is an intrinsic part of the position he holds is surely not up for debate.

Putin, for all his faults, gets it...

As for the people being too stupid to understand, well, that’s half a century of comprehensive schooling for you. Bring back the Grammars, I say.

Finally, being a Morrissey site it would be rude not mention him, I suppose. I posted this the other day, and have been listening to it repeatedly this week.

He told us, didn’t he? We were just too daft to grasp it, or perhaps the time was wrong. Either way fourteen years ago he made his position clear, and we thought it was just a great single from a great album. Listening now it might just be one of the simplest, but most important things, he’s ever written. It’s a call to arms. A “Dancing In The Streets” for the 21st Century.

Anyway, I’ve finished my coffee and my morning mooch, and I shall see you later. Have fun. I enjoy our chats, Charlie. We disagree on pretty much everything, but maintain a mutual respect.

You’re a star. You’re wrong, but you’re a star... ;-)
Yes, but the innocent children didn't get locked up in cages. Do I really have to point this out? The Obama admin never separated families or you would have seen outrage, the right was full of outrage for when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress. You never saw outrage about concentration camps for children because there weren't any until Trump made them.

You aren’t suggesting Trump has changed the existing law, are you? His policy is to implement the law of the United States. That law predates Trump. The extent to which Obama ignored or followed that law is another thing, but you might hope a leader of a nation might implement the laws of the land without fear or favour. It doesn’t seem too much to ask.

If you or I attempted to illegally enter any state in the world we’d be turned back or detained pending removal. Depending on the state you might get tea and a biscuit or a good hiding. In Mexico you have parents separating themselves from their children voluntarily, handing them over to the coyotes, along with thousands of dollars, to get their kids into the US. No howls of anguish from the Demomedia there.

Trump was elected on a series of campaign promises, and he is now implementing those commitments. The surprise is that people are surprised. Nobody who followed his campaign could have seriously doubted he meant what he said, surely?

My favourite quote about Trump, and I can’t imagine it will never be bettered, was by a journalist explaining why the establishment got it all so wrong:

“Trump supporters take him seriously, but not literally. Trump opponents take him literally, but not seriously.”

Here in the UK you can trace this bizarre news as emotional entertainment back to the death of Diana. One pissed up Frenchman impacted a lot more than just a concrete column in the Alma tunnel. I don’t think we realised it then as the internet was in its infancy, but if the BBC or CNN tells you the sky is blue, my advice is to go and check.

Right-o, I’m definitely off now. I have to go and post a raccoon. No, really. I am off to actually post a raccoon.
So "The Queen is Dead" was a pretty tasteless album title because the other Windsors were still alive? And what about the line "London is dead" in "Glamorous Glue"? An entire city with eight Million people dead! What was going on in Morrissey's ugly mind?

It's all metaphorical, you's not like they're really decesased, or unliving. It means that they're influence or relevance or importance has ceased to exist.
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