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  • Yeah - totally lame... I had tickets to see Aaron in SF this past weekend, but actually forgot about the show! Looks like Mickey/Deaner is ramping up for a new album. I love, love, love Moz & the Smiths - but also love Ween... Slayer. Roxy Music... Sparks. My friends are a bit more specific about their musical genres.
    did you remove my post thread? as i saw that maybe you done something,i just make some true comments about brisbane concert and someone remove the thread
    Better late than never. Lol.

    If you've got a heart, then Gumby's the pal for you.
    i have a q ..there was a news report of oil leaking from a ship at coast of australia/i think it was the great barrier riff? this month . at that time of thee report not that uch oil was leaking and there were working on stopping it. i havent heard about it after that -can you tell me more?
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