Morrissey Central "The importance of an artist can be found in the efforts to silence him." (June 30, 2023)



Going by the logic of his post on Central he must be really chuffed then, or full of himself.

He really needs to change the record, enjoy what he has and what he had and get on with the path he has chosen to walk down.
He cancelled himself (i.e. haemorrhaged a huge chunk of his fanbase) by failing to realise that the majority of the people he and The Smiths ever attracted in the first place hate the right-wing politics and toxic arseholes like Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage he has gone out of his way to endorse or defend. It really is that simple.
What makes you think he doesn't realise this.
Yes and what are his own actions? Telling the truth. Not being a coward. Eschewing the insipid fascist woke bandwagon. Focusing on his art, and putting out the best material of his career.

You're right, dullard. Things never end well for people like that.
Woke is fascism? Best material of his career? Are you f***ing high?
because if he did then he wouldnt act baffled as to why his career is suddenly in the state that its in

Aye, he really thinks he's still that important, it's bizarre.
There's no conspiracy, bring in the money and the industry will overlook almost anything.
His career has had ups and downs and when he's delivered the music and avoided being a PR nightmare he's done really well.
None of these things listed here infer Morrissey's importance. They more accurately read like a list of grievances held by people such as Alain Whyte and Gustav Manzur as perfectly suitable reasons for leaving the band. I too would leave a band that held this list up as something to be proud of.

They all just seem to account his inability to adapt and overcome. It's all been such an horrendous waste of time. I Am Not A Dog On A Chain appears as some sort of miracle now that it got recorded and was even released.
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Hard to believe that FiDo's brilliant and insightful tweets, interviews and articles haven't opened more doors for him
because if he did then he wouldnt act baffled as to why his career is suddenly in the state that its in
I don't know if he seems baffled to me? He's just (understandably) not happy about it. What's the talk of "cancel-vultures" if he doesn't realise it?
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This is a thread of haters. I do not participate in all this and it seems too much to me! We must value Moz!! When he says or does something that I don't agree with, I say it but it already seems too much... naaa so no VIVA MORRISSEY CARAJO FUERA LOS HATERS
It would be really nice if he stopped with his whining. He is a privileged person who is way too caught up in his insulated world. The woe is me crap is way overdone. His music does get played. I've even heard it in stores. He just acts like the child who wanted too much attention. One has to be overzealous in their fandom just to stroke his ego for him to even appreciate them. Never even rescheduled cancelled Midwest shows. The way tickets are sold nowadays I wouldn't go around bragging about shows being sold out. He has more resources than so many other people could hope to have and frankly some of his behavior is very embarrassing these days. He keeps saying this crap and it isn't true and nothing anyone does is good enough unless they have clout.
This is a thread of haters.
I think it's a thread full of fans who are frustrated at seeing an artist they follow continually self-destruct and make all the wrong moves. The enablers like FiDo who offer Morrissey nothing but mindless praise are not helping him move forward at all, they are just encouraging him to keep on digging deeper into this downward spiral. It's not being a 'hater' to point out some hard truths, and that Morrissey might want to consider taking some responsibility for the current state of his own career, adjust his attitude and thinking, and start pulling himself out of this mess.
And sold out most of the dates in the UK. And yet again advertised by no media. I thank you Morrissey. The media and record company's are the same every where. There's a song in there.
"The importance of an artist can be found in the efforts to silence him." Oh boy, this is wildly egotistical. Hey mister full-of-yourself: SHUT UP AND SING to your thousands-strong audiences and BE HAPPY with what you have. Nobody is stopping you. Do you even realize how unbelievably lucky you are? Why is it never enough?

Most of us know you way too well here. The truth is that you could win a thousand Grammys, sweep the Oscars, and get inducted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame twice a year for the rest of your life and you would still find something to whine about.

.... self release!
Woke is fascism? Best material of his career? Are you f***ing high?
Yes, woke is fascism. It is the absolute prime example of fascism. "Believe what we tell you, do as we say, adhere to groupthink precepts, have complete adherence to and dependence on The State, or you will be punished."

Best material of his career? Yes. Absolutely.

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