Morrissey Central "MORRISSEY’S RE-BIRTH DAY !" (May 22, 2024)

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"When you consider how many people have tried their best to kill me off, today feels like a great victory!

Still here, still me, still ready." M

(Image used was originally a Happy Birthday Bruce Lee post online).

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I thought he was going to announce an album release with that headline. Shame he still doesn't appreciate his own part in killing himself off with all the gig cancellations with no explanation.

However Happy Re Birth Day Morrissey.
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😂This so screams Facebook Mom motivational post to me.
But kinda anticipated a "Happy Birthday to me" - post somehow😄
Im not going to wish him anything, because he most definitely will not read it on here anyway.

I don't know, it's the same old same old. Re-birth, still here, had it bad, bla... would be nice to be able to actually discuss new stuff, songs, albums, concerts, etc...maybe in the next world?
😂This so screams Facebook Mom motivational post to me.
But kinda anticipated a "Happy Birthday to me" - post somehow😄
Im not going to wish him anything, because he most definitely will not read it on here anyway.

I don't know, it's the same old same old. Re-birth, still here, had it bad, bla... would be nice to be able to actually discuss new stuff, songs, albums, concerts, etc...maybe in the next world?
Exactly my opinion.
😂This so screams Facebook Mom motivational post to me.
But kinda anticipated a "Happy Birthday to me" - post somehow😄
Im not going to wish him anything, because he most definitely will not read it on here anyway.

I don't know, it's the same old same old. Re-birth, still here, had it bad, bla... would be nice to be able to actually discuss new stuff, songs, albums, concerts, etc...maybe in the next world?
It’s his birthday not yours
View attachment 104352

"When you consider how many people have tried their best to kill me off, today feels like a great victory!

Still here, still me, still ready." M

(Image used was originally a Happy Birthday Bruce Lee post online).

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🌴🌴🌴a very happy birthday...Morrissey ....we can all stay young and crazy forever 🙋Jackson Daisy Zack Molly David Maggy Rocco Park Blvd S.D Moz gang🌴🌴

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