Morrissey autobiography bookcover revealed

I note you have made three posts in a row to which I say:


so thats how much you value freedom of speech - aha

You are free to put my posts on ignore if you cannot put up with them.

The difference is that I am not insulting people.

I am posting here to point out the double standard on this site and wondering that Moz can get insulted without consequences.
Erm, I'm not particularly offended by this thread like some others are, I see it as lighthearted and not disrespectful to Morrissey, as I doubt he'd be too bothered by anything anyone here says - good or bad.

BUT I do understand how some people might be upset. And some people obviously are upset whether you agree with them or not.

Surely now that it's moved away from the original pics and into a debate it should be moved to The Pigsty? Its only going to degenerate into a big old slanging match anyway, so you may as well have a free-for all.

Mozza220559 - For the love of God, PLEASE do not post any Ken Dodd / Roy Cropper (or Hayley) photos. Ta.

You just watch me!
(Also love the way you included Hayley as well!)

oh dear

For heaven's sake, Morrissey is imperfect like everyone else, makes mistakes.
I love him, but when he does silly things I can criticise him.
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so thats how much you value freedom of speech - aha

You are free to put my posts on ignore if you cannot put up with them.

The difference is that I am not insulting people.

I am posting here to point out the double standard on this site and wondering that Moz can get insulted without consequences.

I refer you back to my previous statement.

I will fight to let people speak as freely as they choose; it's when they essentially say the same thing over & over & over only in longer posts making less sense that I feel it is my right to tell them to be quiet.

You've made your point many times & yet you're still going.
I note you have made three posts in a row to which I say:


Do you not find it in the least bit ironic that the biggest contributor to this thread that you find so offensive, is you?

I thought the picture of ladyparts was quite out of order but if I was that bothered, I would simply choose not to open the thread again. You should do likewise.

Anyway, I haven't got photoshop or the time/patience to actually do a mock up but if someone could do a cover where Morrissey is drawn in the Simpsons style with the book title, 'Flaming Mo' I'd appreciate it.

That's got to be done!
Re: oh dear

For heaven's sake, Morrissey is imperfect like everyone else, makes mistakes.
No need for glorify him.

He certainly makes mistakes and I don't believe anybody is glorifying him on this particular thread.
The point I am making is that the humor on display is simply lacking in taste.
Certainly no better than a picture of baby Hitler...
Re: oh dear

He certainly makes mistakes and I don't believe anybody is glorifying him on this particular thread.
The point I am making is that the humor on display is simply lacking in taste.
Certainly no better than a picture of baby Hitler...

Oh yeah, Hitler IS the same as Morrissey isn't he?
Re: oh dear

For heaven's sake, Morrissey is imperfect like everyone else, makes mistakes.
I love him, but when he does silly things I can criticise him.

But don`t you see the difference between critising him and the above "covers" in GD as "news"?

Is there a worse taste possible referring to Moz than these "covers" ? Probably only photoshopping a Hitler-moustache on an "autobiography cover" would wake you up
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Re: oh dear

This thread is a harmless prank, I removed 'news' prefix because it doesn't need it.

Very strange that when PregnantForTheLastTime posted 'Moz Meme...aka "LOLMozzers" Thread' few years ago, no one made a fuss about it.
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I guess the way I'm looking at this is if you are out with a group of friends, and one of them makes a gay joke, would you be one who laughs along, doesn't laugh but doesn't say anything, or one who says it's inappropriate? I guess I'm one who would say something. Sorry.

I'm sorry but you can take a flying leap love. How DARE you make assumptions about my opinions on homosexuality, how f***ing dare you. If I showed this to my gay friends they would laugh (as they constantly call him a fag/queer/queen etc etc) because you know what? I often get "gay jokes" from these aforementioned mates which I will laugh at if they are funny. I am not presuming for a minute to speak for all gay people- just the ones that I know are comfortable enough with their own sexuality and masculinity to deal with lampooning.

There is a massive, MASSIVE difference between joking about homosexuality and being homophobic. Likewise, the creator of this fine piece is not mocking homosexuality itself, moreso making light of the ambiguity surronding his sexuality and the atypical gay imagery which one may not associate with Mozzer- I think it's called hyperbole. See Brass Eye and Paedogedden for a similar example of this by the fine Chris Morris, whom I know mozzer220559 is a fan of.

When one of my flatmates made remarks that were HATEFUL toward gay men (i.e. "they disgust me) I challenged him immediately, in front of people I had known all of two weeks. It wasn't comfortable for them and I was shaking with anger afterwards. I haven't spoken to him since.
I refer you back to my previous statement.

I will fight to let people speak as freely as they choose; it's when they essentially say the same thing over & over & over only in longer posts making less sense that I feel it is my right to tell them to be quiet.

You've made your point many times & yet you're still going.

Just don't want Quiffa to feel ignored.
abusive blindadoration boring funny holierthanthou homophobia hypocrites jawohl moral police obscene pseudo_moz_fans stem the rose
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