Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey

MORRISSEY, THANK YOU - Anne Marie Waters Official Website
April 2018 / 19

Dear Morrissey,

Thank you for your recent kind words about For Britain; you are obviously a person with the courage to tell it like it is. In fact, I suspect you and I have a few things in common. I’ve always believed in stating plain facts, and that’s what will bring success For Britain.

We will talk to the back-bone of this country – the working majority. Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids, and stays within the law. Their opinions mean nothing to a political elite that sees the world as its chess board. Human life is a game they play in Westminster. They have no right, and we will take back the power that rightly belongs to us.

Like you, I feel a strong compassion for animals, and our policies on animal welfare are very close to my heart. I have two dogs next to me as I write this, and I know how wonderful and clever and affectionate and loving they are. Humanity’s treatment of animals is one of its darkest aspects, and I believe we must change this, for our own sake, as well as for animals.

Change is coming, and a lot of people won’t like it, including the established press. I see that they are doing to you what they do to me. ‘Journalists’ have decided to portray us as though we’re unhinged, when actually it is they who are simply not intelligent enough to understand the arguments we’re making. They therefore resort to name-calling to disguise this. As you said, they never print what we say, and like you, I wonder why they bother asking me questions at all.

Thank you for this boost to For Britain. You are one of the only remaining British icons who hasn’t sold out to the thought police.

Thanks again, you’ll always be welcome on board.

Anne Marie


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The Falkland Islands have belonged to the people of the Falkland Islands BEFORE Argentina was even Argentina. One sniff of oil and... tut tut.

They don't belong to "the people of the islands". They are occupied by UK, which pay the bills and support their charming old british lifestyle in the other part of the world. Our part of the world.
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Yere, you seem to equate the Christian dislike of homosexuality with Islam's "I'm gonna chuck you off a building till your brain is splattered on the pavement" philosophy. Slightly different matey.
If you're going to use ISIS as a representative of the views of 1.8 billion people then you may as well take Westboro Baptist Church or Joseph 'The Lord's Army' Kony as representative of Christian belief. They are a vocal, extremist minority.

That doesn't mean there isn't more regressive attitudes to sexuality in these parts of the world, but generalising by using the most extreme example as representative of the norm is silly and counter-productive to what might otherwise be valid criticism.
If you're going to use ISIS as a representative of the views of 1.8 billion people then you may as well take Westboro Baptist Church or Joseph 'The Lords Army' Kony as representative of Christian belief. They are a vocal, extremist minority.

That doesn't mean there isn't more regressive attitudes to sexuality in these parts of the world, but generalising by using the most extreme example as representative of the norm is silly and counter-productive to what might otherwise be valid criticism.

That's a joke paragraph right? Please don't tell me you believe that tripe. I can't take you seriously. Off.
Your point is pretty clear. Your intention is awful. If you still support british occupation of foreign territories no wonder why you care nothing about your own place. It's a matter of time.
The Falkland Islands belong to the people of the Falkland Islands, the same applies to Gibraltar.

You say "you care nothing about your own place". I would suggest taking your head out of your arse? There is an uprising happening in the UK.
I'll fight racism where the hell I like, including this place, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. And again - do you like brown people?
I know you want to say something else but I frankly don’t get what you mean by asking if I like brown people . I remember you used to be funny, Morrissey has done so much damage to you Mr.Right , I’m not gonna continue this utterly useless attempt of dialogue. You’re just white noise TROLL !
I know you want to say something else but I frankly don’t get what you mean by asking if I like brown people . I remember you used to be funny, Morrissey has done so much damage to you Mr.Right , I’m not gonna continue this utterly useless attempt of dialogue. You’re just white noise TROLL !
I'm sure that all meant something at some point. Bye.
I know you want to say something else but I frankly don’t get what you mean by asking if I like brown people . I remember you used to be funny, Morrissey has done so much damage to you Mr.Right , I’m not gonna continue this utterly useless attempt of dialogue. You’re just white noise TROLL !

He's obviously mentally deranged. As are, anyone that still goes on a site about someone they don't like anymore. He's stalker material. The lonely bf that can't get over his first love.
Funny, the Muslim people I know have never once tried to chuck me off a building. Matey.

Oh wait till the next generation when they reach the numbers to make their own laws inspired by their religion. The same happened with Hitler. He seemed a very kind guy. At first, until he reached the power.
That's a joke paragraph right? Please don't tell me you believe that tripe. I can't take you seriously. Off.
No point in arguing here, these conversations have been had a million times and more. I'm just not sure why you think a single group is representative of the views of a huge and diverse population.

Who made ISIS official spokeperson in your world?

In a similar vein, I hope you don't believe the activities of the IRA etc. spoke for all Irish people during the previous decades.
The Falkland Islands belong to the people of the Falkland Islands, the same applies to Gibraltar.

You say "you care nothing about your own place". I would suggest taking your head out of your arse? There is an uprising happening in the UK.

When I said "you care nothing" I was talking to a particular person known as Cheeswick.

Colonisation 2.0 is colonisation disguised as self determination. Wait to see boroughs totally occupied by radical muslims in UK asking for self determination. Will you say then those places belong to "the people" or you understand they are part of UK territory?
As repellent as all those Irish terrorists were (both factions)....extreme Islamics have slightly upped the stakes I'd say and if you wish to remain in ignorance and think all things are fine and dandy with this religion, then you're burying your head in the sand.

I don’t think anyone thinks that everything is fine and dandy but to put things into perspective More Americans have been shot dead by fellow Americans than Isis have killed worldwide.

Anyone any thoughts on that?
No point in arguing here, these conversations have been had a million times and more. I'm just not sure why you think a single group is representative of the views of a huge and diverse population.

Who made ISIS spokeperson in your world?
In a similar vein, I hope you don't believe the activities of the IRA etc. spoke for all Irish people.

Well.......mainly because throughout my lifetime......apart from the IRA and the Baader-Meinhoff gang.....the majority of terrorists have been of the "Muslim" faith. From Munich and the numerous plane hold up's in the seventy's and eighties to now with 9-11,7-7, Barcelona, London, Manchester, Lee Rigby, Paris, Belgium......ISIS........the list is endless. Do you think some conclusions might be able to be reached?
Morrissey is neither xenophobic or racist. His distrust of mass immigration and multiculturism is an opinion that he has derived at after 50 so years on the planet. I have never heard Morrissey state that he believes one race to be superior to another. Morrissey continues - albeit in an often clumsy way - to document the feelings and opinions of many white working class people - those who have been consistently marginalized by the mainstream political parties and their echo chamber, the main stream media. At one time, Morrissey was fawned over and praised for his portrayals of those who live where Guardian readers 'dare not drive', but today he is vilified, vilified by those who demand free speech yet fail to acknowledge any opinion other than their own. Western Europe - and Britain in particular - has buckled under mass immigration in the last 20 years. This immigration has not been remotely incremental and controlled as it was in the past with immigrants from the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent. What we have seen recently is mass immigration by thousands of people who have very different values and aspirations to those considered 'Western' or 'Liberal'. Many of the people from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, the Middle East bring with them the ideology of radical Islam - an ideology geometrically opposed to values and attitudes we have fought hard to champion and establish: The rights of women in the workplace, the rights of women to have control over their own reproductive organs, LGBT rights, the rights and protection of children - and yes the rights of Animals - and so on. Radical Islam is fueled by Wahhabism. Wahhabism has become increasingly influential, partly because of Saudi money and partly because of Saudi Arabia's central influence as protector of Mecca. Wahhabism is a puritanical, fanatical and regressive type of Islam whose ideology is close to that of al-Qaeda and Isis. This is an exclusive creed, intolerant of all who disagree with it such as secular liberals, members of other Muslim communities such as the Shia or women resisting their chattel-like status. The spread of Wahhabism and its influence on the Muslim population of Britain cannot be denied. A poll carried out a couple of years ago found that among U.K. Muslims there was zero - zero - belief that homosexuality was a permissible lifestyle choice. And a poll taken just last year in Britain found that 52 percent of British Muslims wanted being gay in the U.K. to be made illegal now. This immigration has altered many white working class communities beyond recognition - and further more it has created home grown Jihadists on our streets. To deny this is beyond foolishness. If it were the 1930's and Britain was accepting thousands and thousands of Hitler worshipping Germans to our shores, dedicated to bringing the Nuremberg laws to our justice system wouldn't we be alarmed - appalled even. And when they blew up a train station or killed innocents in the name of National Socialism and the promise of a Thousand Year Reich wouldn't we do all we could to stop the spread of this obnoxious ideology?
When I said "you care nothing" I was talking to a particular person known as Cheeswick.

Colonisation 2.0 is colonisation disguised as self determination. Wait to see boroughs totally occupied by radical muslims in UK asking for self determination. Will you say then those places belong to "the people" or you understand they are part of UK territory?

Much like with Morrissey, why do you give a shit who lives here or what goes on?

Ps. Hitler wasn't religious.
Well.......mainly because throughout my lifetime......apart from the IRA and the Baader-Meinhoff gang.....the majority of terrorists have been of the "Muslim" faith. From Munich and the numerous plane hold up's in the seventy's and eighties to now with 9-11,7-7, Barcelona, London, Manchester, Lee Rigby, Paris, Belgium......ISIS........the list is endless. Do you think some conclusions might be able to be reached?

Think about it, what generally leads to terrorism? Outside of the angry impressionable youths?
I don’t think anyone thinks that everything is fine and dandy but to put things into perspective More Americans have been shot dead by fellow Americans than Isis have killed worldwide.

Anyone any thoughts on that?

Yere.......stop letting people own guns. It won't stop murders but it sure as hell will help.
f*** her, f*** him, and f*** all right-wing bigots like them.

He's found his natural home, Well, all you scumbags who don't care are welcome to this right-wing shit-for-all. He's all yours. I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***. And that Croatian arsehole who'd drink dribbly shit from Moz's arse at the first opportunity. You're all scum.

Islam isn't a race you complete and utter cock. Anyone who endorses an ideology that hates gays, and treats women and animals like trash needs to f***ing die already. Wake up you vitual signalling turd.
for britain
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