Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey

MORRISSEY, THANK YOU - Anne Marie Waters Official Website
April 2018 / 19

Dear Morrissey,

Thank you for your recent kind words about For Britain; you are obviously a person with the courage to tell it like it is. In fact, I suspect you and I have a few things in common. I’ve always believed in stating plain facts, and that’s what will bring success For Britain.

We will talk to the back-bone of this country – the working majority. Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids, and stays within the law. Their opinions mean nothing to a political elite that sees the world as its chess board. Human life is a game they play in Westminster. They have no right, and we will take back the power that rightly belongs to us.

Like you, I feel a strong compassion for animals, and our policies on animal welfare are very close to my heart. I have two dogs next to me as I write this, and I know how wonderful and clever and affectionate and loving they are. Humanity’s treatment of animals is one of its darkest aspects, and I believe we must change this, for our own sake, as well as for animals.

Change is coming, and a lot of people won’t like it, including the established press. I see that they are doing to you what they do to me. ‘Journalists’ have decided to portray us as though we’re unhinged, when actually it is they who are simply not intelligent enough to understand the arguments we’re making. They therefore resort to name-calling to disguise this. As you said, they never print what we say, and like you, I wonder why they bother asking me questions at all.

Thank you for this boost to For Britain. You are one of the only remaining British icons who hasn’t sold out to the thought police.

Thanks again, you’ll always be welcome on board.

Anne Marie


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He's definitely going to need to do a longer 'sad face' video this Christmas if it all goes horribly wrong.
Edit: *more horribly wrong :)

Clearly building on last year's:

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f*** her, f*** him, and f*** all right-wing bigots like them.

He's found his natural home, Well, all you scumbags who don't care are welcome to this right-wing shit-for-all. He's all yours. I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***. And that Croatian arsehole who'd drink dribbly shit from Moz's arse at the first opportunity. You're all scum.
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f***Skinny most of all, and all hypocrites and bullies like him.

I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***. You're all scum.
LOL, have you looked at your post history yet? You've been a 'racist apologist', as you so clumsily state, for most of those 15,000 odd posts. And you continue to linger on. Why?
Well, you won't answer as you never do, and calls me a coward :crazy: Loony!
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f*** her, f*** him, and f*** all right-wing bigots like them.

He's found his natural home, Well, all you scumbags who don't care are welcome to this right-wing shit-for-all. He's all yours. I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***.

To much cheese in your diet - go vegan.
f*** her, f*** him, and f*** all right-wing bigots like them.

He's found his natural home, Well, all you scumbags who don't care are welcome to this right-wing shit-for-all. He's all yours. I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***.
Uncleskinny, if being against crime, criminals,violence, fgm, misogyny, oppression, religious tyranny, makes one a racist, then ok, I´m a racist. No problem.
Thankfully everyone but racists and sycophants think they're a pair of c***s and so they have no sway on the general population apart from to add steel to their resolve.
Looks like Morrissey will have a support act for his next tour. I'll probably give it a miss. I can't imagine being that enamoured with Anne-Marie's Rottweilers
Uncleskinny, if being against crime, criminals,violence, fgm, misogyny, oppression, religious tyranny, makes one a racist, then ok, I´m a racist. No problem.

f***, I'm a racist too.

The biggest fascists in the world are people like UncleSkinny, who insult anyone who thinks differently to them.
I find it amazing how these leftwing, everyone is a Nazi, Antifa thugs fail to see how much closer they are to being nazis than any "far right" group.
'Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids'... guess what, Anne Marie, Morrissey doesn't care about them either.
Boo-f***ing hoo. Grow a pair, you racist piece of filth. Bully am I? Tough f***ing shit.
Show me the posts where I have been racist? You cannot, which makes you a coward, a bully, a witch hunter and a spreader of lies which has become your natural behaviour these last few years.
Replace the words racists and fascists for Jews or communists in any of your last hundreds of post and you will see a man on the right side of Hermann Goring or Joseph McCarthy. Now f*** off, thought you had me on 'ignore':lbf:
Boo-f***ing hoo. Grow a pair, you racist piece of filth. Bully am I? Tough f***ing shit.

Skinny do you not realise that you are part of the problem? People like you are the reason there is no open debate and the reason why these so called "facist" "racist" groups form.
A bit like why bombing the f*** out of countries with no plans in place afterwards has created groups like ISIS.

You are meant to be intelligent, so how about an intelligent discussion that might actually end in enlightening both sides of the argument. If people talked they'd probably realise that there is a centre ground.

You are no better, no worst, than your enemies when you can't listen and talk to them. At the end of the day it's opinions, personal opinions. Not facts. No side is right, no one is wrong.
Very nice person and wonderfully concise statement!!! A++
Her comments on behalf of people who work to support their families, as opposed to demanding govt handouts, was sure to bring out surly Cheswick. :bowing:
Any loser snowflake out there want to contact the Thought Police? Address you inquires to the Ministry of Propaganda care of @USkinny.:hand:

The next Moz tour is going to be the most successful of all. And the new album straight to NO 1.:euro::moneybag:
I visited the British First website -can't bring myself to add a link. I don't want to bang on about and repeat myself but it's a place where people who accuse a religious group they hate of doing certain things then doing the same in some cases worse. Brainwashing and creating fear; hating and persecution of others just based on their faith; stating they wish to reduce Muslim birthrate - how exactly!!!! - removing birthing choices for Muslim women in UK ( bad when Muslim men do it but Britain First can justify it ???? Hitler had an enormous eugenics program which carried on in Sweden +disabled kids till 1970s but all this is forgiven as he like Anne and Moz are animal lovers.
'Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids'... guess what, Anne Marie, Morrissey doesn't care about them either.
Doesn't she know he wrote a song entirely about the joys of not getting out of bed, not getting on the bus and not going to work?

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