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So you go to his show, you're terribly happy.
Can you actually hear HIM? All those people "singing" along... Do they let you hear?
Can you see him at all if you're not 6 feet tall?

Do you end up spending 2 hours smelling sweaty people who think they're singing in tune and looking at a lot of heads in your attempts to catch a glimpse of Morrissey?
Oh yes, in my experience at least, and these are in venues with about 3,000 other people, you can hear Moz very well. And I'm only 5'3", and I could usually see him throughout the shows. Now, the problem is if some very tall person gets in front of you, or if you're in a general admission crowd and you're in the back. A little bit of the last thing happens, sometimes uncomfortably close contact with sweaty people singing their lungs out (I'm guilty of that myself, can't help it), but then there's a sense of unity and kinship, too. It gets a little hairy when people start fighting over shirts when Moz tosses them out, but that's just part of the experience.
I just tend to get there early (it's so worth it), run to the barrier and cling on for dear life. That usually does the trick. He sounds great from there. And there is that feeling of unity... (the great majority of) people are there to see HIM, not to be seen. Ahh...I can't wait to see him again, even if it does mean I have to go by myself as usual.
of course you can hear him.

In fact, Morrissey shows are generally on the louder side, as concerts go. They crank it up.
So you go to his show, you're terribly happy.
Can you actually hear HIM? All those people "singing" along... Do they let you hear?
Can you see him at all if you're not 6 feet tall?

Do you end up spending 2 hours smelling sweaty people who think they're singing in tune and looking at a lot of heads in your attempts to catch a glimpse of Morrissey?

Yes, yes, depends, and yes.

Same as every other gig by every other band/singer in a non all seat venue.
I just tend to get there early (it's so worth it), run to the barrier and cling on for dear life. That usually does the trick. He sounds great from there. And there is that feeling of unity... (the great majority of) people are there to see HIM, not to be seen. Ahh...I can't wait to see him again, even if it does mean I have to go by myself as usual.

Same, same! Get there early run to the barrier and hold on for dear life. I find that the Boz side of the stage is the best place for some reason. Plus if you're up front then there is no one to get in your way except for HIM himself and that ain't bad! As far as singing along goes...everyone does it but you can most defintaly hear Morrissey over them, unless of course he just lets the crowd do the singing. But it's all part of the show really, damn now I want to see him again...I have a feeling it won't be for a while for me though. :(
At Cork and Dublin gig we're bit unlucky because there're girls who were tone-deaf standing just behind us, but audaciously sung really loud voice which wasn't very nice. :(

Apart from that we really enjoyed the gigs.
I just tend to get there early (it's so worth it), run to the barrier and cling on for dear life. That usually does the trick. He sounds great from there. And there is that feeling of unity... (the great majority of) people are there to see HIM, not to be seen. Ahh...I can't wait to see him again, even if it does mean I have to go by myself as usual.

Sound advice :) I agree with that feeling of unity. That pit area is heaven.

A majority of people sing (including myself :p) but he is still heard above us/them. He projects! Course there was the time in Merrillville, IN that DJ Tony sang every word in my left ear. He also said every ad lib in my left ear. He had just come from Moz's LA shows :rolleyes: I had to tell him to SHADDUP a few times...anyway, he didn't totally ruin the experience...;) I'm 5'9" so I don't usually have a prob wherever I stand. And I'm too old to worry about the shorties in back of me :p As much as I want to sing, and I do, half the time I LISTEN and FOCUS and lose myself in the moment with him. Doesn't quite matter what's happening around me :)

ok, yes, this thread gives me the jones to be right in that mix again :guitar:
Sound advice :) I agree with that feeling of unity. That pit area is heaven.

A majority of people sing (including myself :p) but he is still heard above us/them. He projects! Course there was the time in Merrillville, IN that DJ Tony sang every word in my left ear. He also said every ad lib in my left ear. He had just come from Moz's LA shows :rolleyes: I had to tell him to SHADDUP a few times...anyway, he didn't totally ruin the experience...;) I'm 5'9" so I don't usually have a prob wherever I stand. And I'm too old to worry about the shorties in back of me :p As much as I want to sing, and I do, half the time I LISTEN and FOCUS and lose myself in the moment with him. Doesn't quite matter what's happening around me :)

ok, yes, this thread gives me the jones to be right in that mix again :guitar:

True. And if it ever gets freaky just step to the back where everyone is mellow. You can hear him from everywhere, the sound is loud.
I just tend to get there early (it's so worth it), run to the barrier and cling on for dear life. That usually does the trick. He sounds great from there. And there is that feeling of unity... (the great majority of) people are there to see HIM, not to be seen. Ahh...I can't wait to see him again, even if it does mean I have to go by myself as usual.

I do the same:D. I'm really small so it's the only chance i will get a proper view anyway so i always make sure i am down at the front for most gigs i go to but Moz is the most important of course:cool:.
thanks everyone. I've never been to anything like that (only a David Byrne show on a small theatre) so I didn't know. But some vids on youtube really show people around singing so loudly I thought "wow, I'd be SO mad"
thanks everyone. I've never been to anything like that (only a David Byrne show on a small theatre) so I didn't know. But some vids on youtube really show people around singing so loudly I thought "wow, I'd be SO mad"

A lot of recordings are from the pit area where many are singing and yelling close to the mic. I find the further away you are, the more quiet people sing (or maybe I just can't hear them over myself :p) but closer to the Man, it intesifies and many sing their hearts out. I don't think it's ever been too loud to ruin a show for me, DJ Tony came close ;)
Yeah, I could hear him the whole time, the people around me didnt know alot of the songs or werent singing. I am guilty of singing along, it makes it a lot more fun.And being 5'5, it is a bit hard to see but the closer you were the better it is, i could see him virtually the whole time the second show I went to. And yeah tons of sweaty people, who start moshing at random times, I accidently elbowed some poor lady in the head because of it.

Got into a small shirt fight, just because it was an expirence, i think i was the only one having a good time. Nice bit of tug o war. did manage to get a peice though.

first gig though was at the san diego one he walked out on. was far away and sound was shit, and lots of angry drunk people. Still had some fun though, cos yanno its moz!
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