What's Everyone Reading At The Moment?

What a nice thread, good for tips too.

Over christmas:

Jonathan Franzen: How to be alone
Garrison Keillor: Radio Romance

Franzen's a collection of essays, of variable interest. But at his best, I find he has many valuable and interestung reflections on literature - or more precisely, the position of the novelist in contemporary culture. Keillor I just plain love reading, it must be my Norwegian countryside upbringing. :)


Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
Slavoj Zizek - The ticklish subject

I find either a bit heavy to sustain without a break into something else every now and then, so they are really suitable companions. :)
Der Weg zurück by Erich Maria Remarque, not sure what it's called in english, perhaps The Road Back, or if it's even translated. It's a continuation of All Quiet on the Western Front.
Der Weg zurück by Erich Maria Remarque, not sure what it's called in english, perhaps The Road Back, or if it's even translated. It's a continuation of All Quiet on the Western Front.
I really really LOVE Remarque!I have all his books!Great choice!
I really really LOVE Remarque!I have all his books!Great choice!

I've only read All Quiet on the Western Front by him before but that novel was a great, great book. I really like Der Weg zurück too eventhough it's not as good as the former. Maybe I will have to check out the other novels Remarque have written.
I've only read All Quiet on the Western Front by him before but that novel was a great, great book. I really like Der Weg zurück too eventhough it's not as good as the former. Maybe I will have to check out the other novels Remarque have written.
I recommend you "The Arch Triumph" and "Three comrades".Just beautiful.
books wit no pitchers but not much more just fuck off literary ponces long live books more to life than books nerds n squares obscurer and obscurer shakespeare is smart
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