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  • i know you love glenn beck, but i need to know why. is it because you are a contrarian or are you actually afraid of an islamo-socialist takeover?
    Your Avatar is quite sexy.
    Ok, now I got the hang of this.

    Hi Mindless. I a fine thank you. Busy looking for full time work. Recently send my resume to a major paper printer/manufacturer who always are looking for designers. See what happens.

    Are you on spring break yet?
    yeah i know a lot of kids from new jersey as a result of falling in with that scene. i've distanced myself a lot from it in the past year or so, but they are still a great live band. the cha-cha's coney island show was the prototypical inferno show. not even fifteen minutes into the set the management called the cops because we were diving off the bars and basically tearing the place down from the inside. the band led a procession out of the bar and played heart attack 64 on the boardwalk. everybody waltzed and sang along while a bunch of confused NYPD expecting to break up a bunch of rowdy punks looked on in bewilderment.
    you gave me a thumbs up when i said the best show i've ever seen was world/inferno at cha-cha's in 2007. were you there/have you ever been to an inferno show? it's a really kooky scene of people.
    sorry its 24 hrs later. I am alright ere' this PC @ work is very slow & the work is slow, so i have more time to look @ the interweb.
    that's good to hear that you are coping. but if you want to talk about it let me know (better do that on facebook thou, can't be bothered much with this place as much as i used too). i am logging off ere now and doin' house hold chores! Bye MR x
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