Hi Billy - I noticed you bought the full set of Wedding Present reissues a while ago... and also that you listened to my interview with Gedge at www.themouthmagazine.com - bit of a random request, maybe, but do you happen to have MP3s of 'The Hove Sessions', the singles that came with the set? I'm missing those tracks... - thanks - Steve
if you send me your email, i'll send you me singing with Boz playing guitar at his studio at his house. I can't seem to repost it.
I agree with you there! Who on earth in their right mind would ever think up a stupid idea...
'hmm...what shall I give Morrissey at the gig tonight? AHHH I know! I will create a "Would you still like me if i had AIDS?" badge. I'm sure he will like it'
We have some psychos lurking around these parts lately...Your reply did make me laugh though haha
I think the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" cover is a pure wind up by someone. Maybe the person who did it is promoting it on the forum? It does sound very strange. Your right, sounds nothing like Marr's guitar playing.
Only the one How many have you got? I'm unsure whether to also purchase the DVD too. I might wait a while and judge when someone uploads some clips on youtube. The set list looks pretty good, but it's just his current line up that I don't really enjoy listening to.
Have you pre-ordered Morrissey's autobiography Billy?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the forum is completely insane with nutters!
You need to delete some of your old private messages, your inbox is full so i cant reply.
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