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  • D
    Were you? Wow, you've seen him on so many special occasions! Your so lucky :)
    Yes, I've got a feeling there will be a big tour of Scandinavia. I just hope he doesn't overdo the work though as nobody knows how well he is.
    World Peace has definitely grown on me also and I wasn't sure if it would. I think it's good that the song is very vague and not too in-depth as otherwise it would probably date the song. I'm also loving the jangly Bullfighter song as it's very Smiths :)
    I wish she was! Those lyrics would make a beautiful love poem to her. The song has completely grown on me within the past week and I absolutely adore it. The lyrics are quite rich and I can't believe he's releasing it officially.
    Oh, I hope you saw my apology...I was mainly teasing as always, my friend.

    Are you liking the new songs Emil? :)
    Well I was in Soft Focus for a couple of years. I'd like to do some jangly pop and some dream pop/shoegaze.
    No, unfortunately they wanted to change the sound into garage rock so I fled with the second guitarist. We now do a mixture of our old original band songs, new original songs and a few covers.
    Missus Davie broke up with me after 3 years. I've taken it really bad emotionally. But I'm trying to overcome it on my own. It's hard a lot of the time though.
    Heart broken and I still have very low times, but I'm living and here. College is going okay so far.
    Hello Emil. How are you doing sir? :)
    Exactly, The EU is crumbling away as we speak...

    Yes, College is the stage before. I'm going to try my best to get into university. I want to be a teacher of some kind, if I can't then I'll do some other work within schools. Maybe the creepy janitor? :D
    You usually do A Levels or a BTEC Diploma in College to get you into University, where you then do degrees.

    Ahh Europe...well it certianly isn't a community, there's no such thing.
    College is a step down from University over here in Britain!

    Conference in Berlin? Sounds important! What is it about?
    And your going to Berlin? Sounds interesting...what for?
    At college. I'm liking it so far, but I don't seem to have made many friends and I'm just worrying about remembering everything for the exams. I'm trying to keep calm about it all though!
    Emil!! How are you? I haven't seen you around these parts for a while!
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