what are you eating right now


Soyrizo Mac & Cheese :yum:
score another one for vegetarian dishes :thumb:
i mean i really love pork chorizo, but this soyrizo stuff is great
which will help me to give the "real stuff" up :)
lasagna i made with faux meat and its real good :thumb:
i was worried this stuff would not work, but it has, i think the key was adding some cayenne pepper to spice it up :)
you know baking things really makes me feel like i can cook :yum:
how bout you?
Caramel Chocolate Bar mmmm:thumb:
Noodles with lots of Garlic in it. Too many vampires in the neighborhood. :D
cadburys cream eggs.rumour has it its easter......how do you eat yours? bite the fuc-ker in half you dougnut and swallow it!
Smash mash, aka mashed potato. I've gotten very addicted to it recently. Before last week I hadn't eaten it for years now I can't stop eating it.

Have to have a few added ingredients to it, like diced onion, milk, butter and salt and then it tastes heavenly.
*francis baaaaacon dairy death 2 infidel dessert fat pigs fatfuckheaven food fruit future h'ween leftovers great thread kiwi-ownage meat meataint_murder nom nom nom time 4da season vegan vegetables vegetarian
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