The shame of beloved Mexico - Morrissey statement at

I have thought this before...but then that becomes all a bit Hunger Games. Veg vs. Carn is a debate that might go on forever, but the killing of an innocent animal for sport. How can this still be allowed? I believe England put an end to fox hunting. And the people who purchases tickets to watch the slaughter...what does it say about them? I think we all can agree that there is no room for such barbarity today. Can there be another side to this other than tying it to part of their culture?

It really is very simple for me: suffering is bad, both human and animal, and we should do all we can to lessen it, not promote it as entertainment or delight in it.

Brummie's the type to f*** his fat arsehole with a frozen bratwurst and use goosefat as lube

I'd like to formally nominate this as Post of the Day in the category of Imagery Inducing.
On your first point - Strawman argument.

On your second point - agreed.

I'm interested to know if you share Morrissey's delight at knowing a creature, a human, is suffering - yes or no?


I'm not pumping my fist in the air in jubilation or wishing death on her as Morrissey possibly is / does.
I love my cat, but I appreciate that his protective instincts for all species exceed my own for my dearest Kitty Boo.
I am a carnivore, and therefore a hypocrite.

But I do feel that those who put themselves in that arena should not expect to come out unscathed or to leave with my sympathy when the paramedics are called in.
Do you like animals? (Yes.) Does Morrissey put animal welfare in the media more than any other entertainer? (Yes.) Why are you attacking the wrong thing? Why are you attacking our best shot at a VOICE for animals? Is it because YOU want to be that voice? I don't understand your motivation for relentlessly slagging him unless you aim to educate him to be a better arguer and if that's what you attempting to do it isn't working because you waste too much time trying to be witty and not succeeding. We need to f***ing tighten up the bootstraps and HELP OUR VOICE or it's clear to me you do not like animals at all. You like you.

Morrissey does NOT speak for me and, as far as I'm concerned, his hypocritical outbursts in between mouthfuls of cheese sandwiches have made him a laughing stock. I do not look to c-list celebrities to change the world. I look to each and every personal choice that people can make to extricate themselves from animal suffering. I trust this reply is helpful to you.

Morrissey does NOT speak for me and, as far as I'm concerned, his hypocritical outbursts in between mouthfuls of cheese sandwiches have made him a laughing stock. I do not look to c-list celebrities to change the world. I look to each and every personal choice that people can make to extricate themselves from animal suffering. I trust this reply is helpful to you.


Good to see that you're making such a difference with all those hours you put on here. You're making every minute count, good for you.
Canada has the 2nd largest land mass on earth and has a population of around 40 million, yet there are less than 1000 people who hold commercial sealing licenses in the entire country. There are a further 3000 personal licenses issued to indigenous peoples who have migrated from the arctic. 70% of sealing occurs off the east coast and the rest in the arctic. How large do you assume the seal hunt and the seal population is in downtown Toronto? Nil. It isn't illegal to hunt UFOs in Canada because there aren't any.

99% of the Canadian population either hates the seal hunt or knows next to nothing about it. The 4000 people licensed in Canada to hunt seals are mainly aboriginal peoples whose families have done so for generations, well before the Europeans settled here.

Lets delve a little further into Morrisseys morality:

Mexico: Bullfighting - check. Mass horse slaughter - check. Mexicans burning cats alive on facebook - check.
Gangs burning university students alive and dumping them in pits that the police dug for them - check (though people don't matter)

Morrisseys view: Bullfighting sucks but Mexico has a lot of latinos and they are a huge part of my fanbase! Ill go there anyway.

Canada: Seal hunting - check.

Morrisseys view: Anti seal hunting is chic so Ill ban Canada in protest. knowing well that 90% of the population lives within 50km of the US border so Ill book shows in Niagara falls so they still come.

Morrissey loves Portugal! Its people are beautiful! (And so is their BBQ, Moron). I wonder if Moz thinks about what happens to male cows on dairy farms that make his cheese.

And back to Canada lol
I'd like to formally nominate this as Post of the Day in the category of Imagery Inducing.

It can't be long before you freak out and post some 'Imagery Inducing' Tarot nonsense. That Xanax will only last for half an hour. Maybe get your arse to ER right now and ask for something stronger to bring you down.

Let's recall that here we have Morrissey railing against those who cause suffering to a creature (bull) by delighting in the suffering of another creature (a human). The cognitive dissonance must be deafening. Just run that by yourself again - he doesn't like suffering of one creature, so is delighted by the suffering of another. That's not me editorialising - that's stone cold fact from his own statement. And it's shameful. Almost as shameful, and putting the tin hat on this, is his pleasure in providing a puffpiece to an organisation enabling the bull-fighting audience.


I believe his heart is in the right place, but he should spend a little more time crafting his thoughts. He, more than anyone, should be able to do this. There had to have been a better way to express his displeasure with bullfighting rather than stating his delight in the bullfighter's injury.
Good to see that you're making such a difference with all those hours you put on here. You're making every minute count, good for you.

Ha ha a laughing stock, only in the mind of Brummi/Benny I reckon and of course dry fanny Reality as she never disagrees with Bully Boy or Benny the bully, who are actually the same person.
I don't really buy this, if you go out to hurt something or someone and it comes back and bites you on the arse then I say karma.

Fair enough, if you're prepared to accept that Morrissey's ill health in the last few years may well be karma for his fleecing and short-changing of various musicians, producers and engineers over the years.......
I laughed at this, funny as hell. There is no debating a coward like Broomstickboy.

I had to register to say that.

Well, thank goodness you did register! Imagine how threadbare and bereft this thread would be without the opening contribution of "R E Howard". I look forward to following your insightful comments 'going forward'.

Look Benny/Brummie take sometime to read some of your responses to posts and you will realise that you are nothing more than a school yard bully. I don't think the site should be made up of agreeing yes people but you and a couple of others do not let reasoned debate take place.
You collectively gang up on people who might have an alternate view to yours ( Reality simply jumps on your band wagon) in a sickening attempt to intimidate them.

As I said I don't think the site should be full of agreeing yes people but there is a difference between reasoned debate and ramming your views down everyone's throat but that's what bullies do isn't it.

benny the bully, your parents would be proud of you

Collectively indicates more than one doesn't it? I thought you said we where the same person earlier.
With regards to the bully comments, who was it offering to meet up people on here because "he"was a big stocky trained boxer who would gladly kick the shit out of the posters who's comments "he" didn't like ? (Ring any bells Surface ? )
And why you bring my parents into the equation is baffling because you don't know them or if I have any.
But you have made huge leaps in calming down when you respond, those naughty words are best used in the workplace.
Keep up the good work Surface. Now let's go and read all the nice people's differing points of view on Steven.

Brummie's the type to f*** his fat arsehole with a frozen bratwurst and use goosefat as lube

Wouldn't this be more the domain of Benny the British Butcher? He would have access to all the necessary tools to complete such a task. Would he enjoy it? Not sure, but it does create a potential "nightmare in the making" for me :( It was nice of you to offer goosefat in your scenario rather than having him wait for the bratwurst to thaw a bit before proceeding ;)
Well, thank goodness you did register! Imagine how threadbare and bereft this thread would be without the opening contribution of "R E Howard". I look forward to following your insightful comments 'going forward'.


Look Broomhandleboy, you made a lot of threats awhile back because you thought Morrissey slighted your hero, Robin Williams. Anybody that read that thread knows you had a psychotic break. You whined and begged for an ass kicking and then left. Now you've returned and really offered Nada.

You're stinking up the internets. Most everybody here is sick of your stupid repetition. Go to bed.

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