Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Aww, that's sweet. You care enough to want the details of someone's personal problems released illicitly. How sweet.

Yeah. Pretty pathetic huh.
I'm a bit of a charity shop fiend - not that I'm tight-fisted or anything,you do find the odd gem now and then.As I had no Suede in the house - hence my embarrassing lyrics question to realitybites, I went straight to cds.
Right in front of me - Suede, Dog Man Star and Coming Up,practically scatchless.All for £5.50.
Has anyone eaten the newly released quorn bacon? I'm quite tempted to try it at some stage

Morning Star bacon is ridiculously realistic.
Didn't you go through this already last year or something?

I go through this every few months.

Right now i am thinking about how I miss this cat being around (not that he died, but still):

And now I'm think, why can't I just get a f***ing script for Xanax. Doctors suck.
This is a really weird fun fact about elephants I just read:

Musth is a condition unique to elephants, which has still not been scientifically explained. It affects sexually mature male elephants usually between the ages of 20 and 50. It occurs annually and lasts for a period of between 2 to 3 weeks, usually during the hot season. During this time, the elephant becomes highly agitated, aggressive and dangerous. Even normally placid animals have been known to kill people and other elephants when in the full throes of musth.

The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood. The animal is sexually agitated, but musth is not thought to be entirely sexual in nature. Elephants mate outside the musth period and it is not the same as the rutting season common in some other mammals.

When in musth, a strong smelling oily secretion flows from a gland above the eye. This discharge can be quite free flowing and run down the elephant's face and dribble into his mouth. The taste of the secretion can drive the animal wild.

Domesticated elephants experiencing musth are usually kept securely chained and fed from a distance until the torment subsides, after which he will return to his usual character. From 45-50 musth gradually diminishes, eventually disappearing altogether.

On very exceptional occasions, a form of musth has been recorded in females.
I bought some shoes on sale. They seemed like a good idea in the store but now that I get them home they're a tad Pat Boone.
Los Angeles, you are too hot.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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