Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Davie, I second that diagnosis that you are indeed ker-azy.

How can you not like this?!?!?!

It deserves to be played at 11.

I wish I was half as cool as Kim Deal. :love:
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I listened to The Breeders the other day and I got rid of the album. I don't really like them as much as Throwing Muses. I just thought it was bland. Nothing really happens.
Umm, are crazy, m'boy...

First of all, which Muses album are you referring to that you only deem "pretty decent"? As for their "boring" debut...that album is far and away one of the greatest things ever committed to tape. As good as their later stuff was, the Muses never did anything that equaled their debut (came close a few times though), and most bands never accomplish anything that amazing. Kristin was a pregnant teenager when they wrote and recorded it...and all of that adolescent terror and the angst of carrying an unplanned child definitely went into some of the most erratic, beautiful, astonishing songwriting I've ever heard.

I remember playing it for the first time with my girlfriend because Kristin Hersh's Sunny Border Blue had just come out, which we both loved; additionally I had always been a huge fan of Tanya Donelly, and we realized that they had once been in the same band together (and are sisters, no less!). So we went to Borders and got the double-CD reissue of the Muses' debut, put it on, and it was so different from anything we'd ever heard that our immediate reaction was one of speechless discomfort. We honestly were not sure if we liked it at all, a little, or thought it was weird, unlistenable crap.Yet there was something that demanded another listen.

And another. And another.

Now I would easily rate it as one of the best albums of all time.

Didn't read all your argument, but I just thought their debut was too naff and boring. I like all the other albums apart from their debut. My opinion. I also think The Cocteau Twins debut album was a bit naff compared to everything that followed. You could say the same with The Smiths debut, but I'd disagree there.
Just please stop being so direct. I don't care about spelling. It's unimportant to me, so it should be unimportant to you...I am tired.

atrocious is an evil word. you could have put "made a spelling mistake there, my friend"
and I would have answered "sorry mate. I have better things to do than spell tonight"
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U2...they play good, but somehow Bono's lyrics are a bit mehh and The Edge's guitar lines don't seem to have much emotion or connection. Like when you listen to Vini, Marr or Guthrie you can hear a connection with the guitar and it tells a story. Maybe I'm just weird.
Just please stop being so direct. I don't care about spelling. It's unimportant to me, so it should be unimportant to you...I am tired.

atrocious is an evil word. you could have put "made a spelling mistake there, my friend"
and I would have answered "sorry mate. I have better things to do than spell tonight"

Dude, I was kidding around with you. Stop taking things so seriously.

M-O-O-N, that spells sarcasm!

U2...they play good, but somehow Bono's lyrics are a bit mehh and The Edge's guitar lines don't seem to have much emotion or connection.

Yeah, you pretty much just summed up every single song U2 has ever recorded since 1991.
Doubters can suck it. :cool:
Dude, I was kidding around with you. Stop taking things so seriously.

M-O-O-N, that spells sarcasm!

Yeah, you pretty much just summed up every single song U2 has ever recorded since 1991.

Sorry I was very tired and stressed last night. I had to vent my frustration onto someone. The missus wasn't awake, so someone on Morrissey solo was next on the firing line. You know I don't dislike many people here. :o :whip:

The Joshua Tree was the last best thing U2 did in my opinion. Their first 2 albums are the best!
I think saw a sign asking me to use a seatbelt harness for my dog. :squiffy: Maybe its just my subconscience, I'll look into it though.
Been waiting patiently for Blade Series 1 for over a week and still no sign of it going through the letterbox....
For Doctor Who fans, you can pre-order

The Krotons - Patrick Troughton
Planet Of Giants - William Hartnell
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy - Sylvester McCoy

I've gone for Krotons and Galaxy and Death To The Daleks. I might rent "Planet Of Giants", it's got the same plot as "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids" and I dislike plots like that. It grates on you...
Someone posted a pic of MOrrissey's backstage pass on I hope they switch those up so some clever stalker doesn't photoshop himself one and sneak backstage, though I suppose that might be rather relevantly ironic and GREAT. :straightface: Still, change your backstage passes if some tour person is reading.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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