Moz tattoo

Re: Moz tatoo

To those who have tattoos. Do you ever experience rashes or irritation of the area to where the tattoo was applied or does it just stay sore a while after it has been done? I noticed this picture along with a couple of others and it makes me slightly skeptical about getting one unless of course this has been taken just after the tattoo has been applied:

That looks fresh, and just f***ing huge, so that's probably why it looks so horrid. The worst part is the itching. the actual tattoo itself isn't that painfull imo, depending on where you get it. places under the arm, elbow, neck, etc. do hurt more obviously. I kind of like the whole feeling.
Re: Moz tatoo

well my never scabbed i had to put nappy rash cream on it like 5 times a day for a week to keep it moist but never scabbed. mines all good was red for like a day but nothing horriible
Re: Moz tatoo

Hey does anyknow if morrissey really did write "morrissey was here" on this guys wrist? becuase if moz really did its the best tattoo ever imo

Morrissey/Smiths Tattoos

I don't have one, yet, but I've seen some quite clever ones on friends and aquaintences. Post 'em if you got 'em, I guess...
My brand new tattoos

Ok, went in for a tat today, ended up with 2....
1st is on my back...

The second is on my wrist, please understand it's not deformed but i joined 2 pictures together cos it go's round my wrist a bit.

P.S Nice coments only please:D
Re: My brand new tattoos

WOW, very cool. The back must've hurt like hell. Usually the outline hurts more than the color, and this is all 'outline'. I bet the one on the wrist hurt too, but well worth the pain.

Oh I have one more question, did they wax or shave you? ;)
Re: My brand new tattoos

Ok, went in for a tat today, ended up with 2....
1st is on my back...

The second is on my wrist, please understand it's not deformed but i joined 2 pictures together cos it go's round my wrist a bit.

P.S Nice coments only please:D

They are really cool, Mr Spike! :cool:

WOW, very cool. The back must've hurt like hell. Usually the outline hurts more than the color, and this is all 'outline'. I bet the one on the wrist hurt too, but well worth the pain.

Oh I have one more question, did they wax or shave you? ;)

Lolz, thanks for making me laugh! :D

Sorry Spike. :o
Re: My brand new tattoos

It's gotta be shave every time, i couldn't take the pain of a wax!!!
Re: My brand new tattoos

You, afraid of a little pain?! :eek: :cool: Right!
Hell yeah, don't know how you girls take it.
Seriously though it hurt a little on the back but they always do. I've wanted one with Moz on for a long time so i thought it was worth it. I'm glad you approve though.
Re: My brand new tattoos

I love your avatar. :D
at first nice one on the back..i like the letters you chose..i want exactly the same on my wrist the next month..but I'm so afraid of the pain..:tears:
BUT anyway i will do it:eek::D
Re: Moz tatoo

i saw a great one recently i met a couple wo i dont know in front of the roundhouse venue in london in the cause of being from rom the same country and to numb their dissapointment we decided to go to nearby pub for a few drinks (they did fly over for the cancelled saturday gig ) so we went to the nearest pub where for some reason the conversation came to tatoos the man ( pretty tough looking) showed me his tatoo on his chest ...he had a picture of his cat (who had died not long ago) and below the pic he had the line

inspired by the smithssong "sweet and tender hooligan" of course

nice idea !

i make a pic but it was made witha normal camera not with a digital one but i try to scan it some day..
quite funny situation--"eh please lift your shirt i dont know you and your wife is sitting next to me but nevermind so strip ":D
i dont know what went through my mind that day for asking him tht cause im pretty shy and would never approach someone i dont know to do something like that..but oh well but i had to see it and take a pic i guess i was in peculiar kind of mood---
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dedication do not want maori mania nice_lampshade tattoo unemployable wrapped in vag
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