Moz Meme... aka "LOLMozzers" Thread


and this one, about six people will get, and that's if you count Moz himself...

That's very close but his expression was less irritated and more completely and utterly baffled. From what I remember anyway - by then I wasn't seeing too well between crying with laughter and gasping for breath. And putting my head on the stage.

$6 Beringer white zin. My cheap favorite!
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Well, I'm really happy to finally have a place to post this image. I know it does not really make any sense... its a long story - an inside joke between a few of my friends. And next thing you know, you get this:

I don't know you but I really, really want to be in on this joke. It seems like a joke I'd uh... like.

No, wait.... nevermind. I think I'm having more fun just using my imagination. :D
I don't know you but I really, really want to be in on this joke. It seems like a joke I'd uh... like.

No, wait.... nevermind. I think I'm having more fun just using my imagination. :D

It's a good one, if I am thinking of the right one. I think it is explained on the frink thread somewhere...
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can someone repost my attachment so it actually shows up? I can't figure out how to do it...

You have to choose INSERT PICTURE when composing your post. Then you need to provide a URL where the picture is uploaded, e.g.,

It doesn't work when I tried with the mozzolo URL for the attachment, but it works for most other URLs.

I bet your problem is that you did not upload your picture to a website such as photobucket. It's not hard to register, and I believe it's free.

But I don't know why you should bother with this one because you've admitted it's an inside joke and you're not willing to explain it. If no one else can enjoy the piccy, why bother posting it other than as an attachment? I just told you about uploading your image files to photobucket because you might want to consider it for future images.
Am I missing something? These pics make me LOL but whassup :p with the ebonics and grammar? It does make it funny tho. I'm drunk.

You're not the only one who finds the grammar on these pictures strange. I don't find it particularly funny, myself; rather, I shrink away in horror at the awful grammatical constructions! It seems virtually Japanese to me - so very, very strange...
You're not the only one who finds the grammar on these pictures strange. I don't find it particularly funny, myself; rather, I shrink away in horror at the awful grammatical constructions! It seems virtually Japanese to me - so very, very strange...

Some of the cat ones I can't even make out. They are very deeply mired in Geekdom- but in a good way, I think.
I gave Moz a booklet of my photography at the Knoxville gig this summer- I expected a big reaction from him on the cover photo- it was a cool vintage photo of London that I thought he'd like. He didn't react. I kept saying, "Look at it. Look at it!" because my brain froze, and finally he just said, "I am looking!" as I died of embarrassment and everyone around me laughed. It was a strange and stupid moment. Claudia was there. He had an expression much like that on his face.
I gave Moz a booklet of my photography at the Knoxville gig this summer- I expected a big reaction from him on the cover photo- it was a cool vintage photo of London that I thought he'd like. He didn't react. I kept saying, "Look at it. Look at it!" because my brain froze, and finally he just said, "I am looking!" as I died of embarrassment and everyone around me laughed. It was a strange and stupid moment. Claudia was there. He had an expression much like that on his face.

Oh Lord, I dread moments like that... sometimes I feel lucky I'm never gonna be near him... Sorry it didn't go perfectly smooth for you, and thanks for sharing :)
funny he can't haz cheezburger humour macro photo
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