morrissey/smiths tshirts - post what you're wearing...


That's your new one isn't it? I love it! Are you wearing it to Chicago?


my fav shirt. i dont mean to look so serious. i just cant figure out how people take photos of themselves so well. i need to hire a photographer:cool:

Shweeeet shirt.
Your photo looks great!
As far as photos of yourself? Just practice, practice, practice all day long. ;)
That's your new one isn't it? I love it! Are you wearing it to Chicago?

Yeah, it's my new one, and yes, this is my shirt I'm wearing to the gig! I can't wait! My friend going with me bought a Je Suis Morrissey shirt just for this gig. I get weird looks in school when I wear this shirt, cos usually all they can see is the Kill Uncle part, so I guess they think I'm gonna kill my uncle or something :guitar:
Yeah, it's my new one, and yes, this is my shirt I'm wearing to the gig! I can't wait! My friend going with me bought a Je Suis Morrissey shirt just for this gig. I get weird looks in school when I wear this shirt, cos usually all they can see is the Kill Uncle part, so I guess they think I'm gonna kill my uncle or something :guitar:

:lbf: When my son was born, my brother wanted me to pack up all of my Kill Uncle merchandise! He was most likely joking.

my fav shirt. i dont mean to look so serious. i just cant figure out how people take photos of themselves so well. i need to hire a photographer:cool:

Great Tshirt, I like it :thumb:
I thought that. :p


Equally crazy face-pulling :p

I even put my Meat is Murder t-shirt over my Clash one. Ahhhh, funny story about that t-shirt today... :p

youhavekilledme and Franzanna, seperated at birth ???? :confused:

I want glasses like those...very nice. :thumb:
youhavekilledme and Franzanna, seperated at birth ???? :confused:

I want glasses like those...very nice. :thumb:

We even both live in the London area. :p Too uncanny.

Thank you, I need a new pair, really, because I have to squint sometimes to see things. I thought my eye test was due last month, but I guess it wasn't. :(
goddesses kldkthx moz shirts
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