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  • Hey Modrevolve, hope you're well.

    I can see you've already been asked previously, but I'm also on the hunt for a copy of the Tarquin Roughs by The National.

    Any chance you still have a copy you're able to share?

    I'd be extremely grateful!
    hi there, i noticed that several years ago you shared the Tarquin Roughs by the National, but the link no longer works, clearly. Might you be willing to re-up the link? I'd be v grateful. Thanks!
    Hi modrevolve - I noticed you bought the full set of Wedding Present reissues a while ago... - bit of a random request, maybe, but do you happen to have MP3s of 'The Hove Sessions', the singles that came with the set? I'm missing those tracks... - thanks - Steve
    Hey that's great! Let me know if there is any other Swedish stuff I can help you with:-)
    I think I searched for it a while back but never was able to find it. Link Plz? This computer is so old when people post you tube videos on here its just blank. If I get the link I will try to play it on my phone...
    What is the link that to the video you just posted? I can't access it on this dang computer. I hope I don't look or sound like too much of an idiot, but I'm not going to hold my breath. haha.
    Thanks so much! I was in shock! I never stalked - I mean stood in a hotel, EVER!:D I was in there less than 5 minutes. It was surreal.
    see you tomorrow! remind me to talk with you about using dolla dolla billz in london.
    You can always leave pervy messages here :D and even pervier ones in PM's. :p
    Besides, your girlfriend will give us both a beat down on Facebook. :eek:
    Dude I don't know whaaaaaat you're talking about. ;) Why am I dead set on getting banned? I don't hate anybody for the record. I guess I'm just pushing the moz solo limits. No offense to Davidt of course. Others, offense for sure.
    What did I do this time? Tag abuse again? The Mombanger question? Nothing I've done wrong today has been deleted...yet...
    Two downloads finally done!! Okay, I need your help. This always confuses me. When I go to drag the folder from my hard drive to Nero, which one do I use? I see about 8 folders there!!
    I'm gonna wait until I'm done with these two downloads and then start on more. Just so I don't slow down too much!
    Thank you! I am at 50% on MSG and 73% done on Derby. It seems to be slowing down my computer, could that be?
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