morrissey frink thread!


This one goes in the O-face Hall of Fame if it isn't there already. :D
Just coz they're my favorites:


Too soon to repeat this, but can't help it
It says 'frink' on the tin.
So, if you do not want to participate in posting frink items, there are plenty of other places to go to.

No need to waste frink space with trying to spoil the fun. kthx.

Can't I say what's on my mind then? Just because a few don't like it, It was something I said to Scarlet Ibis and then everyone leapt to her defense, like i'd said something terrible. Sometimes people need to say what everyone is thinking.

I thought this entire place was for open discussion? If you can't speak up for yourself and be part of a debate (Which it's now become even though I just left one short comment to Scarlet Ibis) then don't get involved.
Can't I say what's on my mind then? Just because a few don't like it, It was something I said to Scarlet Ibis and then everyone leapt to her defense, like i'd said something terrible. Sometimes people need to say what everyone is thinking.

I thought this entire place was for open discussion? If you can't speak up for yourself and be part of a debate (Which it's now become even though I just left one short comment to Scarlet Ibis) then don't get involved.

what everyone is thinking.

Not everyone apparently.

open discussion

frink items-> frink
ad hominem rudeness -> pigsty or breach of TOS
Off topic discussions -> off topic (morals of the 50ties or somesuch)

For me it's also not frinky, but i love the squishy moz too. so cute :love:



young squishy
Again Jonathan Ross, the one when he wasn't that comfortable and practically fled in my opinion.

Oooh, ouch. Sounds like he was really struggling with his voice and Ross was being an idiot with the whole burger thing. That's a great way to offend Morrissey. I wouldn't have shaken his hand either.
I'm busy so I can't respond to all the posts I'd like to right now, but I wanna say one more thing. I think Mozza must be filtering the things I say through their own view of life and love or she wouldn't feel this way. I know she's a troll, but I'm gonna act like she isn't for a moment. It's funny that I'm accused of a "dangerous" obsession NOW, because it feels way more lighthearted than it used to when I was younger. I felt such reverence for Morrissey that feeling lust towards him seemed like a sin against nature. Now? He's just a really talented man who happened to get sexier with age, whereas before, when my life was smaller, he was like a god. I'm way over that now.

Morrissey is one of the reasons my husband and I fell in love. We both really liked The Smiths in high school. I keep hearing that I love Morrissey more than I love my husband. That's... It's laughable. It's just pure crazy-talk. My husband is my best friend in the universe. He's sexy as hell. He's my everything (except for our daughter). The frink thread is where I come to look at my sexy pop star. You see? You're having a perception problem and taking it out on me.

And YES, I have thought of Morrissey while doin' it with my husband. He knows it too. And he's thought of other women as well. It's all good cuz we know we're mostly thinking of each other. And you really mean to tell me that a string of sexy fantasies about other people hasn't danced thorough your head on these occasions? I... kind of don't believe you. And if not, then you oughta. You're missing out.

You sound like you have some big issues with sexuality in general. I mean, you said that I'm "vulgar." I'm not vulgar. I'm just not a vulgar person by nature. Sometimes I'll joke and be a touch crass, but if you can find some instances of me being truly vulgar I would like to see them.

Go ahead and think what you want, but don't try to impose your morality on other people. It's wrong. I'm not harming anyone by having a crush on Morrissey. Not even my husband. He benefits from it. My devotion to my husband is so strong and so evident that he's not threatened because I find my poet-of-choice hot.

Lastly, the frink thread is one thread on a huge forum, so if you don't like what's being said in here and if it's not personally impacting your life, why not go find some threads about Morrissey's lyrics, etc? I actually know the answer to that, but you'll never admit it.

And now I am leaving for awhile to go have some fun in L.A. with my husband. :)
Scarlet, you don't have to make excuses. Let it pass. You're an ace :thumb:

Last Activity: Today 12:48 AM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread Come and play with my wang"


The truth comes out.
Can I just ask everyone in here, as a general question, do you think it's right to think of another person when you're having sex with your partner; whether that be your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife?

And can you honestly live with yourself and think that everything's normal and be fulfilled knowing that your supposed loved one has basically used you as a platform for sex whilst they imagine someone else?

Wouldn't you just feel so depressed and used? Wouldn't you feel so bad that your relationship has got to a stage where you need these tawdry rituals to "spice" things up?

Surely I'm not alone in thinking this? Perhaps none of you know or understand the concept of real, honest, true love...
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