Morrissey Central "Mexico City" - dengue infection will take 2-3 weeks to clear; tour to resume in Florida (September 10, 2023)

Looks like he caught Dengue Fever - all shows cancelled until Florida on 7 October. All South American dates cancelled.

Morrissey’s arrival in Mexico City has resulted in a dengue infection. The virus will take 2-3 weeks to clear.

The tour is set to resume in Florida.

Morrissey has not ‘cancelled’ any shows, but the infection makes the immediate two weeks impossible.
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I'm sure that's very true. It must all be very disappointing for the thousands of fans in Mexico and South America who will miss an opportunity to see their hero sing live - especially as, let's face it, they may not get another, unless they have money to travel. Poor Latinos, they are the best audience in the world, the friendliest and the most generous people in the world, and deserve better.
Just to add - Paul McCartney is playing 7 dates in Brazil in November and December this year, and he's 81.
But Paul McCartney sucks, so who cares?
You have clearly never visited the tropics much? Dengue is a concern across many part of the world. It's classified as a 'neglected tropical disease' because it primarily affects the poor and low-income countries, unlike diseases such as HIV and TB that also affect the developed world and get much more attention and research dollars.

I caught dengue in Rochdale.
why would M spend thousands of dollars on flights and hotels for himself and the band to deliberately cancel shows,anyone who thinks he would do this needs to be in a straightjacket in a very padded cell.
Yes. It makes no sense at all.

He spent all that money, time and energy to go there, only to then cancel a bunch of big sold out gigs because... he didn't feel like it? What exactly is the theory? Because usually it goes "oh, he cancelled cause it hadn't sold well", which while speculative, at least has some logic to it. There's none here. He's cancelled the sold out gigs and apparently the half sold US gigs are going ahead.
The exhaustion theory makes no sense either as he's coming from a break.

These gigs would mean huge money for him, for that matter!

The "theory" wouldn't be so much nonsense if it was maybe the one cancelled gig, but it is what, 6 gigs?

Obviously something went wrong that meant they had to cancel.

Let's just hope he really does reschedule.
"Morrissey’s arrival in Mexico City has resulted in a dengue infection."

This sounds like Morrissey himself is carrying and spreading the disease all over Mexico City. Perhaps it's the forthcoming pandemic, which will make the shows impossible.
Lmao, I was thinking the same thing. The way it is worded it makes it sound like he is spreading it all over Mexico 😆
why would M spend thousands of dollars on flights and hotels for himself and the band to deliberately cancel shows,anyone who thinks he would do this needs to be in a straightjacket in a very padded cell.
When my toddler launches a toy from the pram, I always remind him that it makes zero sense. He does, after all, like toys.
64 isn’t approaching 70, a number of artists of his age are still touring with a far heavier schedule and longer set lists than him.
Plus, touring musicians or "Rock stars" planning these world-wide tours would normally have the best private medical care. What I mean is that a good course of steroids would probably sort him out if he was serious about doing these dates.
In Florida there is dengue, there are many local cases .. el.mosquito that is not any mosquito, exists there therefore there may be dengue the mosquito that can carry the virus is the Aedes aegypti. And on the other hand dengue can be asymptomatic in a large percentage of the population or not and I know many cases of patients and known people who had symptoms and did not have a good time, it is not a cold as some say here, it is a systemic disease, which can be complicated, although it is not common to happen and end badly. In patients where it occurs in moderate form the symptoms are very annoying because of the pain that occurs in joints, muscles and bones there is significant headache fever and skin rash, inflammation of the liver spleen etc and gives bone asthenia people need to be in bed are without strength, this happens in moderate cases, if things get complicated you have to hospitalize them is the case of severe dengue
We do not know where Moz came from, maybe he arrived in Mexico infected, maybe it is something else, but if it is true that he left on Thursday we have to think that something happened to him. He must have felt bad and didn't want to stay there, I think Los Angeles is close to the capital of Mexico, maybe he went to see his doctor there and within 48 hours he had the diagnosis. Let's hope Morrissey is OK
I bought the ticket to see Moz and I'm near the Movistar Arena in Buenos Aires, but there are people from the interior of my country who have to travel and mobilize to see Morrissey, so, I think Moz is sick, I do not know what happens to him, but it is also true that he has a reputation for canceling many times and there are people who do not believe him. The truth is that out of respect for all fans Morrissey must take out a statement explaining the situation, since we have no news of anything if the money if there is rescheduling of the show or the money is returned. I think if Moz is not in a position to explain, someone in his environment should. I believe him, I think something happened to him he was happy with the sales of several southern A countries and he is not going to abandon everything overnight. ... something happened, but we deserve an explanation, even the most important thing in my case is to know what happens with Morrissey I want to know how his health is
Moz I believe you, I know something important is happening to you, I support you and I wait for you in Buenos Aires. It is unfortunate how on this site some characters criticize a singer they claim to be fans of and do not even care what is happening to Morrissey at the moment, I mean some, who make jokes, mock, pity the "Latinos" obviously in a derogatory way. These are people who are actually very poor in soul and very ignorant in certain subjects, they speak because the air is still free
I bought the ticket to see Moz and I'm near the Movistar Arena in Buenos Aires, but there are people from the interior of my country who have to travel and mobilize to see Morrissey, so, I think Moz is sick, I do not know what happens to him, but it is also true that he has a reputation for canceling many times and there are people who do not believe him. The truth is that out of respect for all fans Morrissey must take out a statement explaining the situation, since we have no news of anything if the money if there is rescheduling of the show or the money is returned. I think if Moz is not in a position to explain, someone in his environment should. I believe him, I think something happened to him he was happy with the sales of several southern A countries and he is not going to abandon everything overnight. ... something happened, but we deserve an explanation, even the most important thing in my case is to know what happens with Morrissey I want to know how his health is
If you have a ticket for a cancelled Morrissey show 369, then my advice to you, would be to get your money back as Quickly as possible.
I doubt that these shows will be rescheduled, as FWD has pointed out.
I really feel your pain here.
Your a true die hard Morrissey fan…..I send you all my love .
Another day in Morrissey land, and we are all still left flapping and floundering about with statements ( lucky for some) that seem unclear to most.
With Morrissey’s forthright views on every subject in life over the decades, I find myself now at a point, where I’m completely fed up with this constant circus of deceit, and skulduggery.
I, like everyone else on here would appreciate just a few simple words from you
But no… as ever,
Your mouth is Shut… good and proper.
I see the usual apologists are lining up to defend him, Fi, Marianne, Sh1tfield, Collins, Trina, Lottie to be noticed no doubt. The common denominator?? None are affected, inconvenienced or financially impacted by this or have been previously. Can bet your life they'd all be having private meltdowns if they were. He's shat on the fans again, and it's time and again without reason or apology. He's got no f$cking chance of catching the dengue In CDMX the silly sausage, but you guys keep defending him😃 He fled the country before Saturday, he could have at least reduced the impact to those who travelled. But as always, its all about Moz. He got the nephew as usual to post this lame excuse, they're all as bad as each other for accepting his crap. Hope that gin went down well Moz.✈
350 + cancellations and rising. But but but he's sickkkkkkkkk. Mugs.
Another day in Morrissey land, and we are all still left flapping and floundering about with statements ( lucky for some) that seem unclear to most.
With Morrissey’s forthright views on every subject in life over the decades, I find myself now at a point, where I’m completely fed up with this constant circus of deceit, and skulduggery.
I, like everyone else on here would appreciate just a few simple words from you
But no… as ever,
Your mouth is Shut… good and proper.
Dude, he already explained, he's got the dang fever! Fever! In the morning. Fever! In the night. Fever!
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