James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?


Is Morrissey a racist?

The answer is an emphatic 'no'. In the forty years that I have known Morrissey, I have never once heard a racist epithet pass his lips. The terms 'racist', 'fascist', and 'Islamophobe' are so freely used nowadays against those whose opinions and worldview differs from our own, that they have lost their power and meaning.
Also, there is a worrying trend on the Left that, ironically, echoes fascism in its intolerance of reasoned debate. One is not only 'wrong' in expressing a different opinion, but one is also now 'evil'. I believe that calling Morrissey a racist is unjustifiable and wrong.
However, if you want to run out of the house wearing a garment ill-suited to the elements in order to throw Viva Hate into the Manchester Ship Canal, then that is, of course, your right.

In supporting Brexit, this does not make Morrissey an immigrant-hating 'Little Englander' who lives only to reverse the metric system and bring back steam trains. The truth is, there are myriad reasons why people voted to leave the EU. One of them is a mistrust of Brussels technocracy where unelected representatives make decisions that are arguably a matter for sovereignty.
Patriotism and Nationalism are very distinct: the former is characterised by an affection for one's country; the second is a more extreme and unforgiving form of allegiance to one's homeland. Morrissey might be guilty of patriotism, but not of nationalism.

Opposing Sharia Law in the UK, or FGM, or institutionalised misogyny—which is (trigger warning) widespread in the developing world—is an appropriate Western response borne of democracy and the development of civil liberties. It is neither racist nor Islamophobic.
After all, if I were to move to the United Arab Emirates in search of a better life, I wouldn't reasonably expect to be able to build a hot dog stand empire, serving pork products whilst dressed in a gender-neutral miniskirt.

To oppose halal slaughter is to oppose slaughter with additional cruelty. The zakat tax payable for Halal certification is used by Islamic organisations to fund mosques and religious schools. Such is the many-tentacled nature of zakat, it is difficult to determine whether it is also being used to crowdfund Islamist extremism. There is a growing concern in some quarters that it might be.

Hitler was indeed 'Left-wing' in the sense of incorporating the word 'socialist' into the party's name to cynically draw voters away from communism and towards populist nationalism dressed as socialism. Hence, 'Hitler was Left-wing.' Morrissey was not suggesting that Hitler and Yvette Cooper (for example) share the same political ideals. The fact is, Left-wing totalitarianism looks little different to Right-wing authoritarianism — if you're being oppressed, it's the same experience.

Again, is Morrissey a racist?
My answer is an emphatic 'no'.

James Maker.

Very sloppy, onesided, and very lazy.
Have you heard of Nick Kent or Charles Shaar Murray?

Yes I have actually. I'm pretty sure Charles Shaar Murray would be similarly critical of Morrissey. As I follow him on various social media platforms I think you'll find he is a wishy-washy lefteye libtard lover in the eyes of the sanctimonious free speech lovers.
Nick Kent was overrated. Like a British Poundland version of Hunter S Thompson.
I notice in this ranting critique Uncle Skidmark fails to address the bulk of James' post. James made a nuanced argument that Hitler used socialism as a cloak to lure Germans in to what turned out to be a totalitarian fascist regime. He is correct in backing Morrissey up in his assertion. Anyhoo to me socialism and fascism are two sides of the same coin: A denial of individual property rights and overall state control. Both ideologies as theories and in practice can go take a f***ing long leap off a short pier as far as I'm concerned.

James Maker is probably Morrissey's longest friend, why Moz 'need' his mate to come riding in for him? maybe, just maybe, James in knowing Moz as long as he has felt he a unique and informed perspective to add to the debate. And maybe, just maybe, when you've been friends for someone for 45 years you feel the desire to defend them if you believe they are being unfairly portrayed as something they are not. It's a crazy theory I know, but sometimes friends do that for each other. Shit even spurned lovers like Peter Hogg have sided with him on this.

As to the money side of things well he's just come off one of his most successful UK tours and will always have an audience playing around the world, so again not really sure what the point is. The majority of the casual fans that will go to see Morrissey in concert won't give a single f*** about this shit within a couple of weeks of it blowing up, that's how the news cycle works these days.
Don’t feed hungry fat skinny, he’s now rotund without fun, he needs to resolve being hated in infant school. Go Uncle (Uncle?) says it all. Don’t have nightmares.
What the fook has Ireland and the Troubles have to do with the Muslim thing?:crazy:
Why not bring up King George and the Battle of New Orleans while you are ito_O
Or the Napoleonic wars. How about the Boxer War? Or the Boer War?

To be fair this is in line with the rest of the idiotic drivel you've been spouting over the last day or two. You must be able to do better than this?

I don't see a difference between Jew haters and Muslim haters btw so that's a pointless comparison you made.

No difference besides Muslims being Jew haters. They dont want Israel to exist FOR FOOK sakes!
The Prophet( Allah Praise Him LOL) went berserk because the Jews didnt make him Messiah:squiffy:

You are slipping there, Chezzer.o_O
Of course he's right, just as Morrissey was right in everything he said. As a former liberal like Morrissey, I have abandoned the left and their pearl-clutching, fake outrage, free speech-hating, virtue-signaling, Sharia-promoting lunacy. This movement deserves to be taken out back and beaten senselessly, as their non-existent parents should have done long ago.
So why does he openly support a racist political organisation? And don't tell me For Britain aren't racist. Research!

I'm still reading and researching through all the For Britain Movement policy statements and social media posts to find out if they are racist or not. I will admit they are anti-Islam which is a religion not a race - you can find plenty of white European Muslims in Bosnia as well as Pakistani Muslims, Arab Muslims, African Muslims elsewhere in the world.

Also found this where they say they are not racist and are opposed to both fascism and marxism:

As I follow him on various social media platforms I think you'll find he is a wishy-washy lefteye libtard lover in the eyes of the sanctimonious free speech lovers.
Well, Moz backed Bernie Sanders in the election two years ago, so no problems with lefteye libtard lovers I suppose.
Of course you won’t find any of that in the lazy lefteye British media.
We won't vote Conservative because they're too loony left. We look to Los Angeles for the Yankee we speak.

Too many Yanks have allowed this to happen. Pray for another September 11th to sort this out.
Well, Moz backed Bernie Sanders in the election two years ago, so no problems with lefteye libtard lovers I suppose.
Of course you won’t find any of that in the lazy lefteye British media.

He's always been true to us.
oh yeah I forgot, the left are literally like Hitler because they dislike racism

If the left wants to get serious about "racism," whatever that entails now, they need to operationally define it and come up with a specific plan to counteract it, ideally one that will appeal to the majority of people. Right now, all this "boy who cried wolf" rhetoric is totally useless.

The same thing goes for feminism. Come up with a plan and make some specific demands and set some specific goals that you would like to achieve, achieve them, and then shut up.

Things could be far more simple and efficient!
Well, Moz backed Bernie Sanders in the election two years ago, so no problems with lefteye libtard lovers I suppose.
Of course you won’t find any of that in the lazy lefteye British media.

He backed Hillary Clinton before that though, which makes one wonder.
He backed Hillary Clinton before that though, which makes one wonder.
Morrissey has no clue when it comes to politics. He's more all over the place than anyone I have ever met. I think he often supports politicians without really knowing about or understanding their politics. Which in no way absolves him in respect of his own half-baked and clearly racist world-view.
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So why does he openly support a racist political organisation? And don't tell me For Britain aren't racist. Research!
Here's some more racism from the the racist party For Britain. I'm only joking. It's all completely reasonable.

Here's some more racism from the the racist party For Britain. I'm only joking. It's all completely reasonable.

Reasonable? You're not familiar with Pegida, Tommy Robinson et al? Does THAT video constitute the full extent of your research on For Britain?
Yes I do. For example more Americans have killed fellow Americans than Isis have killed worldwide.

but in general we don't kill each other by video taping their beheading and sending it to their family.

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