Hooky twitter

Walter Ego

Not Banned
Has anybody read Peter Hook's recent twitterings re Andy Rourke?
Either: a) Hooky is bullshitting
b) It isn't really him

In a nutshell he's saying that there's a plan for Rourke/Marr and 'Mr Misery' to work together next year. He also says the plan is supposed to be secret but as Moz once called him a 'loudmouth' he is taking this opportunity to prove Moz right.

Personally I'm not buying it. But I could be wrong. I was once.
I've said it before, but you have to spot the real language being used in the interviews responses by Morrissey and Marr. They have not said that the band will not reform. We get comments like "Why would I do that?" and "I'd rather eat my own testicles". It was most noticable in the Radio6 response by Marr recently. He skirted round the subject and didn't say yes or no. Who knows? I was talking to a chap in Limerick about this, and I said I reckoned that there will be three things happen in Morrissey's career trajectory in the next couple of years: one more solo album, the autobiography is published, and the band (minus Joyce) reform for a tour. All guesses. All complete guesses. Anyway, interesting post.

I've said it before, but you have to spot the real language being used in the interviews responses by Morrissey and Marr. They have not said that the band will not reform. We get comments like "Why would I do that?" and "I'd rather eat my own testicles". It was most noticable in the Radio6 response by Marr recently. He skirted round the subject and didn't say yes or no. Who knows? I was talking to a chap in Limerick about this, and I said I reckoned that there will be three things happen in Morrissey's career trajectory in the next couple of years: one more solo album, the autobiography is published, and the band (minus Joyce) reform for a tour. All guesses. All complete guesses. Anyway, interesting post.

That would be lovely.

It's terrible of me, but I kinda want to punch Mike. I hope it happens just so he can be left out. :)
I can't believe this isn't getting more attention. I just read the comments from Therealhooky. I agree with the two possibilities from Mr Ego, but still, if it's true, it's the biggest story on here in years.

If this is true then heres hoping they showcase a tune or 2 at his 50th,hes got to pull something special out of the bag surely???

If it was the real Hooky wouldn't he have more than 326 followers? :rolleyes:

You're probably right. From what I've heard it's a bunch of arse from someone trying to annoy/wind-up certain people. So it's a no.

Still - what is life without hope?

I reckon it's fairly likely that Moz and Marr will do something together in the next two or three years. Having joined a third-rate indie band like the Cribs, one imagines Marr would be pretty much up for anything!
Guess it could include Rourke. Must admit, when I've seen him on telly doing stuff like Never Mind The Buzzcocks, he's seemed like a complete plonker, but there's never been that much bad blood.
It's obvious that Moz and probably Marr would never wanna work with Joyce Michael though, as long as they lived.
No idea of the veracity of this story, but I do know there are more wind-up merchants per square foot in Greater Manchester than any other place on the planet. Something in the water apparently. Locals call it 'humour'. ;)
Well, whoever it is is sticking to their guns. Good luck to them.

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# But i'm proving you were right steven. I am just a loudmouth.11:20 PM Apr 30th from mobile web

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# Andy talking with marr about doing gigs with mr misery next year

Sounds interesting.

Quick thoughts:
Maybe an act of desperation from Moz. New album, singles & remasters don't sell that well, so he decides to do something with Marr again.
Sounds interesting.

Quick thoughts:
Maybe an act of desperation from Moz. New album, singles & remasters don't sell that well, so he decides to do something with Marr again.

Laughable. :rolleyes:

If Morrissey's in desparation, he'd have been disappeared.
Sounds interesting.

Quick thoughts:
Maybe an act of desperation from Moz. New album, singles & remasters don't sell that well, so he decides to do something with Marr again.

Well, if it's the same rumour that has been doing the rounds here in Manchester, then this has been agreed now for about a year? Everybody knows someone who spoke to <insert name here> from The <insert band name here>. However the story is pretty much always the same.

I take it with a pinch of salt.
I have spoken to a couple of people who would know about this.
The first said it is a load of bollocks, designed to wind someone up.

The second said it could be true, as there seems to be some sort of 'thing' going on between certain people. (sorry not to be clearer)

My money is still on untrue.
But I don't really know.
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