HOB Boston GA?

Yeah it's not clear if they actually sold VIP seats for Moz or not. The on-sale process was so screwed up. I'm sure there will be some reserved seats for real VIPs, just not sure if it'll be the whole 3rd floor or just part. Time will tell.
I just spoke to HOB Boston and they are not doing pass the line.:(

See everyone in the queue!
I've gotten such a runaround from the HOB in Myrtle Beach as to how these programs work..And was advised by someone that the last time Moz came to town didn't work out as expected. I'm just gonna sit in line all day and rough it instead of banking on this program to actual get me in the front row.
I don't think Moz approves of Pass the line because of all the meat that is required to be consumed.

We did this once at a show (non-Moz) because I was ill and needed to be able to sit, at least on a barstool, during the show. There was mathematically no possible way to use the entire meal credit unless you ordered their biggest plate of steak or ribs or whatever. We couldn't use it all up, and they even let us each take two drinks in plastic cups up into the venue.

So anyway, I'm glad they're not making you do it this time.
Just curious, how much did you have to spend? And was it per person or a dollar amount for a group?

I think it was about $75 each, extra, per ticket. We reserved and prepaid over the phone. I believe we were given wristbands. We didn't do it to get to stand in front, it wasn't a show I cared that much about. But at the Chicago HOB, the only seats are barstools that ring each level, and those are reserved exclusively for the people who prepay for the dinner thing. I needed to be able to sit, I had just had surgery. But the restaurant was not at all full, I think many people just pay up so they can sit, but eat somewhere not so... porky. Even in Slaughterhouse Chicago, HOB stands apart in its lack of accommodation for vegetarians. I'm actually surprised Morrissey will play there at all, the smell of cooking pork pervades the place.
Just went to another show at HOB Boston. If any one went to Avalon, you'll recognize it. The roof is higher to get the second balcony in, and the stage is a bit higher I think, but apart from that, it's Avalon. The same entrance, the same coat check, the same bars with one new one at the back of the room. The line to get into the restaurant at 5:30 for a 8pm show was 2 hours. The line for the doors was already well formed in 20 degree weather. We came back at 7:20 and got in quickly but the room was already pretty full.
Of God, not that same coat check :(

What show did you see?

I wonder what's up with the slow/long lines to get in? They obviously want people IN sooner than later...you can't start buying drinks until you are in the door. Hope they resolve that issue before the 29th.
I was able to buy a stadium seat, so I won't have to queue up early and stand for the entire show. It's going to be a great concert!
Who's queueing? Morrisseychic? Flax? Anyone? Bueller? Still considering it, m'self, despite my conviction that it won't be worth the trouble.

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I have great seats for Foxwoods, the night before. So, I won't be lining up for Boston. Probably gonna show up at the time doors open.
I'll probably show up 1-2 hours prior to doors opening. Might be overkill especially since I don't need to be up front but would still like a good spot.
Just hope that the line moves along. Nothing worse than standing outside in the cold waiting to be frisked.
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