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  • I was looking through the old topic about where members are from. I was pleasantly surprised to see another fan from Haverhill. Just wanted to say Hi!
    Hello, nice photo of you and Morrissey. I'm friends with you on myspace, but who gets on there anymore!? I remeber looking at your photography, very amazing!

    hugs Anne
    Hey Jen! Thanks for the Christmas card that was most unexpected and thoughtful of you! :) Do you still have the same address? Cuz I have a card for you too! I just wanna make sure I get the right addy b4 I send it out! Bcnya on fb ;-) Take care, Karrie
    I’ve been bad about replying –sorry! Hope you are well (how’s school?) Happy EVERYTHING to you!! :)
    Hey girl! That's great!! I'm toying with a similar & other decisions, as well. :) Good luck to you. Funny you should write (thanks) I listened to Rio today :D Stay in touch, k!?
    Thanks, girl! How are you? Haven't seen you much around here. Hope you are well. Stay cool :cool:
    Hi Jen! To answer your ?. NO not particularly. I do like a few of their songs but not enough to want to buy any of their CDs. MORRISSEY is my #1 fave artist!!! He's the only one I am serious about collecting. I get anything and everything I can find on him/Smiths that I can afford lol! Speaking of which, have you gone thru my long list I sent you of songs I have of his/Smiths yet? Anything you'd like from me? You were so nice to make me those CDs I would like to at least return the favor! PM me! ---Kar
    Hi, I got a very similar photo to the one you posted in the Frink. You must have been standing right near me at Foxwoods! :0) I was the one who gave him the green t-shirt!
    Yeah thankx I got it on Weds! :D LOVE MY CDS!!! It's so cool to have a copy of the very gig I/we attended! I sent your TY card out today ; + I've revised my Moz/Smiths songs list and I'll send ya a copy of it sometime next week ; just in case, I have anything you don't?! But I doubt that! Thanks again Jen! :) Karrie
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