Article: "Morrissey Fansite Founder Responds to Alleged Threats" - Yahoo Music; Statement and TMZ Li

Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Morrissey uses the world ‘vexatious’ which has a clear legal meaning. He doesn’t use ‘frivolous’ alongside it. There is a clear distinction between possibly ‘tipsy’ banter for emotional ventilation about a ‘vexatious’ website, and a focused discussion or plan to threaten, harass or inflict bodily harm. There’s no evidence whatsoever of any such plan.

However, “Morrissey” needs to be very careful how he handles this. There are clearly mild, trivial elements of harassment in depriving Mr Tseng of the ability to attend public concerts and Morrissey needs to clarify if he was even aware of this or if some gormless promoter or other lackey took it upon themselves to try and win brownie points with their master. Free Speech Is Everyone’s Business and the idea of a public concert venue being a place of censorship is utterly repellent Whilst Morrissey make be irked by those who mocked his faux-vegetarian animal rights schtick in the past, he surely knows he just has to suck it up? Appearing on stage with paid lackey musicians wearing “Fcuk” t-shirts was utterly bizarre behaviour as it gave credence to this hateful online creche & the 3 Mental Patients, etc.

This site is a refreshing blast of Fan Fiction, Fantasy, Rumour, Gossip and Fact, it goes with the dismal terrain of modern fake C-list celebrity which Morrissey is part of. Taking anything anyone writes on this site remotely seriously is pants. However, when someone moves from online mockery/adulation to disinhibitory stalking of a support act then the time has indeed come to ban that person from future shows, for their safety and that of others. The discrepancy between Mr Tseng’s treatment and that of other delusional cult casualties within ‘The List’ is *fascinating*.

I suggest everyone calms down. A singer who’s just released a song debunking and damning the theatre of alpha male violence is hardly likely to be party to any such L.A Confidential type shenanigans unless seriously delusional and unaware of other ‘alters’. There’s no evidence of such a personality disorder. His note clearly ironically nods as far in this “I’m Not A Man” direction as his legal advice allows. It would certainly be astonishing if someone who recently released “I’m Not A Man” was still dabbling with bad-boy boxer/bouncer hard-man tropes other than as an amusing plot device for a song.

If I were in Mr Tseng’s shoes, I’d LOL and await the inevitable song which will enshrine this preposterous affair for posterity. I doubt very much “Morrissey” will be able to resist that one! In the unlikely event that someone within the camp follower/Praetorian Guard took it upon themselves to formulate a plan in relation to silly banter about this site by “Morrissey”, then how is he responsible unless he became aware of it and encouraged, funded and involved himself in it? He isn’t, unless evidence emerges he actively considered anything moving beyond harmless banter. We don’t know, we’ll never know, or very few of us do/will/have any right to know.

I’d also caution both Mr Tseng and Mr Morrissey about the LAPD. I spent 24 years in close combat with goon squad elements within their ranks before they finally succumbed to consensual reality in 2009 and handed over a psychopath to British justice. It’s the main reason I was unable to become something as silly and inconsequential as a ‘pop star’. Etc. Both of you need to be very clear that once you engage with their system whether on a civil and/or criminal basis, you lose control. Some of the same homophobic , racist, KKKatholiKKK clowns who tried to bring “BrummieBoy” down are still in the ranks and would relish making Morrissey’s life hell on earth in revenge for “I Have Forgiven Jesus” and camping it up as a freak priest onstage and being a Tex-Mex-Cali icon. As Mr Tseng has Chinese heritage, he would also be considered fare game by some of the good aul boy Fat Sherrif types I had to deal with over decades. Seriously, everyone think very strategically before they tie themselves up in pointless theatrical legal dramas which may spiral into something very nasty if dubious types in the ranks get to cause mayhem.

I have no view on the validity or probity of this Bradley Stern fellow other than to note that he appears to have engaged with TMZ voluntarily. Anyone who amuses themselves following the endless frivolous & vexatious lawsuits against the estate of Michael Jackson will understand that having anything to do with TMZ is a warning alarm bell about a person’s motives.

Given his views on the sanctity of animal life, it’s impossible to imagine that Morrissey was involved in any threats against the human animal known as Mr Tseng. If he was, I’d eat my testicles in shock. He’s an entertainer

I suppose advertising an album by giving credence to TMZ gossip culture is novel and beats being a tour-bus bitch/corporate rock whore, etc. It’s also entirely in keeping with the t-shirt debacle in Bradford when “Morrissey” gave this site a credibility and influence which it surely doesn’t have. Surely?

With every good wish

Yours in jubilo


Lower Gardiner Street Dublin


Ps: “Morrissey” is not here either!. He’s not in Dublin, that’s for sure, as everytime he’s here it’s all over the Twittersphere, just like when he’s in Birmingham and Stockholm.
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Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Yes I am aware of that but davidT still has not been threatened. Granted it's not something you want to hear, but a post on TMZ where some guy says some other guy asked him to rub someone out is not a threat on your life. If he actually was threatened believe me he would know about it and there would be no grey area.

You don't have to be informed you are being threatened. There are plenty of people in hospitals and cemeteries who didn't know someone was out to get them.

Morrissey's ludicrous statement yesterday, essentially "Yes, I hate David Tseng but not that much." hardly helps. It wasn't far off "I have never met Bradley Steyn but when I did it was in the presence of my attorney." If a photograph comes to light of Morrissey and Steyn together that might prove interesting.

I very much doubt David is, or ever was, in great jeopardy, but when someone as plainly odd as Morrissey is said to have made threats it would be silly not to seek some rudimentary legal safeguards. Davidt would be absolutely justified in contacting both the police and an attorney.

I'd want a letter from both Morrissey and Knutsen formally denying these claims. A typically sneering passive/aggressive TTY statement doesn't really cut it.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Wow! This is much more fun that boring old music.
Let us wish for a thickening of plot.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Wow! This is much more fun that boring old music.
Let us wish for a thickening of plot.

I agree Peter. This has more than made up for having to listen to World Peace all the way through six times.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

You don't have to be informed you are being threatened. There are plenty of people in hospitals and cemeteries who didn't know someone was out to get them.

Morrissey's ludicrous statement yesterday, essentially "Yes, I hate David Tseng but not that much." hardly helps. It wasn't far off "I have never met Bradley Steyn but when I did it was in the presence of my attorney." If a photograph comes to light of Morrissey and Steyn together that might prove interesting.

I very much doubt David is, or ever was, in great jeopardy, but when someone as plainly odd as Morrissey is said to have made threats it would be silly not to seek some rudimentary legal safeguards. Davidt would be absolutely justified in contacting both the police and an attorney.

I'd want a letter from both Morrissey and Knutsen formally denying these claims. A typically sneering passive/aggressive TTY statement doesn't really cut it.

Yeah I think I'm done trying to explain what an actual threat is. Unless compelled to do so by the law I don't think Morrissey has to do anything to appease anyone, including DavidT. Unless it is all proven to be true which i so highly doubt that I can't even begin to express it all you have is the mutterings of a disgruntled employee.

I hate that Morrissey has a problem with DavidT regarding this site and the banning of him from shows makes me sick but it in no way at all pushes me anywhere near swallowing this bag of bullshit. I suspect a few of you actually want it to be true. It's the only explanation I can think of as to why you guys have fallen for it. Maybe there's not enough Soap Opera around?
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Re: DavidT speaks about threat

First it was Tupac. Then Biggie. Now they're going after T-Seng? Things have really gotten out of hand.

There's no way I can be bothered to read all these pages and pages of posts across multiple threads, and I don't really want to, but I've got to say, this is an awfully bizarre story to be greeted with on solo this morning...

I don't think I have anything more to say about it, except that I am thoroughly bemused and discouraged by all of the crap flooding out in response to it from all sides.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

First it was Tupac. Then Biggie. Now they're going after T-Seng? Things have really gotten out of hand.

There's no way I can be bothered to read all these pages and pages of posts across multiple threads, and I don't really want to, but I've got to say, this is an awfully bizarre story to be greeted with on solo this morning...

I don't think I have anything more to say about it, except that I am thoroughly bemused and discouraged by all of the crap flooding out in response to it from all sides.

Don't worry you haven't missed anything.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

After reading the comments on TMZ I hope there isn't a "hit" ordered on Harvey Levin.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I don't have a case, so there is no need. I just think it should be below a fan site to spread vile gossip.
Without the gossip, and with a bit of moderation on the abusive (and mostly anonymous) postings, this could actually be a great site.

Your last two posts really hit the nail on the head and the lengthy reply I am struggling to find time to write is unneccessary.
I really do wonder why the people who continue to perpetuate character assassination against Morrissey continue to come here.
If Morrissey were as reprehensible as so many of the thread responses I read on this site make out, then I would feel no pull to the music or Morrissey-Solo.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I'm really sorry you have been made to feel threatened Davidt, I truly am. That's not nice and not on, whether true or. But please, for the sake of people who have visited your site, as members and observers, purer so many years, please answer the question so many people have, which is "why do you choose to post incredibly negative rumours based on little evidence as a news item of the main page of the website". Morrissey says and does a lot of stupid shit, and I am FAR from one of the blind followers who thinks he can do no wrong. But, celebrity or not, if someone wrote unconfirmed stories about my business dealings I would be pissed. And if the same person posted untrue stories about my health, I would dislike them a great deal. So, why is it you fail to see that these actions have had a negative impact, both from Morrissey himself, and from many who choose to visit this site.

Please just answer the question.

Once anotherordinaryboy
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Your last two posts really hit the nail on the head and the lengthy reply I am struggling to find time to write is unneccessary.
I really do wonder why the people who continue to perpetuate character assassination against Morrissey continue to come here.
If Morrissey were as reprehensible as so many of the thread responses I read on this site make out, then I would feel no pull to the music or Morrissey-Solo.

I agree. Why would anybody want to post at the website of an artist they don't like? A Morrissey fan saying that they like Morrissey's album on a Morrissey site shouldn't be abused and called an idiot! Criticism is fine, especially constructive criticism from Solo members of the more cogent kind, but Hagarta and Louse, for example, cross the line into crude personal abuse.
We all make mistakes yes but then you own up to those mistakes and apologise for them something that wasn't done.

I think the site is good, it suffers from under moderation at times but generally speaking I think it's well balanced, not too sycophantic but at the same time doesn't wallow too much in the tabloid.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I'm going to try to simplify it for you as if you were a 5-year-old...

There. Were. Never. Plans. For. Murder. I've repeated that several times, probably a couple times in this very thread.

My claim is that there must be some validity to the security guard's claim that DavidT was on Morrissey's radar BECAUSE 1) Morrissey circulated DavidT's photo to the crew the night of the Santa Ana show (who does that? who spends the time and energy looking for one person of thousands to punish them? and 2) DavidT was eventually spotted and was asked to leave.

This all proves that there was discussion of DavidT between Morrissey and at least one other person. What that discussion was about will be sorted out by lawyers and all parties involved.

But what will probably happen is Morrissey will settle out of court because he doesn't want the sorted details to leak and there will be several non-disclosure agreements signed. And we'll never hear from this again. Just like all of the other allegations that have been brought up in the past.

But your point isn't even interesting? We know davidt is banned and the ban is enforced. But there is no evidence of anything else. Its pretty standard for a security team to circulate photos of nutcases undesirable stalkers and perverts, that's what they do. No need for any settlement, no threats made, pretty standard stuff. Carry on....
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I agree. Why would anybody want to post at the website of an artist they don't like? A Morrissey fan saying that they like Morrissey's album on a Morrissey site shouldn't be abused and called an idiot! Criticism is fine, especially constructive criticism from Solo members of the more cogent kind, but Hagarta and Louse, for example, cross the line into crude personal abuse.

It's a forum, not a religious cult.

By the way, in case the irony escapes you, calling me Hagarta is crude personal abuse.

With regards to this news story and Morrissey acting like a power crazed despot above the law - well duh, its hardly rocket science is it?
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Re: DavidT speaks about threat

If I were in Mr Tseng’s shoes, I’d LOL and await the inevitable song which will enshrine this preposterous affair for posterity.

that would be so awesome! :D and somehow make this nonsense worth it :rolleyes:

in other news, if ever I thought that this site would somehow be cited in a murder involving Morrissey :eek:
I gotta say, I always thought it would be some dedicated hater of Morrissey that frequented here doing something to Moz :straightface:
not something like this, I stand corrected :o
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

There were no quotes in the TMZ report other than the verbiage taken from the filed court documents which are available to the public.

Have I missed something here? Have there actually been any filed court documents released? I didn't see anything in the TMZ article (or in any of the dozen or so "news" articles I read that subsequently picked up the TMZ story) that indicated any such documents had been seen or that they were being quoted directly. They're quite vague about the source, in fact, saying "so claims the bodyguard in a new lawsuit," and then waffling about what the threat allegedly was and who is even being accused of having made it.

If such court documents do in fact exist and if they have been released to the public, I'd love to see them.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Have I missed something here? Have there actually been any filed court documents released? I didn't see anything in the TMZ article (or in any of the dozen or so "news" articles I read that subsequently picked up the TMZ story) that indicated any such documents had been seen or that they were being quoted directly. They're quite vague about the source, in fact, saying "so claims the bodyguard in a new lawsuit," and then waffling about what the threat allegedly was and who is even being accused of having made it.

If such court documents do in fact exist and if they have been released to the public, I'd love to see them.

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