Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

That's nice, but it's not what you've written in the TOS:

I didn't say anyone has to do anything, I think in general people should be credited fairly. What in that part of the TOS suggests otherwise?
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

So I can steal all of Flax's album scans, steal all of "Stephane's information", host all of the bootlegs downloaded from Drifter's site and go start a website with a less tacky name & design while passing off all the work as my own and because they are "anonymous", you find no flaw or indecency in that?

Much of Stephane's information has already been copied and is published on the web, nearly everything if you know how to look. The bootlegs are no more owned by the person hosting them than the person who downloads them. Can you download the album scans and host them as your own, sure, it would take less than an hour to do. Taking a picture of an album cover doesn't make the captured image yours anymore than taking a photo of the Mona Lisa does. And chunks of the web are already based on taking information displayed one way, changing the formatting and redisplaying it.

Now questions of "should" one do this are moral issues that each person answers for themselves.

Still, we've gone off the rails at tad. I would be surprised if a copyright holder requesting removal of content from PJLM was ever refused. However, it's seems to be a moot point now, unfortunately.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I didn't say anyone has to do anything, I think in general people should be credited fairly. What in that part of the TOS suggests otherwise?

The TOS suggests neither is the only thing I meant to point out.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

The problem with written communication is that tone doesn't really come through. So either I'm missing your sarcasm or you're missing that things posted by the handle !Viva Hate! are still posted anonymously.

The difference here is that while !Viva Hate! may just be an anonymous screen name to you (as you are to me) he is a person to me. One that I actually know. One whose review was plagiarized. Therefore, I fail to see the humor in the matter and I definitely fail to accept your assertion that !Viva Hate! is nothing but a faceless username.

You can credit the source '!Viva Hate! at', that's what I would do if I took something someone had written.

Your logic, per usual, is flawless. If everyone ran their site with such integrity the world would be a brighter place.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I definitely fail to accept your assertion that !Viva Hate! is nothing but a faceless username.

And yet, that's what handles are. They give you the ability to create a persona unique to your actions at any given site. That persona can reflect anything you like it to in one place and something completely different in another. However, it is still anonymous. True, we're in the middle here, not at either end. These aren't posts by "Anonymous" but we're not on Facebook with our real names either. What folks seem to fail to realize with handles (rank generalization I know, but grant me a bit of leeway) is that behind each of those anonymous handles is a real person. I find that real and important and would enjoy web interactions more if others did as well. I also won't be holding my breath waiting for change.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

And yet, that's what handles are. They give you the ability to create a persona unique to your actions at any given site. That persona can reflect anything you like it to in one place and something completely different in another. However, it is still anonymous. True, we're in the middle here, not at either end. These aren't posts by "Anonymous" but we're not on Facebook with our real names either. What folks seem to fail to realize with handles (rank generalization I know, but grant me a bit of leeway) is that behind each of those anonymous handles is a real person. I find that real and important and would enjoy web interactions more if others did as well. I also won't be holding my breath waiting for change.

I definitely don't use my real name on Facebook...
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Don't flatter yourself too much. Each description was put together with 10-20 different sources: reviews posted on websites such as moz-solo, contributions sent to me by people who attended, audio bootlegs, youtube footage, etc. I spent 2-4 hours on each description to patch it all up together. Significant contributors were credited.

You cannot steal information that has been made public. I never got offended to see my descriptions copy-pasted all over the internet.

It's people like you who turned me off the world of Morrissey. I have to say my life has only been better since I started spending less time hanging around these parts.


Now I can see why you couldn't be bothered with maintaining your website. It had always been a inexhaustible source of information and it's being tremendously missed. I really can't believe that anyone here would make such dumb accusations. Please don't listhen to them ... it's just the usual suspects, the same people who ruined the enjoyment of this site and made it an enemy of the man they claim to admire.

Thank you for everything Stephane ... I wish you would make all the info available again, even if you would never update any of it ever again!
what happened to passionsjustlikemine?

what has happened to passionsjustlikemine? used to be brilliant, with the lyrics and gig history sections, but that's all disappeared. has it been moved to a new site? i mailed Stephane but got no response...
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

does anyone else get the impression that Stephane and the mods are a bunch of condescending, pompous asses?
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Like "Oh hey, I maintained a Smiths/Morrissey site since 1996, you aint got shit on me!"
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Like "Oh hey, I maintained a Smiths/Morrissey site since 1996, you aint got shit on me!"

Well that's something you've managed to get right, you ain't got shit on anyone who's done anything whatsoever that's positive for this community. You chatter to much and most often it's shite.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Oh Billybu

you obviously have me confused with somebody who gives a flying f***.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Can't Stephane just dump the whole site into a .txt file and let us sort through it? It's like all that knowledge has just gone down the drain. :(

I'm absolutely heartbroken that PJLM is gone. To me it's like the Library of Alexandria burning down.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Can't Stephane just dump the whole site into a .txt file and let us sort through it? It's like all that knowledge has just gone down the drain. :(

I'm absolutely heartbroken that PJLM is gone. To me it's like the Library of Alexandria burning down.

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP - not

Viva Hate is right, the site will soon be relaunched. However, I thought it was supposed to be a secret?

I gave the contents to a team of people at the beginning of the summer. They are completely redoing the looks (it's going to be gorgeous) and updating the concert descriptions before launch. They have more allotted space so it's going to be more illustrated than PJLM V1.0.


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