Will we ever get another "gentle" Moz album?


Such a Nice Guy
Does anyone remember how Ringleader was originally supposed to be a more gentle and subdued album? Obviously Ringleader didn't end up that way, and Years of Refusal was also the complete opposite.
Does anyone think Moz has it in him to release another gentle album, ala Vauxhall and I?
As much as I adore Years of Refusal, I don't really want another album full of crunchy, played-out power chords.
it's a good question and i agree that, although i love years of refusal, a gentler album would be lovely. i love the sound of morrissey's voice with acoustic guitar/piano, so something that incorporated that would be cool. if a gentle album was to become a reality jesse tobias would have to stay well away from the studio.....
it's a good question and i agree that, although i love years of refusal, a gentler album would be lovely. i love the sound of morrissey's voice with acoustic guitar/piano, so something that incorporated that would be cool. if a gentle album was to become a reality jesse tobias would have to stay well away from the studio.....
Oh man, I'd love to hear Moz croon along to a piano again.
A piano, string quartet or chamber orchestra accompaniment would be nice.

That being said, I way prefer ROTT and YOR over VAI.
I hope so. I'd like to hear something that is to YOR what Southpaw was to V&I. A really extreme swing in the opposite direction.

That said, I'm really just hoping there'll be another album at all.
Does anyone remember how Ringleader was originally supposed to be a more gentle and subdued album? Obviously Ringleader didn't end up that way, and Years of Refusal was also the complete opposite.
Does anyone think Moz has it in him to release another gentle album, ala Vauxhall and I?
As much as I adore Years of Refusal, I don't really want another album full of crunchy, played-out power chords.

viva hate[8] was a gentle album, and after vauxhall[9] his best, followed by refusal/arsenal/quarry [those 3 are 7's]

I'd say you wanted some other way don't blame Steve Lillywhite for it, give him a call, and ask him if he's gonna record a new album in the studio, Lillywhyte will be recording it, and is behind the deskpanel to make it sound
musicly OK, he has Alain, Boz for a decent track but maybe it's time for a guest co-writer, enough around, I don't mind who it is but it's good even
Tom Petty or Neil Young would be accepted
or Carl Barat, yeah there guy down there coming from Whytenshaw...:(

Even though Vauxhall and I is one of the greatest achievements of Morrissey's life, I'd hate it if he made a Vauxhall 2.

As with any new Morrissey album, I just want something that sounds different from his previous work, regardless of how good the past albums may have been.
I'd like a mix, but I prefer his voice when it sounds powerful.
Congrats on making the 1500th Vauxhall and I appreciation thread.

Vauxhall is my least favorite album of his. I understand that this makes me really really really weird.

I kid, I kid.

What's your favourite?

ROTT, I believe. Vauxhall was just so... mild. Mild to the point of being wishy-washy. I mean, Morrissey's worst songs are still better than most artists' best songs, but I just don't understand why so many people claim it as their favorite. I like some of the songs on it, but many of them just make me sleepy. D:

Look what you've done! You've made me say negative things about Morrissey. How will I ever sleep at night now? *shakes fist at you*
I think Vauxhall is as perfect a Morrissey album as you are going to get imho. And with his currently personel on board, I can't imagine them producing a "gentle" album. This is not a shot against the Walkers and Jesse but I just can't see it happening.
Vauxhall is my least favorite album of his. I understand that this makes me really really really weird.

It's not my least best, but I certainly don't hold it in the much vaunted status that critics and most fans seem to. It's certainly my least listened to Morrissey record.
So that's you, me and I am a Ghost? Anybody else wanna be a weirdo?...
Even though Vauxhall and I is one of the greatest achievements of Morrissey's life, I'd hate it if he made a Vauxhall 2.

As with any new Morrissey album, I just want something that sounds different from his previous work, regardless of how good the past albums may have been.

I feel exactly the same. As much as I love Vauxhall (it's my joint absolute favourite with YOR), I usually try and refrain from holding it up as a paradigm of perfection. I like it when Morrissey evolves and has a complete departure from previous albums- for example, although Ringleader was very rocky for the most part, YOR was in quite a different musical style.
It's not my least best, but I certainly don't hold it in the much vaunted status that critics and most fans seem to. It's certainly my least listened to Morrissey record.
So that's you, me and I am a Ghost? Anybody else wanna be a weirdo?...

Me too, weirdo. :thumb:
It's not my least best, but I certainly don't hold it in the much vaunted status that critics and most fans seem to. It's certainly my least listened to Morrissey record.
So that's you, me and I am a Ghost? Anybody else wanna be a weirdo?...
True story.

I'm with you lot and I'm with Scarlet on ROTT:thumb:
It's not my least best, but I certainly don't hold it in the much vaunted status that critics and most fans seem to. It's certainly my least listened to Morrissey record.
So that's you, me and I am a Ghost? Anybody else wanna be a weirdo?...

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