What if Morrisseys "Voice" problem is a bit more serious than we think???

Get well soon Morrissey....Maybe this is More of a 'problem' to him than any of us know......
I feel so sorry for any fans who have been disappointed by the Cancelled shows ( I have had that experience myself, so I know the feeling folks....),
But, maybe, just maybe....there is a bit more for Morrissey to be worrying about Health -wise.
I am now Convinced that the Man doesn't just Cancel for any flippant reason....He is FAR too Loved and adored....who would NOT Love to be told that, and worshipped .....Nightly???

Get yourself properly checked out, Moz,and get back onstage when you can....
My thoughts are with you...as well as with the Fans who feel "Let Down"....He'll be back when he can.
Best wishes M,
Oh, to be Morrissey's doctor...

"Now say 'Ahhh'..."
Nodules carry a great stigma among singers, and the psychological impact of the diagnosis should not be underestimated either. :( He certainly is reluctant to cancel an appearance. However, patient compliance is essential when serious damage has occurred, because when not taken care of, vocal fold nodules can change the voice timbre permanently.

I feel sorry for those who were looking forward to tomorrow's gig.

Get well soon, Moz. :flowers:
Maybe he could use one of those talking machines Stephen Hawking has.:guitar:
Well if it is it's a good job we have a massive back catalogue.
According to the MySpace statement:

"Morrissey is on continued doctor’s orders not to sing, to ensure a complete recuperation."

We all want a complete recuperation!!!
Whatever it takes!
Dear Morrisseyfan 08......Re;- the "Hawking" comment....
My reason for starting this thread was, Just
Maybe he might get a bit of Understanding and Respect for any Possible Illness he MAY just be suffering from with his throat....that Stupid comment Just wasn't funny....and , believe me , My sense of humour is so much Sicker than yours...
Can we ( Asking Politely ..) Also Keep this "on topic" please, as, FFS....I am concerned because:-
A, I am feeling a bit Concerned for the man, and his health....

B, I am Concerned for the Fans who have spent cash, to go to Non-Existent shows:-He will return!!! keep the"Faith" !! ...I have been Disappointed a few times myself, but his Gigs when he has been well enough have made up for it to me...Gawdd bless ya Moz!!
and Ermm,
3, That's it...other than me Sending Morrissey a Get well card...this is the best I can do.....
Oh, And ...
4. Please Go to the "Pigsty" page with any other silly remarks, anyone just FEEL'S They have to type...

P.P.S. I am Sorry if this page now has gone "Out of Posting" order, but , as I have been typing this, a few more people have responded.....trying to read and Edit my posts, to account for that, is somewhat squeezing my Skull........
Last edited:
According to the MySpace statement:

"Morrissey is on continued doctor’s orders not to sing, to ensure a complete recuperation."

We all want a complete recuperation!!!
Whatever it takes!

from the rest of the MySpace statement:

"Event Organizers would like to apologize to fans for the disappointment."

According to the MySpace statement:

"Morrissey is on continued doctor’s orders not to sing, to ensure a complete recuperation."

We all want a complete recuperation!!!
Whatever it takes!

he was on that last year!:straightface:
Even the trolls (who are equally sad that so much money may be wasted) wish you well, Morrissey. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it?
quick, someone start a home remedies thread with health advice for His Lordship. I think he should stop eating mucus-causing foods like wheat and cheese.
...Ahh come on People...Just admit it....you'll miss him when he is gone....(..happens to us all.....Eventually...)
THEN were will the likes of us go to have a gripe or whinge??????
Millie Dawgg sends Milli-Licks!!!
I think perhaps Morrissey's throat problems are a result of numerous failed attempts to hang himself.
Dear Morrisseyfan 08......Re;- the "Hawking" comment....
My reason for starting this thread was, Just
Maybe he might get a bit of Understanding and Respect for any Possible Illness he MAY just be suffering from with his throat....that Stupid comment Just wasn't funny....and , believe me , My sense of humour is so much Sicker than yours...
Can we ( Asking Politely ..) Also Keep this "on topic" please, as, FFS....I am concerned because:-
A, I am feeling a bit Concerned for the man, and his health....

B, I am Concerned for the Fans who have spent cash, to go to Non-Existent shows:-He will return!!! keep the"Faith" !! ...I have been Disappointed a few times myself, but his Gigs when he has been well enough have made up for it to me...Gawdd bless ya Moz!!
and Ermm,
3, That's it...other than me Sending Morrissey a Get well card...this is the best I can do.....
Oh, And ...
4. Please Go to the "Pigsty" page with any other silly remarks, anyone just FEEL'S They have to type...

P.P.S. I am Sorry if this page now has gone "Out of Posting" order, but , as I have been typing this, a few more people have responded.....trying to read and Edit my posts, to account for that, is somewhat squeezing my Skull........
What is so sick about my comment? You just choose to interpret it that way.I haven't seen any humour from you sick or otherwise and I have read quite a few of your comments.
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