the OFFICIAL world cup 2010 thread

I know Morrissey has a soft spot for West Ham but seriously, Rob Green. What a c***.
CG, you might enjoy this - examples of footballing theatrics....

Forza Italiax
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I did, thank you. I have some questions though. Like how do they determine to add on minutes to the game? Because it seemed random. And when they are fouled upon is it theatrics to get a free kick, or are they really rolling around in agony? It's an interestingly-paced game. I appreciate how they dance around the ball, it's rather graceful. I bet it's better in person, the television camera angles were'nt so fantastic because without the aid of in-person depth perception, it seemed as though with every kick the ball was going to go in the goal so I'd get all excited for nothing. Actually that's a recurring theme in my life in general. :p I'll definitely watch it again. It was fun.

Well anonx explained the extra time thing- in general it's 30 secs per goal or substiution, and then however long the game is stopped for when there is an injury being treated on the pitch.

As for the football...England play a very similar style to Germany. Stoic, not exactly graceful but beautiful in it's own way.

But Brazil undoubtedly have the flair and grace and are def worth watching. They'll probs win it this year...again.

Thing is with alot of England fans...they aren't very good at just getting behind thier team. We are literally the most critical lot in the world. Game's over, our keeper made a mistake so let's get over it and move on.
I know Morrissey has a soft spot for West Ham but seriously, Rob Green. What a c***.

It's not Green's fault he's not good enough to be England's number one. What do you expect from an Italian manager?

Experience over talent. Every time.

Oh and why are the players all blaming that mistake on the ball? It was shit goalkeeping. Just say it!!

ITV had their own Rob Green moment, the HD Channel switched to adverts just before Gerrard's goal.

Weird about the commercials.. normally in the US there are way too many. During World Cup programming there are none at all during game play. I would think that would be the norm in places where soccer/football were incredibly popular.

As far as the goal allowed by Green.. he blew it but they still got a draw and will still advance because the pool is weak. It could have been a lot worse.

:lbf: Is this real?!
Weird about the commercials.. normally in the US there are way too many. During World Cup programming there are none at all during game play. I would think that would be the norm in places where soccer/football were incredibly popular.

As far as the goal allowed by Green.. he blew it but they still got a draw and will still advance because the pool is weak. It could have been a lot worse.

There aren't any ads shown during a game
it was just a techy glitch last night.
Thanks for all the info guys. :thumb:
Unfortunately,'s an African thing.
On the plus side it drowns out England's annoying
brass band.

Och, I'd rather listen to a brass band than what sounds like a Biblical plague of locusts hovering over the stadium. The folks attending the games must be stone deaf now*.

Does anyone know the name of the England player who's very tall and blonde, looks more like a cricket player than a footballer? UPDATE: Peter Crouch, 6'7", of Macclesfield.

* I saw an article this morning that the vuvuzelas (sounds like a toy the Who's down in Whoville would like a lot) may be banned, saints be praised.
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Man, I'm lovin' the vuvuzelas (I had one as a kid). They give this World Cup its own unique, otherworldly texture. I'll admit, I'm watching the games from thousands of miles away, but I'm all in favor of the action taking place inside an angry hornets' nest. :thumb:

Besides, it's a traditional instrument in South Africa - they're the host country, they should be allowed to express themselves as they see fit.

Word now that they are making a quieter, gentler vuvuzela, to spare the ears of everyone in the stadium. I think that's a fair enough compromise, but it's a bit weeny, nonetheless.
I don't mind the noise (from a distance ;)). I like it when they alter the intensity and it sounds like a swarm buzzing past. ..........>>>>>>>>>>>>>......

But Brazil undoubtedly have the flair and grace and are def worth watching. They'll probs win it this year...again.

I take it you've not seen Brazil play in a while, then.

Besides, it's a traditional instrument in South Africa - they're the host country, they should be allowed to express themselves as they see fit.

Have they not only been taking them to the stands since the early/mid-nineties?
I'm neither for nor against them, though I know most English fans prefer the Sunday-school 'atmosphere' of Old Trafford & the Bridge.
Have they not only been taking them to the stands since the early/mid-nineties?

That's a good question - I don't know. I'm just mindlessly regurgitating what someone wrote about them on the interwebs.

I did have one growing up, so I know that they've been around for, uh, at least a few decades.

I'm neither for nor against them, though I know most English fans prefer the Sunday-school 'atmosphere' of Old Trafford & the Bridge.

So it's true what they say about English Sunday-schools.
That's a good question - I don't know. I'm just mindlessly regurgitating what someone wrote about them on the interwebs.

Well, the same applies to me.

Japan are my least favourite team in the competition-and in general. If Hiroshima & Nagasaki were adequate retribution for Pearl Harbour, how is the world going to avenge today's display of...'football'? I wait with folded arms.
Brazil's debut today against the mighty North Korea (hmm I reckon a 5 goal drubbing at least)

And then hopefully what will turn out to be the match of the week Ivory Coast v Portugal.

Only been impressed by the Argies, the Germans and the Dutch so far. Japan and Paraguay did well
Great draw for New Zeland......great to see Ryan Nelsen the Blackburn and NZ captain lead his team to a historic draw
Not seen a great game yet, Germany were impressive mind.
football hornets soccer vulvazelas
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