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  • I think there's definitely some mileage in the toolbelt idea. It reminds me of the "Does Morrissey Use Porn?" thread from ages back, which made me laugh a lot at the time. If you can send it to me, let me know and I'll PM you my postal addy. :)
    If the stuff fits Action man type dolls, it'll probably be too small as Knitted Moz is typically an inch taller and a bit chunkier. His head is quite a bit bigger, too. Is the tool belt adjustable? These lads average 7.5" around the hips. (Love handles!!! :D)
    you really know how to capture the moz essence! Your cartoons are brilliant x
    Hi Dunya, I'll send a link for the Lakes photos ASAP. The uploads are really crawling at the moment, so have cancelled. I'm really glad that you like them.
    Cheers, Mal.
    Hi there, thanks a lot for the birthday wishes, a happy new year to you and I certainly hope 2010 a great year for us all! *hugs*
    Hi Dunya,
    please tell me how do you people get to put a large picture on the artwork thread! I just know how to upload thumbnails :(
    thanks again dunya! next time I would apreciate your help. But I'm afraid next time is not going to be so soon:) Anyway it is great to have someone to count with..
    thanks Dunya, I apreciate your opinion. The translation must seem really terrible to a native speaker. Sorry! But my English is poor and I had no one to help me with it. Could you help me with the translation nex time ? :)
    Hi dunya,

    As you are one of my eight friends in this forum I’m sending this link specially to you It is found originally on the artwork thread.

    I have post a video on Youtube called “On the Rampart of the Verandah”, it is a little pointless and bore, I know. But at some moment it seems to me necessary to do it.
    This video is something which I still couldn’t classify. Image produces the word that produces image! The song on this video is "Moonriver" incomparably sung by Morrissey. But please don't get too much inspired! Light still shines somewhere
    I hope you enjoy it somehow.

    Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUUrXEElDGk

    Why, how nice of you, thank yooooooooou!:) I could say the same about you!

    Actually I do lose my hair(s) and other stuff a little but I try to clean after meself.:o
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