Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I don't think that The Bukowski Tragedy means any offence, it's just that your presence fills him with an awful, overwhelming dread and despair. This is because you're middle aged and an intimidating austere sentinel with horn rimmed glasses on a rigid face, just the sight of you makes him feel so helpless. And so, every day within seconds of logging into Morrissey-Solo and reading your posts he begins to cry uncontrollably, and when I say cry I mean weep, and when I say weep I mean wail, and when I say wail I mean howl, and when I say Howl I mean Allen Ginsberg, and when I say Allen Ginsberg I mean Charles Bukowski - and all of this from a Godforsaken pit of emptiness which freaks out every poster here and Benny-the-Brutish-Belcher, too.

It's not necessarily your fault however, I just think that sometimes some posters feel like something is very very wrong, and not being quite sure of what exactly it is they have to put some kind of face on the irritation they perceive; with yours being the obvious choice.

TBT continues to return though, for Realitybites wherever he may find her (usually to be found hanging around the Pigsty, typing in sudden staccato-like bursts of words. Three word sentences. Sometimes two. Blunt. Succinct. Spelling it out for you, like she's talking to a child. Using three words where one would do, as they're synonyms for the same word and therefore extraneous.. superfluous, excessive). Many of us ponder the question, wherever we find her; who is this person, what makes her t(h)ick? Asking questions is the only way we can learn. understand. perceive. So in the absence of God we turn to Google, which makes everything much clearer.
Now we've learned, we understand, we have perceived. Thank you Google for enlightening us, so even a high school dropout who works as a cashier at Walmart can comprehend it. A probably fat cashier. Portly. Heavyset. Corpulent.

Solo's lonely hearts club, you must please remember;

there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.

So all you saddos ought to be like me/Snort that good cocaine and let the dating sites be.
'and they say he's mentall..'
Kindest regards (as ever). LOL!

This is actually hilarious. Well done. Quite a roasting. Can't wait for the next post. I'll be sure to keep providing you with ample material to work with. Until then. Over. And. Out.
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I don't think that The Bukowski Tragedy means any offence, it's just that your presence fills him with an awful, overwhelming dread and despair. This is because you're middle aged and an intimidating austere sentinel with horn rimmed glasses on a rigid face, just the sight of you makes him feel so helpless. And so, every day within seconds of logging into Morrissey-Solo and reading your posts he begins to cry uncontrollably, and when I say cry I mean weep, and when I say weep I mean wail, and when I say wail I mean howl, and when I say Howl I mean Allen Ginsberg, and when I say Allen Ginsberg I mean Charles Bukowski - and all of this from a Godforsaken pit of emptiness which freaks out every poster here and Benny-the-Brutish-Belcher, too.

It's not necessarily your fault however, I just think that sometimes some posters feel like something is very very wrong, and not being quite sure of what exactly it is they have to put some kind of face on the irritation they perceive; with yours being the obvious choice.

TBT continues to return though, for Realitybites wherever he may find her (usually to be found hanging around the Pigsty, typing in sudden staccato-like bursts of words. Three word sentences. Sometimes two. Blunt. Succinct. Spelling it out for you, like she's talking to a child. Using three words where one would do, as they're synonyms for the same word and therefore extraneous.. superfluous, excessive). Many of us ponder the question, wherever we find her; who is this person, what makes her t(h)ick? Asking questions is the only way we can learn. understand. perceive. So in the absence of God we turn to Google, which makes everything much clearer. Now we've learned, we understand, we have perceived. Thank you Google for enlightening us, so even a high school dropout who works as a cashier at Walmart can comprehend it. A probably fat cashier. Portly. Heavyset. Corpulent.

Solo's lonely hearts club, you must please remember;

there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.

So all you saddos ought to be like me/Snort that good cocaine and let the dating sites be.
'and they say he's mentall..'
Kindest regards (as ever). LOL!

Trying to hit me where you think it hurts: well hey, that's so cute. Try harder.

When you prove even remotely capable of anything as good as what I do, then maybe you should consider spending less time stalking people from Solo online and do something useful. I cannot imagine the time and effort it took you to pilfer my writing and then weave into what I'm sure you thought was a witty satirical post, but all I can say is thank you. Anyone who would dedicate that much energy to trolling me using personal information must consider me a serious threat. I'm sure you'll eventually come up with something at least 2% mildly humorous.

Then again...probably not.

In lieu of being able to do anything creative, maybe a better use of your free time would be to get those John Wayne Gacy posters on your wall framed. They look so tacky hanging there with just thumbtacks for support...
Trying to hit me where you think it hurts: well hey, that's so cute. Try harder.

When you prove even remotely capable of anything as good as what I do, then maybe you should consider spending less time stalking people from Solo online and do something useful. I cannot imagine the time and effort it took you to pilfer my writing and then weave into what I'm sure you thought was a witty satirical post, but all I can say is thank you. Anyone who would dedicate that much energy to trolling me using personal information must consider me a serious threat. I'm sure you'll eventually come up with something at least 2% mildly humorous.

Then again...probably not.

In lieu of being able to do anything creative, maybe a better use of your free time would be to get those John Wayne Gacy posters on your framed. They look so tacky hanging there with just thumbtacks for support...

You didn't think it was funny? I did. It is kind of odd for them to spend so much time writing about us. But hey, any press is good press... as long as they spell the names right... looking... check. And, you know how desperate I am for attention. Hahaha.
You didn't think it was funny? I did. It is kind of odd for them to spend so much time writing about us. But hey, any press is good press... as long as they spell the names right... looking... check. And, you know how desperate I am for attention. Hahaha.

I didn't think it was funny, but not because I was offended by it. I thought it was garden variety stalking/trolling. Unoriginal self-serving sarcasm from someone who nobody on this forum gives a f*** about, but who CLEARLY gives a f*** about and feels threatened by certain people on the forum. To the point of researching them online and trying to use their personal information against them. And maybe for you any press is good press, but to me it's just f***ing creepy. And dull.

He's a loser.
I didn't think it was funny, but not because I was offended by it. I thought it was garden variety stalking/trolling. Unoriginal self-serving sarcasm from someone who nobody on this forum gives a f*** about, but who CLEARLY gives a f*** about and feels threatened by certain people on the forum. To the point of researching them online and trying to use their personal information against them. And maybe for you any press is good press, but to me it's just f***ing creepy. And dull.

He's a loser.

I was kidding about the attention/press thing. You know I normally hate the trolling/stalking. I don't think this is the same person who was trolling me anonymously. This person at least has a little bit of wit and sense of humor to their writing. But it is creepy that they know so much about us. Apparently our lives are worth investigating and writing about. If you look at it that way, it puts it in perspective.

"...and feels threatened by certain people on the forum." Probably.

Just a hunch, but I think Mozambiguous is Rat/Broken who writes/wrote stuff on that Blue Rose Society blog. Same M.O.
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We called our youngest Ethan, although I didn't tell my wife I was influenced by the John Wayne character in 'The Searchers' (best film ever).

Cool. I my friend named her child Shane from the Alan Ladd character in the movie. Which happens to be my favorite western. :)
This is actually hilarious. Well done. Quite a roasting. Can't wait for the next post. I'll be sure to keep providing you with ample material to work with. Until then. Over. And. Out.

Field Notes: Spotting a potential new alpha male, subject shows excessive jovial and complementary behavior in an effort to establish that her ideals align with his. Night vision cameras show that subject is crying herself to sleep.
Field Notes: Spotting a potential new alpha male, subject shows excessive jovial and complementary behavior in an effort to establish that her ideals align with his. Night vision cameras show that subject is crying herself to sleep.

Doesn't this post, and the other similar one, belong in the Symbolic thread? You are crossing boundaries here, my dear. Keep the crazy talk in the Pigsty.
Doesn't this post, and the other similar one, belong in the Symbolic thread? You are crossing boundaries here, my dear. Keep the crazy talk in the Pigsty.

Field Notes: In her haste, subject forgot to employ trend setting behavior by calling rival female "Saddo." Failed attempts at trend setting behavior have been used on previous forays when engaging with a hostile crowd, notably the inaccurate use of the term "faith based epistemology". Conclusion drawn that subject found the sound of the word "epistemology" appealing and intellectual-sounding more than completely grasping it's actual definition.
Field Notes: In her haste, subject forgot to employ trend setting behavior by calling rival female "Saddo." Failed attempts at trend setting behavior have been used on previous forays when engaging with a hostile crowd, notably the inaccurate use of the term "faith based epistemology". Conclusion drawn that subject found the sound of the word "epistemology" appealing and intellectual-sounding more than completely grasping it's actual definition.

Field note: Saddo is …. well......... sad. :straightface:
Ok I'm ready. I should be able to get enough for a dissertation.

* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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